First grow. CFL/T5 Kali Mist (pics)


Well-Known Member
So... the lights are no as high as they go... and she is still growing and growing... any ideas? can I put her sideways somehow? she's too old to really start to train into a 90degree turn heh


Well-Known Member
So the lights are topped out. The plant is 1 inch from them and growing about 2inch a day still... So we are trying to LST this far into it's life...shit is hard... So here goes an attempt at late scrog...

Here goes..

Trying to tie her down...

Little flower room..

Topped mids..

Orange Kush

Purple Haze

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to really pull that top way down and flat on to the screen... what a chore...


Well-Known Member
I'd almost be willing to bet that part of your problem is the fact you fed them grow nutes for so long, and even when you started using were giving them more grow than bloom.

If you want to stop your plant from growing give it a feed of bush master. Your bush seems to already be incredibly bushy, but bush master acts like topping a plant...without topping it.

Also you should really save up for an HPS. That T5 setup would be amazing for your veg area...and then a 400 or 600 (pref 600 because the lumens is almost double that of a 400) hp in that flower area would kick ass. Try to get some bud enhancement shit too like Open Sesame (for early flowering)...Beastie Bloomz (for mid flowering) and ChaChing (for late flowering)...

I know I'm talking about spending a good wad of money. But, you'll get it back before you even remember you spent it.



Well-Known Member
I'd almost be willing to bet that part of your problem is the fact you fed them grow nutes for so long, and even when you started using were giving them more grow than bloom.

If you want to stop your plant from growing give it a feed of bush master. Your bush seems to already be incredibly bushy, but bush master acts like topping a plant...without topping it.

Also you should really save up for an HPS. That T5 setup would be amazing for your veg area...and then a 400 or 600 (pref 600 because the lumens is almost double that of a 400) hp in that flower area would kick ass. Try to get some bud enhancement shit too like Open Sesame (for early flowering)...Beastie Bloomz (for mid flowering) and ChaChing (for late flowering)...

I know I'm talking about spending a good wad of money. But, you'll get it back before you even remember you spent it.

I'll have to check out those products next time I go to the hydro store. Yea I do agree with the grow nutes thing... I am going to stop giving grow nutes and just use the bloom from now on. I am about to move in to a new place soon so we are waiting on the hps stuff until I get moved in. Plus we are waiting from some $$ as well hehe.
I just heard that it was good to keep giving grow along with bloom, just not as much... and the plant really is really really healthy... just too tall for us :D


Well-Known Member
The hydro doesn't seem to be doing nearly as well as the dirt grows I have going on. I think I am going to abandon the hydro after these 3 finish. In the future I might try some kind of eb and flow or something like that but for now I think I am done for a while. Does the hydro look pretty yellow to you guys? I don't think anything is really wrong it's just definitely not as lush green as my other plants...

I am actually really considering just transplanting them in to soil...


Active Member
I dont understand the numbers (b+ 0-2-1)
One of the reasons i havent bought nutes because i dont want to buy something i dont have the brains to understand lol


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the numbers (b+ 0-2-1)
One of the reasons i havent bought nutes because i dont want to buy something i dont have the brains to understand lol

you mean any numbers in general? or the specific ones to the b+ nutes I have? I think the order is N-P-K meaning Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium.


Active Member
I understand that - Red star means i have no clue what they are.
N = Nitrogen *
P = Phosphorous (Im sure matches have that in them)
P = Potassium *
And i dont understand the numbers at all, im guessing its the solution of nutes you mix with water, but i dont know. Please help


Well-Known Member
I understand that - Red star means i have no clue what they are.
N = Nitrogen *
P = Phosphorous (Im sure matches have that in them)
P = Potassium *
And i dont understand the numbers at all, im guessing its the solution of nutes you mix with water, but i dont know. Please help
Here this is off of dyna-gros website.
The N-P-K numbers are just the % of the minerals concentration in one dose.



Well-Known Member
I use a lot more than directed on the label... I use 1.5 tbs / gallon for my mature plants..


Well-Known Member
Are you using any red spectrum light? That may be why your plant has been in a month of flowering, and you haven't seen any real results.


Well-Known Member
Just a few soft white CFL's that are hanging... the T-5's are all daylight spectrum. I wish I could find cheap t-5's locally. HTG has the red bulbs or whatever for like $30 for 4. at my shop it's like 20 each.


Well-Known Member
You should definitely consider getting some red spectrum for flowering, I believe they have red spectrum cfl's? I think it will improve your growth immediately!