First grow


Started some decent bagseed about a week and a half ago... i have 7 plants the biggest one has fan leaves that are about 1.25 inches long and .5 inches wide... i have all of them under two 32 watt cfls....

they were planted in those 5-6inch styrofoam cups with miracle grow organic choice potting mix..

tonight im going to be trying to find a camera...

i am trying to move some of these outside( i dont know how many) btw i am in the mid atlantic mountains and then some may flower under the 150 watt hps im getting in a few days

also should i be adding and nutes? and should i be posting and attaching under a proxy?


i'm thinking about moving them all outside to a nice spot... any recs on when i should put them outside and any nutes that i need to give them or cheaper soils that will fill 2-3 foot wide/deep holes... i have lots of clay in the soil in the appelachians im in the wv, va, nc, ky region if that helps... appreciate the feedback



Looks good Blark....ill be following your journal cause i also grow outside....
...dont put your plants in the grass...might get slugs and slugs eat the leaves....
but to grow indoor whats the minimum lights you have to have? I Have the same CFL Bulbs you use........


Thanks Droxster, i don't know the exact recommended lumens per square foot but i know it is somewhere up here.... in my setup i have two soft white cfls and then four of the daylight cfls


Active Member
Plants are looking good, my first grow looked very similar to yours, I kept my plants inside though and ended up with a 600 w MH and it turned out well ok. Just like you I just planted some of my choice seeds from my best smokes, and started 11 plants, by the time the vegetation was hearty and healthy I switched the lights to 12/12, and only got 2 females out of the 11. So what i'm trying to get at here is that if you plan to continue to grow you should look into cloning. Now depending on where you live exactly, and the position of your plants in the sun, they should start flowering at the beginning of august. When this happens you leave them out until you can determine sex, and once you see this pick you best female(and get rid of all the males) and bring it back inside and place it under 18/6 light, this will force the plant to go back into its vegatative stage making it possile for you to take clones. I won't explain cloning because you can read about it anywhere online, not difficult just need TLC. If you do this instead of wasting nearly half your soil with males, you can get twice as much bud for the same imput costs basically.


new pics... i think everything looks healthy except for some of that yellowing in the middle.. still no ferts... about to move them all outside in the next few days to let a friend take care of them.. i have to take a job in another city for the summer.. would love some more feedback... thanks guys



some more up close... the one with the stem shot is the only only one with a purple stem.. i think it was from some purp strain i found a seed in..


so was that first soil the miracle grow organic? it looks sorta like mine it has all kinds of big particles in it, did it cause you any problems? stunt growth? looks like the new soil is treatin em pretty good,im probbly gonna change my soil soon, im from around the same area man.......keep up the good work man


Well-Known Member
Great grow so far especially for CFLs! Aren't stretching at all I'll be watching your grow

good luck


New pics this morning. Everything looks pretty solid except for the browning of the leaf tips in the bottom right plant(only two tips), the bottom left is also looking a little stretchy... other than that i think i am set to move them outside in a few days to a guerrila spot... they have still had no ferts and been the lights have been on 24 hours a day

