First Grow, cfl, micro, computer 105 watts


Active Member
all plants have picked up their leaves and look incredible.

only thing is now the perimeter of the leaves are turning a neon yellowish color. the new growth is str8 up green. but getting towards the base the tips and outter edges are getting a bit neon green. so im going to take that as nute burning and have already gone back to normal ph'd water.

also i see like a blemish brown spot on one leaf that you can see in the first picture

but ever since adding that ducting temperature has dropped an amazing 6-7 degrees. i was shocked when i woke up in the middle of the night and temperature was at 74 degrees.

edit: did some research on here and now i believe i have a potassium problem as my plant looks like this but not as hardcore. my yellowing is barely on the perimeter




Active Member
decided to trim off the bad leaves.

the ones that are completely brown and dead were not on the plant. they were trimmings that i took off but just let them sit in the dirt.

edit: and added a few more photos of the dis-colorization



Well-Known Member
Nice picture update, Thanks you!

Im thinking about Clipping my lower leaves also!

What are you doing about the discoloration?



Active Member
Nice picture update, Thanks you!

Im thinking about Clipping my lower leaves also!

What are you doing about the discoloration?

just gonna flush it with regular ph water and just let time tell me whats up. (though i also posted a thread in the plant problem section)


Well-Known Member
No No, Dont freak out yet.

Those thicker hairs are just were the new nodes poped out of the main branch.

And the things popping out of the nodes just look like new shoots. All of mine did the same thing.

Give it some time and just watch em. Just keep posting and we'll let you know about the sex.

Trust me,when it comes you'll know the sex when you see it!



Active Member
a friends grow has gone wrong. 3/4 are female the 4th(small and busy) hanvt shown sex yet. though the one that is matured the most is a deffinate hermie. can we take clones from it and hope for the best.

my friend isnt the best grower ever. he highly over heated them and underwater them. he would only water them around their stems wh8ich as as welll know is a bg mistake. yes im highly drunk

and then in others u can se how bad of heat stress they have. u can see the brown on the leaves.

on the hermie i was thinking of just taking a clone from the top of the main stem and hop[ing for the best.

is this plausible. i have ordered a better ligthing system for them. this is a teaser as i wont show it untill i recieve it.

the one on the back right is a hermie, as it has buds and balls (yuck)



Active Member
llittle bit up an update. all plants are doing fine. in fact they are doing so well i bought them a present. :mrgreen:

ill show that when it arrives. cant wait to join a certain club is all i got to say.

one strain of plant i got is odd. its just so stupidly bushy. its a few weeks old but its a complete chode. it will not grow up

looks like it got hit with the ugly stick



Active Member
finally made the switch over to the 150 watt hps. isnt as bright as i thought it would be but from what everyone says it is a good one to use. think ill also throw in my cfls as the temperatures seem to be a little low.

i modified the housing that the hps came in. without it temperaturs got up to 98 degrees so a housing was a must. all i did was use a dremel and drilled out one side and added an 80mm fan and some ducting as an exhaust port.

for the other side i just used a drill bit and drilled holes in it for an intake side.

plants do look a little overwatered, so they should stick back in a few good days



Well-Known Member
Whoa! Way to close to those plants! Gonna fry em!

Get the light about 12 inches away!



Active Member
Whoa! Way to close to those plants! Gonna fry em!

Get the light about 12 inches away!

what i figured but temperatures have been between 80-75 and they are still in there just to show sex.

whats been frustrating is how long its taking. though it seems i am getting to much N, P, K. as my leaves have been watered with molasses and to no avail nothing has changed.

tho i was out and about and came across a lucky gem i found a case
12"width 18"length 37"height

for only 6 buks at good will so i think im going to convert that into my flowering cab.

i know the plants dont look to hot but im working on the N,p,k problems. my main plan is to transplant them into different soil but the soil they are in now is still to wet and im worried about loosing their roots if i try to pat off the dirt. so ill wait a few more days to put them in new soil.

the problem with the soil i believe is that they are still in mircale grows seed starter

which is good for beginnings but
now it has to much nutrients in it which is hurting it. i just bought some miracle grow violet stuff

and will report back once i did the transplant



Well-Known Member
Ya you are having some N-P-K promblems arint you! lol!

Now that african Violet soil will work but it holds moisture so make sure you water it right. Maybe every 3ish days.
also Its very acidic, Just The first couple times you water, Do it with plain H2O to rinse some of that out of the soil and you should be fine. : )



Active Member
Ya you are having some N-P-K promblems arint you! lol!

Now that african Violet soil will work but it holds moisture so make sure you water it right. Maybe every 3ish days.
also Its very acidic, Just The first couple times you water, Do it with plain H2O to rinse some of that out of the soil and you should be fine. : )

awesome, thanks for that info. heres my new cab that ill move the plant and hps to once i get it setup and running


Well-Known Member
Aww Well Sorry to hear about the males, Have the other 2 showed signs of sex yet?



Well-Known Member
Crispy hairs are fine, Just might be the start of heat stress : )

The lights are 12-18 inches away right?
