First Grow: Nirvana Bubblelicious-600W-4x2x8 Home made Grow Cabinet


Well-Known Member
Strain: Nirvana Bubblelicious

Grow Chambers:
Dr.Tomb's Grow Cabinet (2ft x 4ft x 8ft)

A little background: Completed my grow room, including installing 6" inline fan with carbon scrubber. I had started some auto flowers,
but killed them off when my new seeds arrived (want to actually get a good yield). This is my first grow, including outside and inside styles. Currently My temps are running on average 80*f, but it peaks at about 90*f on hot days and dips down to 68*f at night.

Growing Medium: Starting in Rockwool, then switching to soil mixed with vermiculite, bone and blood meal, Organic Worm castings
ph balanced water: 6.5-6.6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 0 (just finished germinating and planting the seeds with in the last 10min, still waiting for 8th seed to sprout root)
Plants: 7 Seeded + waiting on 1
2013-07-11 15.54.45.jpg2013-07-01 17.jpg


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 2
Plants: 8 Planted in Rockwool

2013-07-12 18.59.39.jpg2013-07-12 19.00.18.jpg2013-07-12 19.00.12.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 3
Plants: 8 Planted in Rockwool

2013-07-13 21.20.17.jpg2013-07-13 21.20.36.jpg2013-07-13 21.20.44.jpg



Well-Known Member
So today i decided that I would just do a non-active hydro. I purchased the 4inch rockwool cubes to transplant into and also bought the Holland Secret 3 part fertilizers (Micro, Grow and Bloom).
Also have some sort of root enhancer, not sure the brand, when should i start it in the water?

Growing Medium:
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 4
Plants: 7 Plants, 1 never sprouted
Day 4.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 5
Plants: 7 Plants



Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 6
Plants: 7 Plants

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 7
Plants: 7 Plants


Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: None
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 8
Plants: 7 Plants
Day 8-1.jpgDay 8-3.jpg

Purchased the cat litter tray, it fits 8 4" rockwool cubes almost perfectly. Also started some Ceres Skunk, should be done germinating in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 9
Plants: 7 Plants

Day 9-4.jpgDay 9-2.jpgDay 9-1.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under CFLs
Days in: 10
Plants: 7 Plants
Day 10-2.jpgDay 10-3.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water: 5.5-6
light cycle: 20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in: 11
Plants: 7 Plants

Transplanted into 4" Rockwool Cubes, Cubes are sitting in a 20"x12" cat litter pan (pan can comfortably hold 11 cubes). Cut poly sheet, to reflect the light and lower the evaporation of the nutes due to direct light. This should also help with any algae. Placed this up in the flowering room, running a 20/4 cycle with the 600W HPS. I placed off to the side to avoid direct light until the girls arent so stressed from the move. Its also finishing some Auto Blue (They can run at 20/4)

Day 11-1.jpgDay 11-2.jpg

Auto Blue Pyramids
2013-07-22 21.37.33.jpg2013-07-22 21.37.50.jpg


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in: 12

Plants: 7 Plants

Day 12-1.jpgDay 12-2.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in: 13

Plants: 7 Plants

Day 13-1.jpgDay 13-2.jpg

Notes: Nothing new to report. Other then i started some Ceres Skunk, this will be added to this pan soon, they are about a week behind. 3 of 6 sprouted so far


New Member
Take that white sheet off the seedlings as it will starve them of O2, it is good to have evaporation as this stops any stagnant water damaging roots with mould etc Algae should not be an issue.. if it is than you need to reduce water level.


Well-Known Member
Take that white sheet off the seedlings as it will starve them of O2, it is good to have evaporation as this stops any stagnant water damaging roots with mould etc Algae should not be an issue.. if it is than you need to reduce water level.

Thanks you for your reply and suggestion. Finally for some input from someone.. I've been just stumbling recenty I think I have a nitrogen deficiency. I'll throw up the last few days tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in:
Plants: 7 Plants

Day 14-1.jpgDay 14-2.jpg

Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Root Enhancer
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in:
Plants: 7 Plants

Day 15-2.jpgDay 15-1.jpg

[HR][/HR]Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Week 1 of the cycle nutes at reduced strength
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in:
Plants: 7 Plants

Day 16-1.jpgDay 16-2.jpg

Notes: Changed the nutes a little.

[HR][/HR]Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Week 1 of the cycle nutes at reduced strength
ph balanced water:
light cycle:
20/4 under 600W HPS
Days in: 17

Plants: 10 Plants (Added some Ceres Skunk i had vegging a week behind)
Day 17-1.jpgDay 17-2.jpg

Added some Ceres Skunk, making it 10 in the pan[HR][/HR]
Growing Medium:
Nutes: Modified Week 2, trying to give a little more Nitrogen to the girls.
ph balanced water:
light cycle:20/4 under 600W HPS , also moved the 6 CFLs (60W) up to the main camber as i have nothing in veg at the moment in the bottom chamber
Days in:
10 Plants

Day 18-1.jpgDay 18-3.jpgView attachment 2755872View attachment 2755871

Notes: Moved some CFL lights into the main grow area with the HPS. Also as you can see on these leaves, it looks like a Nitrogen Deficiency. To try and combate this I have started to give more nuetrients. Here is the feeding scedule suggestion from my Nutes.

Rather then jump to full strength of the week 2, I instead went with 3ml-4ml-1ml/4L (Micro-Grow-Bloom)


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Continuing the Modified Week 2
ph balanced water:
light cycle:20/4 under 600W HPS , also moved the 6 CFLs (60W) up to the main camber as i have nothing in veg at the moment in the bottom chamber
Days in:
10 Plants

Day 19-1.jpgDay 19-2.jpg

Notes: Went out and bought some H2O2, added some to the reservoir. Looking at the new leaves it looks pretty good.
Questions: How are the leaves looking to anyone taking a peak at this?


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool
Nutes: Week 2 from the schedule
ph balanced water:
light cycle:20/4 under 600W HPS + 6 CFLs (60W)
Days in: 29
10 Plants

2013-08-09 19.29.06.jpg2013-08-09 19.29.11.jpg

Notes: Was gone for a week on vacation. Left a buddy in charge. For some reason one of the girls is looking rough. (The back middle plant)

Questions: What would cause this? Checked the PH of the nutes (It was 5.8) and told him exactly how to mix if he needed more and he followed the directions. Guess for now ill flush with some PH adjusted water.


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool sitting on a layer of perlite
Nutes: Week 2 from the schedule
ph balanced water:
light cycle:20/4 under 600W HPS + 6 CFLs (60W)
Days in: 32
10 Plants

2013-08-12 19.12.35.jpg

Notes: Purchased some perlite, rinsed it out and placed a layer of it under the rockwool. I think this will give the roots more room to grow. Also split the 10 plants into 2 different cat litter trays to allow more room to grow. I believe there may have been a minimal amount of roots damaged in the move, but i feel over all it was a good move.
Questions: How many days does transplanting tend to slow the growth down for?

The Grower Man

Well-Known Member
To be honest, they're looking a little underfed tomb. How are you checking the pH? Paper strips, liquid indicators or meter? I'm using GH liquid indicators and it's difficult to get an accurate reading - currently trying to balance it out with overcompensating the initial pH levels a little bit.

I sucked at soil before switching over to DWC, did wonders for my plant. Lol, check out my first attempt -


Well-Known Member
I check it with strips, usually land somewhere around 5.6 or 5.8. I did however ordered a PPM, PH and temp meter, but its in delivery.

They look a little rough for wear, but i think it was due to the limited amount of room for the roots in the 4" rockwools.. probably should have done the perlite a week earlier, before i went on my vacation.. but IMO compared to my autoflowers that i started outside and currently am about to finish in soil, these are moving along a lot nicer. Aside from that weird leafed plant(Not sure what happened to it). Its also hard to tell how the nutes are, being that I dont have a PPM reader yet. So im following a guideline from the website for my nutes (Listed on page 1 of this journal), maybe im under feeding or over feeding.. I should be on a week 5 shedule, but for that plan its flower. Being that i want to clone each and every one of these guys, thats not an option yet, maybe in a week or 2. Im not sure yet which are females or males, so i want clones of each so that i can make an army.

Ps: again thanks for the comments. What bubblelicious brand are you running?

The Grower Man

Well-Known Member
No problem. We're having the same babies - it's Nirvana's Bubblelicious too. =) I'm undergeared though, will be running flowering in a 4 x 2 x 5 tent with only a 400W HPS, although I think with my space, equipment, and local temps I can't run a 600W yet. I'm planinng to scrog, so hopefully running the lights at half power will solve the temp and lumens issue, at the expense of yield.

I wish I could give an opinion on your setup, but I'm primarily a DWC grower, so I wouldn't know much; but I think the yellowing of the lower leaves indicate a N deficiency, and since you're feeding your babies N already I can only think of pH imbalance that's preventing the N uptake. Could also be root damage, but I think they'd die a lot faster if it was.

What I would suggest is to flush them and just use plain water until your meters arrive. While they're in veg they can take the hit, you'd experience slower growth and maybe the death of some of the older leaves, but once your pH and nutes are in order they'd perk right back up.

Anyway are all of your plants bubblelicious? Some of them look sativa-ish. If it's mixed strains, that could explain the weird leaves, although it does look bad rather than different.

For your next grow, give hydro (DWC) a try - watering and drainage are never going to be an issue, and you also get full control of pH and nutes. It's like driving a stick, you take out all the guesswork.


Well-Known Member
There are three Ceres skunk that got added in a week later. There was some yellowing off the get go on some of the lower leaves...but most of the new growth looks healthy..with the one crippled plant aside..think I'll call her Timmy. Lol

For my next go I'm going to build a aeroponics system. I've purchased the tubs, the misters the tubes. Still need a cycle timer and the pump.


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool sitting on a layer of perlite
Nutes: Week 2 from the schedule
ph balanced water:
light cycle: 12/12 under 600W HPS
Days in: 33
Days In Flower: 1
10 Plants

Notes: Switched the lamps to flower 12/12. Been reading alot about cloning a 1-2week into flower and decided to go that route. The idea is that in the first 2 weeks the plant grows considerably and that the effects of the flower cycle are easily reverted back to veg growth with a 24hr ON light cyce. Also removed the CFLs to prepare the cloning/veg area.


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Rockwool sitting on a layer of perlite
Nutes: Week 2 from the schedule
ph balanced water:
light cycle: 12/12 under 600W HPS
Days in: 42
Days In Flower: 10
10 Plants

Notes: Started to sex the plants but im a little iffy. I started a thread about it, but it sounds like i should give it another week. Also took clones from the plants, 2-4 from each one. Just watered with some nutes, all plants look good accept for the yellowish on the one in the front. Hoping the watering corrects this.

2013-08-22 18.28.15.jpg


New Member
Looks like things are coming along. It is definitely a journey. More power to you for using nutes. I'm about 40 days into a grow now and just used miracle grow potting mix which has 6 months of nutes built in.. adjust the pH to equal out the acidity. Back when their soil wasn't as rich, I would add some extra food. Personally I'm always concerned about burnin' em up with too much food. Best of luck though and looks like you're off to a great start!