First Grow on a budget


Well-Known Member
Cool. I have the same Temp gague! Those are great! Keep yer temps around 80~ youre doing fine!


Active Member
I heard there are things you can do to encourage the plant to be female. Is this just myth or are there actual things you can do to makes sure you don't get a male?


Active Member
I dig that digi temp gauge! Your little babies look amazing, just have patience and they will grow HUGE haha you'll see. Make sure to check around and do your studying, i know there is a great grow guide for beginners in the newbie section (I know because I've read it over multiple times..haha) and all over the internet. I don't recall if you mentioned so I'll ask anyways, but did you order quality seeds or just found some random bag seeds? Hopefully these ones are all female so after you harvest you can make some money to get better lights, maybe hydroponics, and genuine seeds!

Here are some links for some great guides that I strongly suggest you read and get familiar with...


Cannabis Growing Guide

Also I'd say keep your temp around 75-80 and have that fan going gently on the plants to help promote strength and growth in the stems... the fan will simulate the wind like the outdoors.

Are you getting fresh air into that little space? If thats a closet you should open the door at night or leave it a bit open, and maybe set up another fan to blow out the stale air and have another fan blowing air on the plants like I said earlier.

Just a thought I noticed from your pictures...look into constructing a makeshift "hood" for those lights on the Y connectors so all the light reflects back down onto the plants... so you use all the light you possibly can and that will definitely make your plants happy! :)

Oh yeah and like someone else had mentioned, don't use miracle grow... research around the internet or local stores like fredmeyer, shopko, etc.. for some better nutes (you'll learn allll about it after reading those guides!)

Last but not least, good luck and keep this thread posted with good pictures I can't wait to see what is about to happen to them!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input I will be heading off to the store soon to make that hood! When would it be a good idead to transplant these from these pots to bigger pots and better soil?


Active Member
You should post a few more updated pics so we can see how much more your babies have gotten and so people can comment or help you out!

From looking at your other pics I would say transplant to 1 gal buckets in about a week or 2... and read around those links I posted, you will learn basically everything you need to know about soil, lighting, etc..

Hey I found a pretty good idea last night from another forum. I am going to look more into this for a simple and cheap D.I.Y. hood for now until growers like us can afford our "perfect" grow set ups. Here is the link with a few other ideas as well... from cheap CFL hood reflectors to air cooled hoods.

HomeGrown420 - DIY Cooltubes/Reflectors/Hoods

and a picture of a HomeGrown420 - powered by vBulletin forum member's make shift hood idea so you can better understand what I am talking about.

Since you are on a budget hahahah sorry.. anyways since you are a on budget try and get as many of those CFL's as you can, and get a mix of cool and warm spectrums. I went to a fredmeyer and found a untouched 6 foot display wall of CFL's with 1,600 lumens a piece for $.99 a pop haha so search around and you'll never know what you may find that inspires you in some way to improve your grow set up even better!! That's part of the fun with growing these. I have found myself thinking and scheming plans to help my babies grow while I am away from them.. haha you'll see.

Are you making sure to get fresh air in that room and exhausting properly? Just incase I haven't already asked that.. I forget things a lot hahaha.

Oh and concerning patnagel, the seeds genetics determine if the plant is going to be female or male, the best way to ensure 100% female plants is to drop the extra cash and order feminized seeds from the start!

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
So I will have more lights and a new fixture for the closet tomorrow. The room is kinda hot though 89 degrees ( not all the time but it fluxes a word? I am so baked) The fan is on and during the day the door is open. So I think im going to add another fam or somthing Pics soon!


Active Member
The plants have both also straitened out so they are no longer angled to one side where the light had been previously.


Well-Known Member
More Pics adding a new light hood that is being shipped in a few days. and some bigger pots ....growing is slow going right now. time to smoke a J:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Well I am still waiting on the new light to get here but now the leaves are looking like they are a little yellow and on one of the plants it looks as if it is kinda turning brown? Any help? Sorry no pics untill later.


Well-Known Member
Well I added a dead bolt lock to a walk in closet and moved everything to bigger pots a few more lights and I am STILL waiting on the new overhead light hood! It will hold 12 CFL lights!!! I am so excited!:blsmoke: Any comments?



Well-Known Member
bright lights....."We want lighting for x-mas mommy!!" The green question..anybody wanna pipe in???
Yellowing is cause by one or the other;

OVER FERTILIZATION Causes leaf tips to appear yellow or burnt. To correct soil should be flushed with three gallons of water per one gallon of soil.or

NITROGEN (N) Pale plants, red stems, smaller growth. Rapid yellowing of lower leaves progressing up the plant. Add any chemical fertilizer containing N. Treated plants recover in about a week.
PHOSPHORUS (P) Slow or stunted growth, red stems. Smaller leaves that are dark green. Lower leaves yellow and die. Add chemical fertilizer containing P. Affected leaves will not show recovery but new growth will appear normal.
MOLYBDENUM (MO) Yellowing of middle leaves. Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing MO.
MANGANESE (Mn) Necrotic and yellow spots form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn.An EC tester is a good investment...that way you know for sure what is going on with your plants.


Well-Known Member
Do you think the plants are yellow becuase of nitrogen? Would it be best to just transplant the plants into better soil without any added chemicals? Or continue using the MG soil and just flush it? Will the plants live through it>?? HELP!?!?!?!:-|:confused:
I would continue using the MG soil and just flush. Will the plants live through it? They sure can... don't over fert your plants...feed them at once every two weeks or as needed.