First grow newbie.. pics :)


Active Member
I got some bagseed from a friend last month and decided to give a go of it. Germinated under a full spectrum desktop lamp and then moved to a 400watt MH in the closet.

They are all about 3 weeks along from seed to this:

Any input or advice or anything in particular that stands out? I'm a little concerned about supplying enough CO2 in that space. What is the inexpensive grocery-store method of supplying CO2? Thanks :)



Active Member
I'm using shultz potting soil... I also picked up some worm castings and perlite.

The mix is about 70% potting soil 20% perlite and 10% worm castings.


Well-Known Member
for C02 mix yeast, sugar and water into a water bottle and shake it up and make sure the cap has a small whole in it to let the C02 out.


check that out.


Active Member
PROPH, thanks for that bit of info. im still learning how to grow myself, so i dont know shit, how ever the plants look fine to me.


Well-Known Member
your plants look good. A picture of your grow room would probably help with the "is everything okay checklist" but it's all good. You can also mix vinegar and baking soda to create CO2 but listen, I've always thought of supplemental CO2 as an extra feature. Don't get tied up on it, a steady flow of fresh air from outside of the closet should do the trick nicely. Once in a while maybe give it boost but otherwise you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
as long as you don't overwater, just every 3-4 days, at first. No nutes or ferts for first 3 weeks then start at 1/4 strength they look a tad overgreen but nice and lush, good leaf growth with no stem stretch. Not bad for a 'newbie' C02 is'nt really necessary for vegging period, duirng flowering it helps though, I use the sugar and yeast method; 3 cups sugar and two packets 'active dry yeast' available in most supermarkets for about $2.50 for 3 packets it will last for about 3-4 weeks before it needs 'boosting' either with more sugar or more yeast. But don't sweat it, It is NOT a needed item for weed growing, just an optional additive.


Well-Known Member
bigjim, i would go ahead and add those c02 bottles now, they are not hard to make and why not give your babies the extra they need and want for a better grow? its not a hassle.


Well-Known Member
for C02 mix yeast, sugar and water into a water bottle and shake it up and make sure the cap has a small whole in it to let the C02 out.


check that out.
I usually use a milk jug. And I wouldn't cut a hole in the cap either. If you do that, the C02 will not build up as much. Shake that thing up a few times and let it blow up. Take the cap off for however long you want to spread the C02. Like that other guy said, don't get caught up with the C02.

Those look pretty good for 3 weeks!


Active Member
Wow thanks everyone for the advice. I went out to the store today and got a pack of 12 oz gatorade bottles... popped in some water, yeast and sugar and put a hole in the cap and they are bubbling up all around those pots now.. i put 2 in the center, and a few just around the edges. There is a fan blowing up at an angle so i think those little CO2 bubbles will be effective enough!

I'll def add some pics in a week or so :) I'm super reluctant to use any nutes and when/if I do i'll stand more of a chance of under-doing it than over-doing it.

I did stumble across some spidermites and larvae on one of them so I took it out and sprayed as much of them off as I could see. The temp in the room has been hitting around 83 over the last two days cause it's been so hot out. It should drop back by tomorow though and for awhile thereafter.


Active Member
try and track down your local hydro shop and ask them for an organic nutrient ( there you dont risk burning your plants). More important than nutriens is ph, if you fall out of the correct range you will lock out certain nutrients and it will appear as a defficiency. Somewere in the growfac theres a chart on it. Try and get a 10 dollar moisture/PH compo meter from a garden store, then you can tailyour yout watering(and the ph of that water) for each individual plant.


Well-Known Member
Or you can get some ph down from the pet store, that stuff works great. Also, how big are those pots you're in?


Active Member
The pots are about 2.5 gallon. I'll definitely start checking the pH.. I use tepid tap water now, and the tap water around here is very good.


Active Member
And I just checked the pH (I actually did have a meter :) ) and it looks to be around 6.5 for each one.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Or you could just buy a couple cases of soda and arrange the cans all around the plant and pop the tops... just kidding. I am going to mix vinegar and baking soda in a 2 liter soda bottle with a hole in the cap. This seems like a great idea. You can also use the vinegar to adjust the ph of your water down and baking soda to move it up. I would just buy the real stuff though.


Active Member
The pH of the medium is currently 6.5. I'm not sure what that of the water is, but I'll grab a testing kit to check that out.