First Grow: Ebb & Grow and soil


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, I'm a med patient in the great northwest and I have helped friends with their grows but never on my own. I also tried to read as much as possible here on the forum and a stack of books sitting of my coffee table.

I welcome all to post in this journal

I'm doing soil and the E&G to see what I will eventually end up going to or maybe just do both.

The Details

The Room: Temps right now around 75 and I try to keep the humidity in the mid 40's (when it drops I plug in the humidifier). Odor I'm not too worried about but I do use a carbon scrubber to 6" inline fan (pulling) to hood to another room.

E&G: I'm currently only using eight buckets, with a mix of feminized seeds including Alaskan Ice(3), Kings Kush, Bubba Kush, LA Woman(2), and the Church. I'm using the lucas formula 5/10 (hardwater micro) for veg along with some Liquid karma and hygrozyme. Right now I'm keeping my PPM around 850, shooting for a ph of 5.6, and a res temp right around 70-75deg. All eight are under an aircooled lumatek 1k w/ MH bulb for veg around 20in above the plants.

Soil: 5 super lemon hazes in 3gal buckets with FFOF soil cut with some dolomite lime and water only for now. All are under a T5 that will eventually just be for clones and starting tomatoes in the winter. When I switch them over to flower I will have my other 1k up.

Would Like Input

Any suggestions for organic nutes that aren't terribly expensive for when I switch over to flowering the soil ladies would be greatly appreciated.

I'm wondering/debating whether I should goto 5gal buckets for my soil or if I can get away with 3's.

Also, any other suggestions or if someone sees that I'm doing something wrong let me know.

Thanks for checking it out.:bigjoint:


The 5/10 lucas formula is only for low cfl or fluro.. you are starving those girls. Check out my grow journal.. says first run on new setup.. the last post is me venting a lil! Lol :) just drives me crazy all the WRONG info on here... I run the lucas aswell in a ebb and grow. Those 12 are 3 weeks in and never seen a res dump! ;)
Oh btw.. yes go to 5 gallon buckets for the soil ladies.. they will love you for it. In my journal you will see my soil plants in the small tent.. 10 are in 5 gals and 1 in 3.. night and day!! I don't even take pics of it.. lol it will be a bubble hash donor!


Well-Known Member
The 5/10 lucas formula is only for low cfl or fluro.. you are starving those girls. Check out my grow journal.. says first run on new setup.. the last post is me venting a lil! Lol :) just drives me crazy all the WRONG info on here... I run the lucas aswell in a ebb and grow. Those 12 are 3 weeks in and never seen a res dump! ;)
Ok, so it should be 8/16 the whole time? It just seems they would burn in veg I'm already a 830 ppm already. I guess when I do my next add back I'll ratchet it up and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Oh btw.. yes go to 5 gallon buckets for the soil ladies.. they will love you for it. In my journal you will see my soil plants in the small tent.. 10 are in 5 gals and 1 in 3.. night and day!! I don't even take pics of it.. lol it will be a bubble hash donor!
Yeah, I will do that switch when I get my other 1k up.

I feel you on the bubble donors my buddy had a couple runts on his last grow and hooked me up with runts and I did my first bubble run two days ago. Should be cured in time for 420.


Ok, so it should be 8/16 the whole time? It just seems they would burn in veg I'm already a 830 ppm already. I guess when I do my next add back I'll ratchet it up and see what happens.
Yeah if under hid 8/16 those plants in my ebb and grow cam out of a ez clone and into the e&g. They were under 2 1000 till I robbed the one for the lil tent. :) they have never seen anything but 8/16.. I had questions about the lucas formula till I finally decided to go for it.. but the result speak for themselves. I simply turn the RO unit on once or twice a week to top off and every Friday I make sure its full and do the formula and do my addbacks.. couldn't be easier!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah if under hid 8/16 those plants in my ebb and grow cam out of a ez clone and into the e&g. They were under 2 1000 till I robbed the one for the lil tent. :) they have never seen anything but 8/16.. I had questions about the lucas formula till I finally decided to go for it.. but the result speak for themselves. I simply turn the RO unit on once or twice a week to top off and every Friday I make sure its full and do the formula and do my addbacks.. couldn't be easier!:weed:
I will have a reverse osmosis filter for my next grow but for now my tap is under 125ppm and I got the hardwater micro. I've been waiting for the water to get down to 35gals before I do an addback to between 45 and 50. I'm hoping that keeping that much water in the res will help keep everything real stable and I added a GH230 ghp pump to the res as a recirculator to keep everything stirred up.

I'll just top off tonight with the 8/16 and add corrections.
Yeah 125 ain't bad.. I roll close to 500 out the tap! I don't even drink it, just the yeah that's about where I let it fall to aswell, I never fill it above 50. I also have put away any type of ph adjuster. If ph drifts high between addbacks... RARELY! I add a lil bit of nutes. Never have issues with too low.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update: PPm's started climbing over last couple of days in the E&G so I did a full change out of the res today and my soil SLH's all got their stems pinched.

I'll post more pics this weekend but not much has changed except for them getting taller (Veg is boring at least visually).


Well-Known Member
Ok just started week 4 flower. I'm keeping the nutes between 950 and 1150 ppm using gh micro/bloom for base and some hydroplex, calmag, and liquid karma on top. I'm hoping all the stretch is over with as a couple of my slh's got out of control and had to tie them down.

Will hopefully have some bud porn here in a couple of weeks. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Oh, I also ordered some more seeds from attitude. I ordered some short stuff himalayan blue diesel autos for an outside project, some kings kush from greenhouse, got a ton of free seeds as well and still have some that I haven't planted so I'm not sure yet what I'll do for the next run but I will figure it out this next week.


Well-Known Member
Ok I took some pics today with a buddies shitty camera (it takes better ones than cell but that's about it). Don't mind the fucked up TDS stamp I coudln't find how to turn it off and was growing impatient so I just took the pics. Also I'm still waiting on my seeds they should be here sometime this week.


Well-Known Member
Seeds just arrived and attitude has cool T-shirts again. Also instead of the dinafem grapefruit freebie that I didn't really want they hooked me up with a sour cream freebie from DNA instead, it was a nice surprise. Other Freebies were gh church, gh bubba, and three nirvana fem autos.


Well-Known Member
I didn't chop enough of the lower branches and I was getting worried about mold so I had to go through and chop a bunch off today. I'm hoping this won't stress them to the point of herming. Hopefully they will recover in a couple days and I will have no bad news to report but I'll be crossing my fingers till then.

Anyone that is actually reading this that has had to do this b4 chime in and let me know how it went.