I'm gonna be moving up to 600w MH for veg, I got a switchable ballast for HPS in flower. I have 3 gallon pots for the final transplant and I'm using pro mix organic but plan on adding worm castings, perlite, and azomite to the mix for when I transplant. You think 3 gal is enough and can you even transplant when they are in a pot that big already? As for cropping or lst I dunno what should I do? What is the thing with the netting, maybe I ought to get one of them? Oh and The tent is 4'x4' and a height of 7'8", How long do you guys think I can veg in this space, or is it too early to tell?
and grumpy you aint shitting about them peat pots drying out fast. I almost drowned em I thought and the next day the ones with the fan on em were bone dry.