First grow, help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
yea i had a wood until i read that part , now i gotta go clean the shit off myself and it wasnt even me.



Well-Known Member
You sure he was just askin about the nieghbor? cause thats what them fucks do, they knock on the door to "talk about nieghbors" in hopes of smelling something.
Good job on the quit smokin tip. Hopefully i'll be right behind u.


Well-Known Member
You sure he was just askin about the nieghbor? cause thats what them fucks do, they knock on the door to "talk about nieghbors" in hopes of smelling something.
Good job on the quit smokin tip. Hopefully i'll be right behind u.
Well my neighbor's kid was missing and found down the street and they were wondering why the neighbor didn't call the cops and some other crap. But my paranoia got the better of me and I was wondering the same thing. All my neighbors were outside too. Well If I get bopped then I get bopped. Shit happens. There are lots of problems with grow houses down here and I am obviously not a grow house. I'm not gonna worry or I will drive myself nuts. heh I don't think he would've left if they had means to suspect me. If they wanted to search they could've just said they smelled something and that would've gave them the means to do a search. There is an air intake in my room with my tent in it. So on top of a carbon filter in the tent, I have an ONA Block Pro up inside my air intake. Sometimes instead of running the ac or an exhaust fan I just open the door to vent humidity into my garage. I can't smell anything even if I leave the house for a couple hours.

So anyways, I may have jumped the gun on flushing after reading a bit on the proper time to harvest. I am flushing now with MagiCal and Sugardaddy as per Recipe For Success. But maybe I will step it up to a week instead of 3 days and then water for a week. I am harvesting in about 2 weeks no matter what. heh
I contacted Technaflora to see if I could do that or if I should go back to the flowering formula for another week. I am waiting for their reply. Any input from RIU members will be most welcome too.


Well-Known Member
I got my vaporizer but I am waiting for the baby to go to sleep. SO the wife can try with me. We will give it a test drive. Report to come soon. heh


Well-Known Member
I ordered my v tower extreme yesterday i should have it next week!!!:) it is a great vaporizer i have been using one my friend has for the past 2 weeks so i had to get me one !!


Well-Known Member
I love it. I'm toasted. heh I almost got the extreme but read lots of good revues on the Vapir. And I saved 100 bucks. I definitely need a bigger bag. It taste so good too. It has taken me 5 minutes to write this much because I keep zoning on the tv. It is a clean high. Missing something, the anxiety. It is kind of a pain to set it up but it was my first time. I am so used to loading the Dugout every 3 or 4 days and that is it. Scrap and light when I need a few puffs. heh I may have to buy a launch box too. I think that may be more my speed.
lol 20 minutes to write this so far. Zazazazazoning.


Well-Known Member
Ok I am sold on th vaporizers. I am toasted. lol Like a half an hour ago and I can still taste it. K I had to say it again. lol


Active Member
so my state taxes came today! still waitin on the federal tho!!! which is the bigger one lol!!! but im tryin to decide wat i should buy wit it!!! should i buy a new bong and a sack? or do i start buyin my setup??? gah i hate makin decisions!!!


Well-Known Member
I like it but it is kinda unpractical unless I had a spot to leave it setup for quick access. I am gonna go get some easy oven turkey bags tomorrow. heh I think I found another use for Duck duct tape.


Well-Known Member
Ok it may be my fault for storing soil in my garage. I guess hydro can get them too. I think i have fungus gnats. I ran to Lowes and pcked up some green light neem concentrate and some diatamaceus earth. I am gonna spray with neem then spread some DE. Wish me luck.