First Grow Journal - 250w HPS - Cindy 99, Pineapple Exp, Bruce Banner #3


Well-Known Member
I've been reading more on this Pineapple Express and it looks like it's a fairly short flowering time 45-55 days, the Cindy is probably around 50-60 days and I haven't found a ton on BB but I believe is longer, 60-70 days. The way things are looking I'm guessing the plants are going to go more towards the latter end of their flowering times.

Anyway some new pictures, I've really only noticed bud growth lately, fastest on the BB and PE. Tonight is the big moving night where everyone is going into the new 24 x 48 x 60 grow tent at the new place (picture below of tent). Hopefully the move will go without problems and not stress the ladies out too much. Everyone will get fed probably tomorrow, going to try using this new stuff the guy at the grow store gave me, The Other Tomato. I checked the ingredients and looks to be mainly molasses with some other additions so looks good for flowering.


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I've been reading more on this Pineapple Express and it looks like it's a fairly short flowering time 45-55 days, the Cindy is probably around 50-60 days and I haven't found a ton on BB but I believe is longer, 60-70 days.

Anyway some new pictures, I've really only noticed bud growth lately, fastest on the BB and PE. Tonight is the big moving night where everyone is going into the new 24 x 48 x 60 grow tent at the new place (picture below of tent). Hopefully the move will go without problems and not stress the ladies out too much. Everyone will get fed probably tomorrow, going to try using this new stuff the guy at the grow store gave me, The Other Tomato. I checked the ingredients and looks to be mainly molasses with some other additions so looks good for flowering.
yeah the c99 is 46-55 est. i take mine down from 46-53 days and their pretty rocket


Well-Known Member
I am exhausted, moving the plants to their new home was extremely stressful. I just moved 3x 3ft tall flowering plants from an apartment building in a neighborhood with a busy nightlife via u-haul and everything is in the new home. I'll see about posting some new pictures tomorrow.


Active Member
I am exhausted, moving the plants to their new home was extremely stressful. I just moved 3x 3ft tall flowering plants from an apartment building in a neighborhood with a busy nightlife via u-haul and everything is in the new home. I'll see about posting some new pictures tomorrow.
Man, I feel your pain. I just moved 15 seedlings to my new house. Fuckin sucks. Glad we both made it safely :joint:


Well-Known Member
Man, I feel your pain. I just moved 15 seedlings to my new house. Fuckin sucks. Glad we both made it safely :joint:
There is always a at the end of the tunnel. I was way too ahead of myself when I thought I would have pictures so soon, I don't even know where my camera is right now, hopefully tomorrow pictures of the girls.

The PE is still looking great, BB's buds are really starting to grow but Cindy is worrying me a little, she's getting some yellow fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
The PE is really starting to ripen and hairs are starting to change but the trichs are still looking quite clear under the magnifier, I'm thinking ~2 weeks maybe less. The Cindy looks like she's got another ~3 weeks and I'm fairly pleased that the BB has stopped stretching upwards, I've really noticed the buds growing.

I have other pictures but my internet is so shitty right now it takes way too long to upload. When the house internet gets hooked up this Saturday I'll post a few pictures since the plants are looking nice and pretty.



Well-Known Member
Some more pictures tonight, I've been spending a TON of time reading on the forums (mostly riddleme's threads since they are hundreds of pages long with hidden info :)) and I can tell I'm going to be making a lot of changes in the next grow. I'm going to *try* to drown my plants prior to harvest (it's getting close to harvest and I've just been really busy so they might not get this treatment) as the science behind the fermentation really makes sense and seems to work for others.

Once this harvest is done I'm really going to plan out the next grow before getting my plants, start to get more variables under control. I want to go with smaller pots (probably 2gals and use these self watering ones for tomatoes out back), get my tent setup better (better fans/humidity control/carbon filters), only 2 plants total (BB#3 was kinda an accident but don't tell her that), possibly try a CMH and I'm going to make it rain on the new girls, whew that sounded like a lot :). The more I read about caring for these plants the more I realize I know so little, ironically a friend of mine thinks my grow is amazing, not sure if he's just seen a bunch of other really shitty grows or what.


Well-Known Member
Got some new pictures, I 'made it rain' on everyone today since they were fairly dry and I felt I needed to flush the soil. The PE isn't showing any amber trichs yet but I think it'll be very soon, Cindy is a bit yellow but the buds still look very green and nice (I think the flush will help). I've only noticed bud growth on BB and thankfully she stopped growing. I plan on feeding everyone in a few days, once the soil dries out.

The last few pictures below are just Cindy's buds which are still looking nice, very different looking from the PE.



Well-Known Member
BB is growing nicely, the other two really don't show changes just ripening buds. I finally setup some duct fans as exhausts in the tent and can actually close the door now :).



Well-Known Member
I keep watching the trichs to see them change color but so far everything still looks clear. The plants are still quite wet from the watering a few days earlier so I haven't done anything but try to make them all comfy.



Well-Known Member
Nice. Those PE buds look really sticky :blsmoke:
Thanks! Yea the PE buds look quite sticky and nice; some of Cindy's buds look great with trichs, others are just fine. Today, Cindy had pretty much dried out the bucket so I fed her with some light nutes, the soil on the other 2 is still wet enough. Hopefully Cindy will be a little happier tomorrow (or maybe even this evening).


Well-Known Member
Didn't get pictures of BB and PE today, BB is quite green and nice looking, she has just one large top cola. The PE looks a little yellow but I'm really just waiting on some of PE's buds to ripen and then she starts drowning.

Anyway today I watered Cindy since she was looking a bit dry but she did green up a bit after the last feeding.

High Resolution Pictures:

Cindy Buds
Pineapple Exp Buds
BB on 6/10



Well-Known Member
So I've been much more careful with my feeding of the plants and leaves on both Cindy and PE have for the most part stopped yellowing (Cindy is fairly green). By careful I mean I've basically stopped using the self watering buckets and have just been watering the soil as needed and they've both been fed a few times in the last 2 weeks. I think tomorrow I might start drowning the PE and still a few more days for Cindy. BB could be quite a bit longer, she's at around 46 days and I believe this is ~10week strain but I'm a patient man, especially when it comes to growing.

Cindy Bud 1 - High Res
Cindy Bud 2 - High Res
PE Bud - High Res

