First Grow!!! Hydro System


Active Member
OMG i just did the biggest fuck up in my entire life i was raising the lights cause i thought they were getting too close i raised them then they fell right on the plants =( i think i fixed them up a good bit stuck some poles in for supports i think they will live i hope so!!!!! i cant beleive i did that i was so high i started laughin at first then said this is bad only 3 plants got hurt and the biggest one did have a spot on her (i hope its a girl) but by the supports i put up i think they will survive i will post pics later on today or tommorrow i really hope they live


Well-Known Member
Lmao, that sux man. I did the same thing in a bout week 2. Burned the whole side of a leaf. But it didnt affect the growth or anything.


Well-Known Member
if you can invest in a water chiller you will notice amazing growth and healthy roots. if your ghetto like me use frozen water bottles in the res to maintain a nice temp in those hot summer months!


Active Member
Okay guys i got some new pics were down to 3 1/2 plants lol one of them broke in half from the lights fallin on it but the bottom haalf is still living...But anyway there getttin big but no sign of sex yet :( heres the pics



Well-Known Member
thats a big plant for not showing sex? Take a flashlight to it, and look really hard. You need to look for Preflowers. Look in the grow FAQ about them. i highly doubt its not showing preflowers.


Well-Known Member
Beware of the heat...

Dude... I am doing my first grow in a dwc system and did not think at all about how important the rez temp is. Its not only baout the plant and the wind... but the nutrients will grow slime (start of root rot)

Im now trying to save my ladies and I didnt have a problem until the 5th week of flowering.. then everything stopped... small buds.. roots are mush.... IM very sad!

whatch those temps in the rez!


Active Member
Guys my camrea is broken right now so wheni can post new pics i will they are huge though and very healthy when those lights fell on them it really didnt make a diffrence they are not hurt at all they bounced back very strong and good news one has officially showed signs of sex the biggest one has 2 white pedistoles coming out of it i am so happy i keep spraying them with CO2 so well just have to let time do its job


Active Member
inspiring. They look so happy and healthy. how much did your set up cost and where did you get it?