First Grow, Using CFL's


Active Member
OK so it wont let me upsload GARBAGE. i dont understand why im having issures withthe computer lately. i thin its time for a new one


Well-Known Member
Thanks you for your effort in keeping us pics TK! : )

As for your girl. She's looking overall heathly. Not to sure about the purpling on the leafs and stems, The only thing I can think of is its a bit cold in there.

The brown spots on the lowers, I wouldint worry about. May just be the way of life. Their older leaves and they need to be shed. : /

Keep us updated, And still watch her close!


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
The new growth being yellow and the purps looks like temp change too cold when lights are off. If you can keep the roots warmer, the plant will be able to take cooler temps than it otherwise could.


Active Member
it coul dbe because my soil wont drain with to much water in it, and ya the temp the last few nights have been pretty cold. i need to figure out a way to get that room warmer at night. DAMN IT. im transplanting tonight for sure. should i flush befor ei transplant just to help with any nutrient lock it might be having from high PH etc...


Active Member
wow bro u did sum good training on here shes bushy from all over;)... im liking it im not to sure about the purple and brownish part bro but im pretty sure these guys are right they seem a whole lot more experienced then us .. well i hope ur baby turns those funky colors rite bak to green:D keep up the good work.. i actually wasnt able to post no pics yet my camera is giving me problems rite now hopefully i get a next one real soon.. HAPPY GROWING BRO


Active Member
OK so i am in the process of transplanting right now.i am soaking the CoCo i bought right now, i am also adding a bunch of perlite, and top soil, and tossing in some Blood/bone Meal mix its a 7-7-0 mix only like a teaspoon or something in a 5 gallon pot. the coco needs to sit in water for an hour. then i have to drain the water. really looking forward to this new mix. i hope it works out


Well-Known Member
Hell Ya TK. You doin fine. Hit us up with some pics of the transplant process,if you havint already done it. In that case just post pics! : )



Well-Known Member
Hey bro just wanted to tell you I read you thread and think your doing a great job +rep :mrgreen:

This came from this

Rubbermaids work great and are cheap. I start mine this way then takem outdoors for the finish.


Active Member
I would have posted picutres of the root ball and everything man, but my camera battery was dead when i went to use it. i just have the battery onthe charger. im starting to wish i woul dhave rinsed the root ball / soil with water before i put it int he new mix so i could have put more new soil in. a few of the roots broke when i did it as well. nothing major though. i just put the roots in there so it has some food while it decomposses.

ive learned so much this grow! next grow is going to go wayyy different!


Well-Known Member
cant wait for pics TK! and when you start your next grow ill be right on it, along with DacDac im sure :P this one was fun as hell to watch:mrgreen:


Active Member
:) thanks DLC . its been super fun! i love spending my time researching and learning about it. I love watching everyones grows. its alot of fun to see how everyone is doing and what they are doing. ive learned most from my mistakes though im sure. i hope everyone else learned as well. PEATMOSS IS A NO GO! haha


Active Member
Hey bro just wanted to tell you I read you thread and think your doing a great job +rep :mrgreen:

This came from this

Rubbermaids work great and are cheap. I start mine this way then takem outdoors for the finish.
THANKS man, you have a cool set up there. you should clean up your wires a bit haha, im all about the esthetics. it is so much nicer to work around. you should take a pic of your outdoor pics bro, id love to see it!

I was also at work today, and i now have unlimited access to 1000w HPS bulbs, if only i could find a socket to support it


Well-Known Member
keep up the go0d work.,.,u prob dont want t otryn flush u dont have go0d drainage so it mite drown the plant.,.,.,just transplant and u should be go0d just feeding water.,.,make sure u get some go0d soil/or have a go0d mix


Active Member
i did transplant. problem is the root were everywhere, i went from a 3 gallon to a 5 gallon. so ther eis room for the roots to grow, just the root mass was blocking the wholes of my last pot. so now it has some room to grow down a bit and i have alot of perlite at the bottom so it will drain much better


Well-Known Member
yo TK, i seen your post on you cant find a socket to support the 1000W HPS?, you need a ballast. they dont work in your normal light socket sadly :( but yeah, and the ballasts cost alot too so lol. i was just gonna let you know that :P


Active Member
ya i get the names confused as a CFL has the ballast attached and screws into a socket. but ya it would be awesome if i could find a good deal on one