First grow evar! Skunk #1 in soil under CFL (Organic)


Well-Known Member
Well, I decided to give Meryl a top today, and I'm a bit scared I may have done it wrong. I can see new leaf growth starting at the base of the cut, but I'm not sure if it's the new colas or just new leaves coming out from an existing shoot. I've posted a pic, but it still isn't too clear at this point, not to mention my camera can't really show in detail what I'm talking about


I figure if I ever want to top I need practice, so if worse comes to worse I can still flower the branches that are growing when the time comes.

Besides that they're all looking great. I've bumped up Meryl and Naomi to full strength and the FF nutes and they seem to be loving it. Plenty of green, healthy foliage.

At this point I need to to ask, do I have enough lighting for the plants or should I invest in more soon? Right now Meryl is under 3 23w (2 5000k and 1 2700k) and Naomi and Dixie the new seedling are under 4 23w lights (2 5000k, 1 6700k and 1 2700k) in a mylar-lined rubbermaid box.

Also, is there such a thing as too much light for plants this small? Is it possible that so much light could be stunting their growth as well?


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, Meryl is getting bigger by the day. She's growing LOTS of new shoots, etc. I tried topping her and it appears to be working, so keep your fingers crossed.

For a comparison here is a side-by-side shot of her two days ago and today:
View attachment 1081751e61340119c25.jpg

Anyway, still wondering if she needs more light. I added a clip light with another 23w 6700k CFL today to give the undergrowth more light. +rep for suggestions on how to get her to grow taller.

Also, I just got some Tiger Bloom in the mail today. Should I wait until I've switched to 12/12 to start giving her that or should I start mixing in a little with the Grow Big?

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
You want to stick with the 6500Kelvin bulbs for veg.. Then use the 2700k on flowering with proper lighting regimen. Otherwise looking good so far man! Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Grow looking good, but i heard foliar feeding isnt supposed to be on the topps of the leaves, i thought only under on the bottom.
Yah stick with 6700k bulbs till flowering, plant looks healthy overall.
Give the plant veg nuts in veg stage, and towards the switch to 12/12 you can give her bloom then switch then so the plant is used to the nutes before you give alot of nutes in flowering.
Sitting in on the rest of the grow! +rep.

p.s to get her taller[idk why you want her taller] make her stretch for the light. hence make the nodes farth apart, and making her taller.


Well-Known Member
I only want her to stretch out a bit more because the node spacing is so tight. Like SUPER bushy. Here's a set of comparative sideviews to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

6 days ago (left) and right now (right)


And here's a nice top-down view


As you can see, she's fully recovered from whatever trauma I created. Hopefully she'll be stronger for the experience.

I know I've been leaving Naomi and Dixie out, but it's really because they're not progressing NEARLY as fast. I'm thinking of putting the ax on the grow box and using another closet in my house instead. I think the box might be doing more harm than good, considering how much less growth I'm seeing on Naomi. Dixie is developing nicely, but there are only three sets of leaves right now and they're still pretty tiny. I'll post something new as soon as I see three point fans

Should I keep Meryl super bushy or should I encourage her to reach up a bit more? Also, it seems when I transplanted her I kinda put her over to one side too much. Should I re-pot to have her in the center or does it not really matter?


Well-Known Member
I only want her to stretch out a bit more because the node spacing is so tight. Like SUPER bushy. Here's a set of comparative sideviews to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

6 days ago (left) and right now (right)

View attachment 1083558View attachment 1083559

And here's a nice top-down view

View attachment 1083560

As you can see, she's fully recovered from whatever trauma I created. Hopefully she'll be stronger for the experience.

I know I've been leaving Naomi and Dixie out, but it's really because they're not progressing NEARLY as fast. I'm thinking of putting the ax on the grow box and using another closet in my house instead. I think the box might be doing more harm than good, considering how much less growth I'm seeing on Naomi. Dixie is developing nicely, but there are only three sets of leaves right now and they're still pretty tiny. I'll post something new as soon as I see three point fans

Should I keep Meryl super bushy or should I encourage her to reach up a bit more? Also, it seems when I transplanted her I kinda put her over to one side too much. Should I re-pot to have her in the center or does it not really matter?
Looks really bushy. i personally love bushy plants. id perfer it anyday then a lanky plant.

MY opinion its still early but id keep her growing the way you are, plus the closer the nodes the denser/compacter the cola with buds.

Just keep, she is gonna bend to the light and grow the same as if in the middle. it doesnt matter.

But the other plants are up for what ever you perfer growing in, if you think its growth is coming to a halt, or slowing down, move them and test out the varibles. Also if you dont have them in a big enough pot the roots will bundle up in the soil and cause less growth, and creating more problems.



Well-Known Member
Naomi has been transplanted, and not a moment too soon. I took her out of the old pot and her roots were sticking all the way out of the perlite at the bottom. Hopefully the new closet and new container will encourage her to bulk up.

I decided to LST Meryl, and she's looking a little funky at the moment (hoping I did it right), but I suppose she'll straighten out in a day or two.


As you can see, this can't be the most comfortable of positions, but she seems to be no worse for the wear.


Active Member
Damn bro I am impressed you were even able to save them and now Meryl looks awesome!!! Patience served you welll here.


Well-Known Member
Meryl wasn't responding well to the LST (probably because I didn't have her anchored down properly) so for now I decided to top her and think about trying LST later on (possibly on Naomi instead) Here's Meryl post-cutting


As you can see, she's growing FAST now. Whatever damage I did earlier is obviously long forgotten, I should be able to put her into flower by the end of the month at this rate. Her node spacing is ridiculously tight, which I'm hoping will make for some DENSE buds

Naomi may be a different story. I've heard Sour Cream can take longer to be ready, but she's recovered nicely too. I tried to FIM her the other day, but I think I did it wrong because the leaves I snipped just grew out and now there's a new node underneath them. She's stretching more than Meryl, but she's sativa dominant, so that's to be expected. She's been transplanted and placed into a new room where she'll be more comfortable. Here's how she looked this morning


Not much to report on Dixie. She was looking a little yellow on her bottom leave (possibly because I may have accidentally poured some nute water on her) but there's no real visible burns or anything, so no worries here. Working on her third set of leaves. She's a Skunk #1 plant like Meryl, so I expect she's going to be just as bushy


If all goes well, Dixie and Naomi may end up getting some clones snipped off of them (seeing as Naomi is the ONLY Sour Cream seed I had), but we'l cross that bridge when we come to it.

Right now I'm feed Meryl one teaspoon of GB per gallon of water. Should I bump the dosage up on the next watering?

Also, I'm seeing preflowers on both Meryl and Naomi, as long as I keep them in 18/6, I don't think I'l have to worry about them budding up, but I'm not sure. Can anyone dissuade my fears?

Thanks y'all:joint:

EDIT: If you'll notice on the picture of Meryl, her leaves are curving in these weird directions. Is something wrong with her? +rep for an answer, cause I'm kinda worried


Well-Known Member
preflowers are preflowers. you should just be happy to see them. :D
there not gonna budd till you switch to 12/12. Your plants looking good. as for the curling for the leaves just give the baby water for 10 days then give them 18th strenght,then bum up to 1/4.
im still waiting to see if i have preflowers on my plant.