First grow ever- Auto White Dwarf


Well-Known Member
you can find them in hardware stores.. or just get one off ebay like i did they are cheap and definitely worth it .. i just got the multimeter for like 25 or 30 dollars it measures moisture, light intensity, PH and fertility of the soil , pretty sweet deal..


Well-Known Member
you can find them in hardware stores.. or just get one off ebay like i did they are cheap and definitely worth it .. i just got the multimeter for like 25 or 30 dollars it measures moisture, light intensity, PH and fertility of the soil , pretty sweet deal..
yep...WELL worth the 30 buck investment. So is the 12 buck mini microscope your gonna need from The Shack too. Free shipping on the website if needed. THen you will be all set for good...The 1/8 strength to start is fine man. Now next watering, just do plain water(or root stim if you have), then back to 1/4 strength tiger. But, get that pH meter or tester kit quick. You will reap the benefits later...


Well-Known Member
Yeaaa u can buy a meter at home depot for 10 bucks. It tells you the moisture level of your soil. Tells you the PH level of your soil. And has a light meter. I bought mine from there. Works great. And the scope from radioshack I good too.


Well-Known Member
might be a slight ass nitrogen difficiency nothing really 2 worry about.. looks good tho bro! i been giving mine tiny doses of iguana grow it seems to be keepin the leaves a nice dark green so far.. the thing i learned from autos is to never over do it with nutes, small ammounts go a long way. if you seen my other plants you kno what im talkin about, lol i burnt the shit outta them


Well-Known Member
looks good man...The TB will have enough Nitrogen to get em kicking..I actually give mine grow big for a week or 2 and then intro it to TB. I end with molasses and Beastie Bloomz, which IMO and own experience really thickened the buds up....Happy Growing!

i heartmj

Active Member
I didn't give her any nutes for the first 2.5 weeks mainly cuz I just wanted to see if she was going to flower before I started really spending any money on her.. but she seems to really like the TB. I just gotta get that ph meter. For my next grow I will be using veg nutes for sure tho.. This one is more for learning than anything else.

Hey Matty when should I start using mollasses?


Well-Known Member
Honestly bro, you can start the molasses at anytime you want. I always wait till the last 3 to 4 weeks and do 2 Tablespoons per gallon. You could start with 1 Tbsp. say week 4 if ya wanted, ut I just do last 4 weeks and see great results. The water will mold after about 2 days with molasses in it, so be careful and only make what ya need for a few days.

Go ahead and get the Grow Big for veg nutes next time, and the Big Bloom or BCuzz Root as well.


Well-Known Member
no prob....The White Dwarf and a DieselRyder were moved to 48hr dark cycle last night, so they will be harvested Sun afternoon. Ill post pics sometime Sun after....

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 22. Day 9 flowering.

I had to raise my lights twice yesterday. She has really begun to take off. Just watered her with plain water this time around. I tucked the big fan leaves under the bud sites so to get more light down on them. Hopefully this works.

Matty I really wanna try DieselRyder. I came across an oz of the regular sour diesel a few months back. I am putting together all the shit I'm going to need for my next grow. I plan on doing at least 4 plants..



Well-Known Member
Lookin great man...I have 1 more diesel ryder to harvest next week, and 2 more that are just breaking the surface. I can tell its gonna be some good bomb ass sour smoke, but the quantity is a bit off from the others, or so it seems now...Not complaining, still good enough for me...

i heartmj

Active Member
I will definately grow white dwarf again if the last 4 weeks go as smooth as the first 4. All I really had to do so far was water her. lol I would like to try an auto blueberry. I love when the smoke tastes like fruit.

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 25. Day 12 flowering.

I added a couple new lights today aimed for the undergrowth. So far so good she is beginning to smell more funky everyday, but it's not even close to being overwhelming. 40 more days left?! I will post pics in the next day or so.


Well-Known Member
Looking Nice And Healthy So Far, Good Job.. Man, It Looks Like Yours Is Further Along In Flower Than Mines... All i Got Is Big Fat White Pistils On Mine, Like Along The Nodes, None On The Top Yet... I Hope It Speeds Up ,, My Lowlifes Seemed Way Faster Than These.. But Only Time Will Tell :)

i heartmj

Active Member
Looking Nice And Healthy So Far, Good Job.. Man, It Looks Like Yours Is Further Along In Flower Than Mines... All i Got Is Big Fat White Pistils On Mine, Like Along The Nodes, None On The Top Yet... I Hope It Speeds Up ,, My Lowlifes Seemed Way Faster Than These.. But Only Time Will Tell :)

Yeah man. she showed sex at 14 days from seed!she has been flowering since the 1st. I can't wait to see what the next week or so does with the new lights added.

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 27. Day 14 flowering.

Just gave her a watering with some Tiger Bloom last night. She loves that shit. Started to show some very tiny crystals on her main cola leaves. She is smelling funky/sweet again. A few of her white hairs are turning brownish/orangish color. Enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
nice shes still looking sexxy .. i just noticed the white pistils on the top of my plant also turned orangey-red wassup with that?? lol

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 30. Day 17 flowering.

She has been bulking up her main cola the last few days. Tons and tons of white hairs. Some are beginning to turn orange. She is smelling pretty sweet.. very little skunk smell. Watered her with Tiger Bloom this morning. she is starting to really push out crystals along the sides of the leaves. not dense, more like glitter.

Ok. So she is supposed to be ready to harvest in 60 days. The 21st will be 5 weeks. Do I really only have 3 weeks left? when is she going to really pack on weight?

