first grow.... let me know how im doing


This is my first grow ever.... 600 watt hps......dwc bucket...... i see some leaves curling I think its nute burn but i changed the tank and hopefully that will fix the problem..... let me know what you guys think..... there almost 3 weeks old from seeds....... also any guess at what strain they are would be helpful thaanks guys!!!:joint:



plants look pretty healthy...its impossible to tell the strain from just looking at it, but it looks pretty indica to me, fat leaves and very bushy growth


I honestly dont know much about curl will have to find someone with a little more experience than myslef, for male female you have to switch the lights to 12/12 and wait about 7-10 days then you will know the sex, how many hours do you have the lights on right now?


What is your temps, high's and low's???? I had the same curling happen due to it being too cold when the lights were off. Also if there is any yellowing on the edges it might be a potassium deficiency. I had that problem as well. I used Ionic Boost to solve that issue... It is a PK boost, mostly for use in flowering, however, I use it through my whole cycle to keep my potassium levels at normal. Hope that helps.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
looks like it's too hot to me that's why the leaves are curling up. Also humidity might be too low. They are going to start taking off from here on out so far the growth has been slow but just wait but looks pretty good for firswt grow.


I think it has to do with a combination of all of those temps are pretty solid like 78 I'm gunna gunna buy that pk booster but I'm gunna let about 5 days go by and see if the problem corrects itself...also i moved the lights up