First Grow, Using CFL's


Active Member
i just flushed now! i also for the last part of the flush added alittle bit of epsom salts to the water. im hoping that will help. i do know for sure i had chem burn, as i had mixed bone mean and blood meal into the soil then fertilized a couple times. not thinking i shouldhave been using a K fertilizer only. OOPZZZ live and learn. so i flushed and shes draining still, i used 18.5 LTR's of water. i have a 4 -5 gallon pot. took off alot of the dead and yellow leaves. on the plus side, the buds are still growing nicely. and i have TONS of pistols and Tricoms everywhere


Well-Known Member
nice TK! Lets see some pics! Kudos on the info to fix your plant!

I wanna see some pics!



Active Member
It is lights out right now for the plant. shes been through enough stress today i think. ill take some tomorro after work. :)


Well-Known Member
hey TK! was gonna let you know to go check out Dac's thread, on the post i just made :-P figured it would be easier to tell you to do that instead of typing up what i just said on his thread lol. :)

EDIT: cant wait for pics of them either :)


Well-Known Member
they look great TK! fantastic job :) ill show Dac the pics tomorrow when itake my computer to his house to load up pics of his grow, his plants are doing good by the way :) but yours look great, and the buds have grown alot since your last pic update.. beautiful :)


Well-Known Member
Wooo! Damn TK! Shes looking beautiful! Great job on her!

Love the pics! Thanks!



Active Member
hey bro i havnt been able to do an update with pics my self but i jus checked out urz and OO MAN IM LOVIN IT BRO how long have u been flowering for now? they look amazing with all those trichromes i dont see it like that on mine yet


Active Member
So here goes, i was gone for another 5 days. plant is a bit P or K difficient as you will see. other than that, the bud is growing nicely. i should have left instructions for my helper to no give my plant any nutes while i was gone. im alittle worried he did! as i had flushed a couple days before i left. Oh well. i picked up some really nice treats while i was gone! you will see in my pictures im about to post. will make for a very nice next grow. im super stoked!!!


Active Member
here they are. a bunch of new ones



Well-Known Member
LOL! That was very confusing! Im still trying to translate. Something about a donkey and some lemons I believe....


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
have you got any lamps and lights u would sell gd prices gives tb A.S.A.P
Newb its not a light shop! I dont think tk is selling bulbs unless I missed a post. :lol:

I do like your choice of haze tk, its what Iv got on the go at the mo, be careful how big you let them grow in veg they triple in hight in flower, great social buzz. :bigjoint:

I tried Train Wreck I didnt rate the buzz found I was smoking loads and getting very little from it. :sad: