First Grow: Ebb & Grow and soil


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of my SLH that I dubbed Frosty Lanky Bitch all jarred up. This shit is fire already and a couple more weeks in the masons it's going to be some primo shit. Well enjoy! I know I willbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Purple Lemon Haze Pheno
I wasn't getting great pictures of this girl in the grow room due to the HPS light so I waited till it was time to chop to show you guys how purple this little lady got.



Well-Known Member
wow teejay you have sure been busy, i wish i had that many plants to chop down, is there any more left? top quality looking buds and shots there mate, i just love the way that in a few of the shots only the bud is in focus

i cant wait to get my new Canon DSLR !! and get taking photos like yours :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I got two more lemon hazes one should finish up this week and the other one next and an Alaskan Ice that won't be done until at minimum thirteen weeks in flower. Also I have some autos I'm working on for some local med patients and today I'm mixing up Subcool Super Soil recipe for the next round. I'm just glad I took the summer off from college otherwise I'd be a really busy person. I'm really liking the autos for these old guys who can't do much, I can just put their light on a timer that they never have to switch and in a big enough pot the only thing they will have to do is water the thing. One guy has had 3 strokes and one nasty heart attack and can't do much else besides add some water.


Well-Known Member
Here is some pics of the super soil getting mixed up. I couldn't of picked a better day to do it as we are about to be in the 100's for the next week.
And Now it's time to enjoy one of these along with some of my kings kush

Ganja Geek

Active Member
So subcool uses roots for the base of the soil? You need to let me know how that works out. I'm interested in just watering to. Let the soil do all the work. I'm all for it.


Well-Known Member
Yup, he uses roots. Mine is not a 100% replica of his recipe but only because I was having trouble sourcing everything locally but it's pretty darn close. My blood and bone meal I could only get in 4lb packages instead of 5 so I went with just the 6 bags of roots and didn't add the 2 bags of biobizz soil, also my bat shit ended up being high phosphorous indonesian but I think I'll be ok and I couldn't get the humic acid in time but the bone meal said it had some in it and I'll just use some liquid karma I have left over from this grow to replace it. I actually got the azomite for free from my grow shop as I told them I wasn't buying a 50lb bag for the half cup I needed so they hooked me up and tore the bag open and just gave me about a cup.

Yeah if this stuff works out great I'm going to be stoked. I think the only thing he adds is succanat and bud candy later in flowering but it's not a must.
He updated the recipe on this link:


Well-Known Member
Alaskan Ice
These are not my greatest photos that I've ever taken, I was pretty tired when I caught them before the lights came on today. I will post some better pics when I chop.


Well-Known Member
Thanks homegrown, I just chopped my last SLH (pictures to come) and will be chopping my last plant here in the next couple days. I'm really looking forward to round two.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ganja, I have to say the frosty SLH was my favorite almost gone now, and it a toss up between the purple SLH and the bubba for second.


Looking very nice! My Kings Kush pheno is alot more indica than yours. How does she smell?? Mine is in week 6 of flower and smells very fruity, like grapes and orange peel and has a kinda earthy overtone. Cant wait too see how she tastes! I also have some Super Lemon Haze seeds waiting to be germinated for my next grow and your pics are making me want to start them now!


Well-Known Member
Gengar, mine was very fruity during flowering but did not smell anything like grapes in the end more sweet and earthy while still retaining the musty smell a little. Great weed though, really even head body mix.


Well-Known Member
I chopped my last plant today, time for a much needed vacation. Round two will be some jilly bean and querkle and another 1k light but it will be a while before I start that thread. I'll keep people up to date on the round deuce here and when I get some time I'll get smoke reports up.

The last plant the Alaskan Ice #2

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Awsome grow man looks like you have pounds of dank in your future. I have some Querkle I can't wait to run too so make sure you shoot us a link to that thread when you get it started.