First grow, first forum


Active Member
Whats up guys!? This is my first forum to ever join, along with my first grow! I am a college student in southern Georgia with limited funds, just seeing how hard/easy is is to cultivate marijuana. My entire setup was less than $150, my 150w hps light being the most expensive part ($87 on ebay). At the moment I have four plants (all from bagseed or friends; no clue on what strains), all flowering. I am using 3 CFL's, one floro gro tube, and my Sun System 150w hps light. Any questions, comments, advice, or criticism is welcome!
Here are some pics:


luvvin growin

Active Member
welcome to RIU,and your doing fine but whats the distance from the lamp to the tops.Look a little stretched,but nice crystals.


Active Member
The three plants that aren't as developed as the one in the corner were actually outside experiments that a buddy of mine tried. He brought them to me with small yellow leaves, and I was sure that they were going to die (one did..) but they survived and I decided to keep them!


good call on keeping those babies, being a father to your little princesses is a good thing, more smoke for you congrats,i am also new to this forum and growing indoors


Well-Known Member
lookin that alum foil on wall?...if so try and flatten it out as much as possible and then tape it down


Well-Known Member
If that is tinfoil you might want to switch that out. Everything that I have read on the site says that it is a no-no. You can get some cheap plastic to hang from a hardware shop that should do the trick.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys. I will post some more pics if I can snap some cool shots tonight. I am thinking of taking the tin foil down all together. When researching on the internet I found mixed reviews on using foil to reflect light, but I decided I would give it a whirl. I have a question, that may make me look like a noob, but does anyone know if you can clone a plant that is in the flowering stage? My tallest plant is growing so big so quick that I will have to trim it soon anyway... any comments are welcomed!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump: Funny looking plant there. I would definately stay away from spraying them anymore. You will increase the risk of mold at this point.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys, and to answer the fan leaf question: yes I did trim most of the fan leaves off (seemed like if I did that, the plant would focus more on the actual buds). So let me ask the experts their opinion on my ladies... my two plants that seem to be budding faster, have darker green, shorter leaves (looks healthy *to me anyways*) and my other two plants (both are budding as well) are a lighter green color, much much taller, and the bud sites seem so whispy (mind you these plants have taken longer to flower to begin with). Could this be because two are indica and two are sativa? any advice is welcomed!!


Active Member
As for the fan leaves. those act as solar panels. the more fan leaves u have the more light the plant is able to absorb to take care of the entire plant. This would help incease your yield. removen them can also stunt the plants growth


Active Member
I have made lots of changes to my operation, with stealth in mind. Also I think I may only have about a month left to go on my two beauties. Pics later on tonight.