First Grow!!! Hydro System


Well-Known Member
dude u are gonna need help in about 2 weeks,i also bought the sh setup i paid the extra money for the better lights and stuff,check it out right u need to add more airstones and another airpump i grew 6 plants at first they all died cuz of root problems u will soon see this brownish slime, the rez is too small for 6 plants i then tried 5 same thing i got 2 plants to grow and give me 42 grams of dried bud u need to go to the store and buy a 18 gallon bin and lid cut 4 holes in the lid for 4 of the sh net cups and then use their pump and feed tubes put 9 gallons of water in it u wanna use tap water after it sits out for 24 hours ph at 5.3, also once the roots are in the water u dont need the pump and drip feed no more so u can take that out i can help u if needed if u can check my post history u can find my journal and see all the problems i had,i scraped there nutes also i got fox farms 3 pak cal-mag,sensizyme,hydroguard liquid karma,cha ching,superthrive. i barely had enuff room in there rez for 2 plants heres a couple of pics of there lights with the 18 gallon rez i made this has 2 females in it at 6 weeks flowering u can see that the smaller rez wont fit these in it
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Active Member
well c the thing is im not gunna let them get that big im goin to flower them in about a week or two i also do have another airstone in there so it should be fine the thing is there just growing so god damn fast its unbeleiveable and also my friend used one of these systems before and grew 5 plants in it with no problem i guess it depends on the strain we both are using the same strain so maybe this will work out only time will tell you kno what i mean


Well-Known Member
Hey ive bin reading ur growing, its looking good .
I hope u got it all figured out for wat u will do with the space .


Active Member
there going good im going to post some new pics either 2morrow or tuesday there looking really healthy i hope it stays like that


Active Member
okay went out to check the plants today and they are looking oh so fine will take pics later in the day 2morrow im goin to change the water/ Nutrients im goin to leave the lights off for 2-3 days im going to start to flower these girls and let them show there real hopefully next time this week i know that i have 4 healthy girls....PIC UPDATE later


Well-Known Member
Lookin beautiful man, How long they been in the ground. Check out my new bagseed grow. Just put on pics. There a week from being planted. The links in my Signature. What are you using for lights and what not. Im to lazy to read back. And i got dialup. so its a pain in the ass


Active Member
i bought a stealth hydro system it comes with lights there about a month and a week in and i just started 12/12 today changed the water and nutrients so i should start to see some results with in the week


Active Member
hey guys i been in 12/12 for 4 days now after not givin them light for 36 hours and no signs of sex yet any estimate when i might be able to tell


Active Member
hey guys been away for a couple of days but the plants are doing really well i got 4 females no males in the garden!!!! here are the latest pics of them



Well-Known Member
nice healthy looking plants there... gotta love the Dro...

How tall where they when you started to flower? :joint::peace:


Active Member
there were 6-7 inchs high now they are 15 inches high and all are females i cant wait till there done are they looking really healthy??