First grow: White widow and diablo OG


Well-Known Member
Ok, here we go with the picture update. As usual ill give you all the stats on each plant along with the pics. The Diablo OG is super bushy, really dense and consistant. White Widow has a mind of its own and is growing wild! and BIG! Did some trimming of the lower leaves that were completely dead from the problems I had early on.

Anyways, Enough typing, here's the pics..

White Widow: Height: 14.5 inches Width: 14 inches

Diablo OG: Height: 13 inches Width: just over 12 inches
Well thats it for now i guess.. Hopefully I get my tent soon after I get paid haha. And then ill put the girls into flower and hopefully end with a decent harvest.

If anyone one can see any problems let me know! Or any general comments or suggestions!
(ps. I know some of the bottom tips are yellow, thats old heat stress)

Well, until next time, as always

Stay High!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been about a month since ive updated. Been really busy with work and school. Finally ordered my tent for flowering and it should be here by tuesday at the latest. The girls have grown up alot since the last update so here we go with stats and pics! enjoy!

White Widow: Height: 26 inches Width: 16 inches

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Diablo OG: Height: 25 inches Width: just over 14 inches

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Well-Known Member
wow ive been slacking! lol Im back again with a quick update

Just re-potted the girls into 3 gallons pots for flowering.

Got my new 48x48x78 tent. Got my inline fan on the way. Got my flowering nutes. And i plan to start flowering next week!!!! :hump:

so stay tuned!

Here are some up-to-date pics of the girls

White widow : Height: 32 inches


Diablo OG : Height:31 inches


Well-Known Member

I just flipped the girls into flower.
I got my ventilation set-up with ducting and my inline fan. Im sticking with the MH for about a week to a week and a half. Then ill switch over to the HPS for the last 6-7 weeks
I spent a good amount of time patching up the inside of my tent to make it 100% light proof, I felt super paranoid becuase I dont want any light leaks to mess up this first grow!

Well thats it for now, I'll post some pics up in about 2 weeks, hopefully there will be some changes to be seen.


Well-Known Member
Day 7 Flowering

Well its been a week, so I went ahead and just switched the light over to a 400w HPS for the remainder of the grow
So far so good from what I can see
Only issue was with the Diablo OG, a couple of the branches were breaking off from the main stem but I used some ties to fix them up, hopefully I can save them.
So, guess that's it for now, just hoping everything goes somewhat smoothly and I dont end up getting hermies lol

Ill post up some pics in another week so they will have been flowering for 2 weeks. Should be some good development by then.

Well until next time,
As Always,
Stay high


Well-Known Member

I was just in my grow tent tending to my plants and I was about to turn around and leave when i noticed a small white spider looking bug crawling on the outside of my pot. Before I could kill it, it dissappeared underneath the pot and I couldnt find it anywhere after that.

What could it have been? A spider mite?
Im hoping and praying it wasnt one. I have throughly checked my plants and soil surface and I cant see any other bugs.. Hopefully I never do again.

Should I plan ahead and go get some protective stuff? (ie neem oil, or bug killers, etc.)

or Should I not worry about it?

HELP!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Day 16 Flowering

Update time! Got pics this time :)

Since no one responded on this post I posted in the "bugs" forum and it turns out it was just a curious runofthemill spider much to large to be a spidermite. Anyways, im going to get some more protective stuff once I have the budget for it.

Anyways lets move on to some pics and development. Girls are starting to blossom and look sexy :mrgreen:

White Widow Pics

Diablo OG Kush Pics

Well guess thats it for now. Been doing my best to double check to make sure my tent is nice and light proof for dark period every day and im just hoping for the best on this first grow. Im planning on running these girls for at least 9 weeks, WW will probably go closer to 10.

Any and all comments welcome!

As always
Stay High! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This is not an update, but I just came home to some disgusting shit

Ants and some magets coming out of our kitchen trash, and ants all over the kitchen.
I went fucking ape shit with this spray gun-type bug spray we have and killed all those little fuckers.. so i hope.

Glad they didnt find their way into my room somehow and fuck with my ladies! I would been so pissed!

Anyways, Until next week's update
As Always
Stay High!


Active Member
Hey man.. Been following your journal. Can we get some pics? I'm growing white widow as well right now, wanna see how your ladies are doing =)

EDIT: Forgot to ask: why did you wait so long to put them into flower?


Well-Known Member
Ask and you shall recieve!

Glad to know someone has been following along this long ass journey hahah

on that note: Money issues and Stupidity on my part led to me waiting for so long to put them into flower... Ill know better for next time :lol:, hopefully the girls dont run out of room!

With all that said, here we go with some up close and personal shots of the ladies. I dont really remember with pics are which plants so sorry, but no organization this time! But judging off the thickness of the fan leaves you should be able to tell which is which. WW is skinnier of course, and Diablo OG Kush being thicker.


Well thats it for now, The ladies are almost at the 3 week mark. Still feeding them about half strength of the Fox Farm trio line-up, and im sticking to their schedule. Seems to be working like a charm so far!

Until next time my friends!
As Always,
Stay High!


Well-Known Member
Here we go with another pic update!

Girls are fattening up and looking good! No problems to speak of as of late, so lets hope it stays that way (knocks on wood)

Im leaving for vegas and then home for a week so they will be without me for about a week. Im a little nervous about this but they should be ok.

Anyways, her we go with some pics! Also got some good close ups this time!

Flowering Day 31

White Widow

Diablo OG


Well thats it for now! Hoping these girls will be done in at about 70 days so I can take them back home with me for Christmas break! :hump:

Ill check in again in about a week after my little Vegas and Home trip

Until next time
As Always
Stay High!:joint: