First grow ever- Auto White Dwarf

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 13.

I really didn't think I was going to post pics for another few days but she has grown a lot in the last 3 days. Looking nice and green. So far so good imo.



Well-Known Member
hey man lookin good im growing red dwarf im on day 15 from seed ,today. check it out its in my sig dude.. maybe we can have a competition between white and red dwarf lol

i heartmj

Active Member
First off.. Happy New Year to all!

Day 14. My girl has just showed me her pistils! I am so excited because this is my first attempt ever to grow anything. so cheers to me! lol

My camera sucks otherwise I'd take some pics but they will have to wait..

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 15. day 2 of flowering.

I am amazed at how fast these autoflowers show sex. She is starting to push out more white hairs. I will post pics tomorrow or Monday.
its my first time growing to.........and its an auto too, except its tundra
im on about week 3 nd it looks like the leafs are drooping a bit.........
im using 150watt cfl in a reflecter thing..... i also have soil with nutes <(batmix), that will last six weeks is what i was told
still looking for more info on these plants and growing them so keep me tuned in to any advice you get.......:)

i heartmj

Active Member
I looked at the Tundra.. but wasn't sure about it so I went with the white dwarf.. Let me know how that turns out for you..


Well-Known Member
Heres what you have to look forward to in bout 3 weeks...White Dwarf, 6 weeks old.Last Pic is a Red Dwarf for comparison. She was 9.5 weeks old and harvested last night after 48 hr dark cycle.


i heartmj

Active Member
Yo Matty wsup. I have been following your grow on that WD. I really can't wait for her to really start budding up. As of now she only has a few white hairs shooting out all over the place. How tall did yours grow to be? What does it taste like?

here are some pics with a better camera. Day 4 flowering.

I don't know what those brown spots are.. there are only 2 spots on that one leafe and one spot on another leaf. so far she is nute free besides what is already in FFOF soil. I will be starting Tiger Bloom on thursday.



Well-Known Member
Dont worry about those brown spots tho bro...Its all natural. Now IF it worsens then holla, but right now just let her grow. The WD got to be almost a foot tall, and I cant give u a smoke report yet as I am not harvesting her until Sun. I harvested the Red Dwarf on Sun, and her smell is of a Potent Skunk. Almost too much to smell. LOL...I will have a smoke report on her in a week or 2, but as of now shes only been drying for 2 days, and then she will enter the cure jar after about 5 more days.....Ill keep checking in...Happy Growing!

i heartmj

Active Member
Day 20. Day 6 flowering.

She has grown quite a bit in the last few days. I am buying Fox Farm Tiger Bloom tomorrow so she will be getting her first dose of nutes tomorrow. she has not had any vegging nutes at all other than what was in the soil. I'm a little nervous about this but so far my motto has been the less the better and she is looking fine. she is also beginning to smell. kinda skunky but almost with a hint of sweet? I dunno hard to explain.

Do I need to mix the tiger bloom with left out tap water and let it sit more? or can I just mix it and water the plant right away?

I tried to upload pics but it said that a security token was broken...


Well-Known Member
yours started flowering earlier and looks smaller than mine.. looks good though bro.. we will most likely be harvesting at the same time:) just found 2 lil white hairs today and its day 21 from seed ..


Well-Known Member
wassup bro looking good we started our grows at the same time that shits crazy.. we will most likely be harvesting the same day too :) my plant stinks like skunk and it only has a few pistils on the lower branches! cant wait :)

i heartmj

Active Member
yours started flowering earlier and looks smaller than mine.. looks good though bro.. we will most likely be harvesting at the same time:) just found 2 lil white hairs today and its day 21 from seed ..

yeah she started flowering at exactly 2 weeks.. she's just a little taller than a bic lighter.


Well-Known Member
Day 20. Day 6 flowering.

She has grown quite a bit in the last few days. I am buying Fox Farm Tiger Bloom tomorrow so she will be getting her first dose of nutes tomorrow. she has not had any vegging nutes at all other than what was in the soil. I'm a little nervous about this but so far my motto has been the less the better and she is looking fine. she is also beginning to smell. kinda skunky but almost with a hint of sweet? I dunno hard to explain.

Do I need to mix the tiger bloom with left out tap water and let it sit more? or can I just mix it and water the plant right away?

I tried to upload pics but it said that a security token was broken...
I use tap water when using Tiger Bloom bc tap water at my place is high in pH, and the Tiger Bloom is way low in pH, so they help balance each other out...HOWEVER, the pH is still WAY low(4ish) after using tap water and TB,so I suggest you get a pH meter or tester, or your gonna have bad pH problems. That could be where the 2 spots are coming from already, but those 2 are also norm, so i dont know. But, you will for sure have pH probs with Tiger if you dont regulate the pH...Ill be glad to share my feeding regime with you as well if you would like....

i heartmj

Active Member
I use tap water when using Tiger Bloom bc tap water at my place is high in pH, and the Tiger Bloom is way low in pH, so they help balance each other out...HOWEVER, the pH is still WAY low(4ish) after using tap water and TB,so I suggest you get a pH meter or tester, or your gonna have bad pH problems. That could be where the 2 spots are coming from already, but those 2 are also norm, so i dont know. But, you will for sure have pH probs with Tiger if you dont regulate the pH...Ill be glad to share my feeding regime with you as well if you would like....

Matty. Pls do share your feeding regime.

I am heading out in a few to get that Tiger Bloom. So the 1/4 strength will be good tho?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man...1/4 strength is great...U havent been doing root stim have u?? If not, u could do Big Bloom from FF also, or I use Atami BCUZZ root. like 20 bucks, and prob the best thing you can do for an auto. I start it from seed and run it to 7 weeks....Dont worry bout it this time unless you want too, but for future auto grows, I would highly recommend it...Also, please let me know if you plan to do anything about pH while using Tiger Bloom, bc honestly if not then you are flirting with disaster...Just tryn to help...PEACE

i heartmj

Active Member
Yeah man...1/4 strength is great...U havent been doing root stim have u?? If not, u could do Big Bloom from FF also, or I use Atami BCUZZ root. like 20 bucks, and prob the best thing you can do for an auto. I start it from seed and run it to 7 weeks....Dont worry bout it this time unless you want too, but for future auto grows, I would highly recommend it...Also, please let me know if you plan to do anything about pH while using Tiger Bloom, bc honestly if not then you are flirting with disaster...Just tryn to help...PEACE

I just gave her about an 1/8 strength of tiger bloom cuz I'm straight up scared to be honest. I have been using left out tap water so I guess the low ph TB will probably bring that down even more? where do I get a ph meter?