first grow journal. WW


Well-Known Member
well it has been a few days and my system isnt here yet.

so here is a new picture of my baby. i trimmed one more set of branches and also tipped it using the fim tech. while tipping i found a flower!!! so its for sure female!

the plant is looking healthy but i have noticed that the stems of the fan leaves are very red almost purple. what does this mean? pic 4 is some of the red/purple stems.

soon to be clones are getting to be about 3 inches long and looking great. cant wait to get them going!!!

oh yea about clones. can i take them and put them strait into they drip system or do i have to make sure they root first? i have seen cloning trays but it just seems like a tray with a clear plastic top. would anything similar work? like a tray i have with like a milk jug top over them? something like that?



Well-Known Member
k so today i got my system. i dont have it up and running, i still have to take clones.

so i need to toutch up on what i know about clones and how to take them. if anyone would be cool enough to explain the whole proccess? including supplies, schedual, nutrients info, ect. i basicaly need to learn how to clone right now.


Well-Known Member
k so its week 5 of veging for my momy! and oh yea i decided im just going to keep here in 24 and keep her a mom for a while. she is 14 inches tall now lookin good.

here are also some pics of my clones and what i rigged up as a humidity dome. workin great. took the clones 3 days ago and they arent showing any stress. i figure about another week or so and i should see some strong roots! lets hope they all make it!


Well-Known Member
Looks great. You're going to have some nice clones to work with as long as they root. You mother looks good too.

Are there roots on your clones yet? I can't see in the pic.


Well-Known Member
well heres my 300th post! so here ya go man an updated pic of my babys at 4 days in rockwool.

no roots yet but they are healthy as hell and not even any drooping so im expecting all 6 are taking to the rockwool well. actualy, is it ok if the lower leaves sag a bit? i figure its because they are so close together right now. they have all grown since i have had them in the dome except one. is this bad? ill post a picture of the single smaller one too.

sry my kitty just had to smell em.



Well-Known Member
k so i orderd some 6500k cfl bulbs from ebay expecting to get 2 95w barrel coil bulbs and a 95w pyramid coil and i got a 30w pyramid coil and 2 23w barrel ciols... he never said they were equivelents so whatever... they are the right spec and i supose with those mixed with my other 26ws that i have and that other 42w i think ill be fine... and my 400w mh/hps kit should be here tomorrow! at least im hoping!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice start. How are those clones doing?

And is that a live lizard in the bottom of the pic?
yea thanks. tomorrow im finishing the area theyre in, maybe splitting it so i can have one side for my momy. would that space (2x2) be too small for a 400w mh/hps?

lol no i thought it looked like it too. my brother gave it to me for x-mas. hes 9. so i figured it will go in my room with my gnomes... gnomes arent in it now tho.

i really just need those cfls to keep my mom goin. should i expect a durastic change in growth time with the switch from cfl to mh/hps?


Well-Known Member
hello dude ,, saw ur post on my thread ,, thort i would look up your grow,, didnt know ur still in the prossess ,, was hoping for sum good budded plants on the last page, lol ,,, im sure you will get there,,,,

Well i just read thro your journal,, and sorry for the death of 1 of your plants ,, iv had to do that ,, not nice ,,, any way,,,

i have a 600w hps,, and i hate it omg,,,, if only i had the right cooling setup,, but the weather out side helps me lol,,, i like CFL but i guess plants would be better under the hps,,

hope all gose well with your grow will be keeping an eye on it,,




Well-Known Member
hello dude ,, saw ur post on my thread ,, thort i would look up your grow,, didnt know ur still in the prossess ,, was hoping for sum good budded plants on the last page, lol ,,, im sure you will get there,,,,

Well i just read thro your journal,, and sorry for the death of 1 of your plants ,, iv had to do that ,, not nice ,,, any way,,,

i have a 600w hps,, and i hate it omg,,,, if only i had the right cooling setup,, but the weather out side helps me lol,,, i like CFL but i guess plants would be better under the hps,,

hope all gose well with your grow will be keeping an eye on it,,

thanks man.
im getting that 400w mh/hps and i am worried the little space i have is too small for the heat. i am going to have fans on it all the time but no proper ventelation. do you see a problem considering my walls are lined with plastic? i do have some mylar, is that going to help keep the walls cooler?
sice the hot air will rise i figure i can rig up a little vent at the top and probly some inlet holes at the bottom, so atleast i get some airflow going.


Well-Known Member
k so its been exactly 1 week since i took my little cuttings and they still are showing almost no drooping, they look healthy and strong besides the fact that some of the tips of the leaves are turning brown...
no sign of roots yet but i still have 3 days till the 10 day mark but im not going to expect anything, ill hope for roots but if they come in by day 14 ill still be happy, just as long as they survive and root.

does anyone have any experience with the floraGrow series of nutes?



Well-Known Member
,, dout the heat would melt the plastic,, tho not 100%,,, and im sure witth the right setup the room would be cool, just finding the setup for the room,,,i used to get 102F+ in some cases,, just hope the best for you ,, tho im sure you will figure it out,,,

with mine at the moment i just leave the door open,,

Much luck dude,,


Well-Known Member
you might want to get rid of that light. clones grow better under indirect light. and you should use 18/6... are those your first clones?