First grow

once a clone is taken it doesnt matter if you stress the mother into a hermie.

Thanks for the info, great to know. Webcam installed. Here are a couple more pics then I guess I'll leave you guys alone until there's more to update on.



Edit: Just noticed how big those nodes are getting. Sweet! :D
Should begin autoflowering in one week. Thinking about addings 6 2700ks and 2 more 6500ks to this setup. 2 2700ks in between and a bit below each 3 lights, then 1 of each on each end. Is this beneficial enough to be worth it come harvest and to house a future mother in? I mean I'm sure it would be. I can eventually upgrade it to all 150kw cfls.(Post harvest). I think my 2 fans will do fine at keeping the air out and if anything it might help with temperature in the end and I'd have to deal with lights on the sides of the plant less.. Question is, if I did this I'd want to do it by gluing or ziptying a couple of power-strips below the lights, then plugging them into each other lol, but I have no idea where to find those plug-in light sockets I've searched the net. any ideas? --Just found some online for 1.69 a piece but trying to avoid ordering off the internet.
sure. sounds good to me. Plant looks good. I think you've got a promising future as a grower.

Thank you very much for the praise, I hope I can come back with a really impressive setup and yield come this summer.

Thinking about creating a chicken-wire-dome to place over the pot.
Small update: Starting to not be able to tell what's what lol. 15 days old today. Here's a pic. She's starting to smell so sweet.

Decided to skip the chicken wire, went ahead and tied her down 10 mins ago, here's post lst pics. Do I have the basic idea down? Felt strange tying down such a short stalky plant but I think I did okay. Starting to show it's hybrid roots.


EDIT: Just documenting plant response and growth after about 4 hours of LST, it's really impressive:


Also I moved the plant two inches back up to compensate for height-loss 8)
Thanks man I appreciate it! At harvest time I'm gonna make a gif showing her from near day 3 to day 65/70 in an animation. The journal is just as much for me as it is for you guys now, wanna have a good recording of what goes on this grow.

You too man.
About 8 hours after LST, I changed the settings so it shows the true colors better.


I need advice as to whether or not I should super crop/fim. I can see preflowers atm (I think) No pistols or anything popping out yet so can't say for sure it's female. She's growing fast at this point( (Some of the fan leaves almost doubling in size) ). Leave feedback, like, subscribe =D.
looks good. i wouldnt supercrop or fim it, its an autoflower. if you were not tying it down i might go for the fim but youll get the same benefit w/o stressing it the way youve decided to go with tying it down. looking good my friend.
Can't we just all get a bong, and tag-a-long :). Thanks man I am gonna take your advice and not stress her anymore. Just woke up Gonna feed her in about an hour pots pretty light, then I'm gonna let her grow out for an hour or two then re-tie and take a pic 8)
3rd tie down, lots of light getting in there, I tried to move around my fan leaves and tuck-and-groove best I could. It's hard to find a place to tie to because of how close together the growth is

Why are your pictures so funky?

They're taken with a couple year old webcam i have setup so i just take the picture right from my pc. My digital camera I can get to turn on but the lens won't come out unless I tap it a few times, then it kinda goes out and in. I used to be able to get it out now it's on a very rare occasion it decides to. So I'm looking for a decent camera to pop up on craigslist for an equally decent price.
Oh, because I am not trying to be an ass hole but I would definitely subscribe if the pictures weren't so weird. I am still going to stop in when I have time but I would a lot more often with better pictures.
Oh, because I am not trying to be an ass hole but I would definitely subscribe if the pictures weren't so weird. I am still going to stop in when I have time but I would a lot more often with better pictures.

Def thanks for the tips, since it's near flowering time I'm gonna go ahead and splurge. Good pics coming tomorrow! Hopefully depicting some pistils, yet.
Yay! Gotta love LST'! My first grow I pulled an O from 2 plants both fast bud, this time I should easily pull an O from one plant!! It's amazing how much you can learn from 1 grow.
Yay! Gotta love LST'! My first grow I pulled an O from 2 plants both fast bud, this time I should easily pull an O from one plant!! It's amazing how much you can learn from 1 grow.

Ever grow an autoflower? Have any idea of what I might expect?

Edit: Oh Fast bud is an AF strain -_- lol. Also foolet checked out your grow again. Think instead of tying down I should throw down a cake rack thing like yours? I have one laying around
Ever grow an autoflower? Have any idea of what I might expect?

Edit: Oh Fast bud is an AF strain -_- lol. Also foolet checked out your grow again. Think instead of tying down I should throw down a cake rack thing like yours? I have one laying around
It may be a lot of work but I'd say slowly go for the LST then throw the rack on ;) Idk if you grow differently but I love that half hour I spend LST'ing and making it how I like it, other people however enjoy checking on it once a day for 5 minutes.
It may be a lot of work but I'd say slowly go for the LST then throw the rack on ;) Idk if you grow differently but I love that half hour I spend LST'ing and making it how I like it, other people however enjoy checking on it once a day for 5 minutes.
i think its fun too, i spend alot more time starting at the plants and grow area and planning out as many steps into the future as possible in my head to maximise my space and lighting than the actual tying em down/adjusting ties part though.