FIRST GROW! Soil and a 400w mh/hps. PRAY FOR GIRLS!!!

Glad to see I have active, interested followers! Makes me all warm inside :)! I did my transplant into 4 gallon pots yesterday afternoon. It took a lot longer than I anticipated. Wasn't the transplant itself that was time consuming, but rather the mixing of all that soil/Perlite/dolomite. Damn my back hurts! 6'4" bending over for a few hours is no fun! Now my plants look so small in their new home! Another thing, wtf is up with only being able to.get the dolomite in 40-50 lb bags? Guess ill be set for awhile. The soil mixture is 20% Perlite with 1/4 cup of dolomite added to each pot. I was told a tablespoon per gallon of soil. Hopefully that will bring up my PH sooner than later! All plants are still growing. New growth is green, but only takes a day or two to start to show lockout. Also, I only had room for six pots as you can see(should've gotten square ones), so the mutant bb#4 was left in its solo cup. I might throw it into flower under a couple cfls, just for the hell of it. I've found my mh is hotter than my hps was. Hps was holding 79 degrees, while the mh is holding at about 81 degrees most of the time. It feels cooler than that though with the fan running, so I think its fine. Touched my ballast for the first time after running a few days straight and you absolutely need a Damn oven mit to pick it up, lol! Think I may switch to 18/6 today. Here's some pics!!
just kep a good eye on that lime, the OP said a tblspoon and anymore can cause claylike mess in the soil and lockout nutes. otherwise looking good these plants should take off as soon as you get that PH figured out. looking good bro :)
just kep a good eye on that lime, the OP said a tblspoon and anymore can cause claylike mess in the soil and lockout nutes. otherwise looking good these plants should take off as soon as you get that PH figured out. looking good bro :)

no he's ok with that. i said 2-4tbsp per plant so there shouldn't be an issue with his dose
no he's ok with that. i said 2-4tbsp per plant so there shouldn't be an issue with his dose

ahh alright thats good to hear :) i dont know much about the lime >< i have dealt with it before in an industrial setting and lime can be some nasty shit, even give you chemical burns so i wanted to make sure he didnt put too much is all :P
ahh alright thats good to hear :) i dont know much about the lime >< i have dealt with it before in an industrial setting and lime can be some nasty shit, even give you chemical burns so i wanted to make sure he didnt put too much is all :P

Chemical burns?! Yikes!! Good thing I wasn't wearing gloves or a mask, lol. I think I read that somewhere also, but I thought it was for hydrated lime.
Chemical burns?! Yikes!! Good thing I wasn't wearing gloves or a mask, lol. I think I read that somewhere also, but I thought it was for hydrated lime.

yeah i dont know what kind of lime it was all i know is it was nasty shit. not saying it was dolomite lime wich is what you used.
Loyaltytoafault, like I said in the other thread, you have to know the pH of the actual media. To do this, get a jar or pill bottle that your pH pen will just fit into. Then take a sample of the soil, 3 or 4 tbsp, from the area of the rootball and put it in the container. Add enough distilled water to just cover the soil about 1/2". Shake it up and let it set for about half an hour, then test it. You want that pH to be as close to 6.8 as possible. The pH of the soil at this point is extremely stable, and will not change throughout the duration of the grow under normal conditions. The soil will buffer the pH of whatever you put in, to that of the surrounding media as it sits in contact. Run-off water is no indicator as it was not in contact with the media long enough to be affected.
Nute lock out due to pH is really pretty rare in soil. Most lock out issues are from an over abundance of one thing locking out another. You have to really try to fuck up pH in soil.
Obviously, you'll want to adjust the pH of your water/nutrient solution close to that of the soil so as not to shock the roots.
It looks to me like they have been over fed.
I'm not real impressed with FFoF, as many I have seen who use it DO have pH issues, but you have added lime, and we can't change that now. Just check the soil pH and get back to me. Make sure your sample comes from as close to the rootball as you can get.
Loyaltytoafault, like I said in the other thread, you have to know the pH of the actual media. To do this, get a jar or pill bottle that your pH pen will just fit into. Then take a sample of the soil, 3 or 4 tbsp, from the area of the rootball and put it in the container. Add enough distilled water to just cover the soil about 1/2". Shake it up and let it set for about half an hour, then test it. You want that pH to be as close to 6.8 as possible. The pH of the soil at this point is extremely stable, and will not change throughout the duration of the grow under normal conditions. The soil will buffer the pH of whatever you put in, to that of the surrounding media as it sits in contact. Run-off water is no indicator as it was not in contact with the media long enough to be affected.
Nute lock out due to pH is really pretty rare in soil. Most lock out issues are from an over abundance of one thing locking out another. You have to really try to fuck up pH in soil.
Obviously, you'll want to adjust the pH of your water/nutrient solution close to that of the soil so as not to shock the roots.
It looks to me like they have been over fed.
I'm not real impressed with FFoF, as many I have seen who use it DO have pH issues, but you have added lime, and we can't change that now. Just check the soil pH and get back to me. Make sure your sample comes from as close to the rootball as you can get.

Very informative! +rep
Hi Loyalty. I'm running a very similar setup for my first grow w/ a 400W MH/HPS in a 3' x 3' grow tent. So I am subb'ed in and anxiously awaiting the updates.
Hi Loyalty. I'm running a very similar setup for my first grow w/ a 400W MH/HPS in a 3' x 3' grow tent. So I am subb'ed in and anxiously awaiting the updates.

Glad to have you Ottawa! Update tomorrow night! You should start a journal too if you haven't already! Happy growing!
Glad to have you Ottawa! Update tomorrow night! You should start a journal too if you haven't already! Happy growing!

I'm too far into my grow now I would think for it to be interesting at all.. Here are my babies thus far (Only two and two seedlings I started about a week ago) The are all Black Domina x Golden Skunk


as you say, pray for girls!
Quick update. I rechecked my soil PH and it reads 6.5 everytime. Now I know the dolomite lime isn't supposed to act that fast, so I think my PH tester must be crap. They seemed to be doing better though if they were getting locked out. There was some definite nute burn with the one light watering they received after being starved of the h2o. I suppose that means they are receiving some nutrients right? A few of the plants have real odd coloring still from their lockout. Lots of purple and yellow on a few. Two of the blueberries have shown some stretch, while the other plants have not. The mh is at 1 ft above plants...maybe move it a little closer yet?! I believe that Friday will be three weeks since they broke ground, and I feel like they are tiny :(. Shouldn't they be a bit bigger by now with my setup? It's also interesting to note the difference in leaves on seeds that came from the same bud. Some of the leaves look very indica dominate with fat leaves and some look much more sativa . Just want them to hurry and grow a little more so I can get some clones to sex!
It will act faster than you think. What kind of tester/meter is it? Sounds like its working. dead on each time and not all over the place.