First Grow, cfl, micro, computer 105 watts


Well-Known Member
Anon! Good grow so far, Thanks for the pics!

I saw some miracle grow "Bloom Plus" in the store the other day. It said add 1/4 TSP per Gallon of water.

How do I use that?

How much do I water with it and how often?



Active Member
Anon! Good grow so far, Thanks for the pics!

I saw some miracle grow "Bloom Plus" in the store the other day. It said add 1/4 TSP per Gallon of water.

How do I use that?

How much do I water with it and how often?

i water every 4-6 days. and this was my first time using miracle grow. im not going to use it every time i water, but probably every other time to see how my plants like it.

look closer on the instructions label. mine said to use a table spoon for OUTSIDE plants but only a teaspoon for inside. i actually didnt use a full teaspoon. instead i only used 1/2 of a teaspoon as i thought using full power would overwhelm my plants.

i dont really have a set amount of water that i give to the plants. i just water slowly and carefully untill water drips from the holes in the bottom. then i stop.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the advise Anon. Ill probly go buy the bloom plus today and I was watering 2 cups every other day. But I think Im going to start watering till I see water comming from the bottem like every 3 days. : )

Ill let you know : )

i'm about to make my first cab and i was thinking about choosing between a pc or a cabine
your lucky you have space for both
did u make your cabinet or buy it?
if so were would you recommend i look for one?


Active Member
it seems my cabinet cant handle three 42 watt bulbs. woke up and all of my plants were wilted over due to the 90 degree heat (oops). disconnected one bulb and temperature came back to normal ~80. and plants are slowly starting to rise back up

first four pictures are when i first discovered the plants. next three are after i took 1 bulb off and then gave them time to sleep.

as you can see the leaves deffinately tell of stress from heat. not so much nute burning as the last time i gave them nutes was a few days ago



Well-Known Member
Great pics Anon Thanks for the update!

Ahh I would have shit a brick if I would have woken up to my plants wilting! lol.

But anyway. Plants are looking great! Keep up the good work : )



Active Member
Great pics Anon Thanks for the update!

Ahh I would have shit a brick if I would have woken up to my plants wilting! lol.

But anyway. Plants are looking great! Keep up the good work : )

thanks, i was shocked too when i saw it. but then i was thankful i caught it when i did because the damage didnt look that bad. im excpecting a few days till they are back up to speed


Active Member
this is the problem with my cab. my intake and exhaust are up agains the wall about 1.75" away. and the exhaust fans are just blowing straigh into the wall. and i belive some of that hot air is being forced down and being sucked back into the intakte. though yes we all know heat rises. im going to put some dryer exhaust piping on the intake and rout it around and in front so it gets "fresh" air.


added some ducting. you can see i had an outline for another 120mm fan and i think i will add another one, but this one will be on the side



Active Member
yup yup looks good!

Kudos on the creativity!

Hows it working out so far?

its night time for my plants, though i did take a peak and they are deff picking back up. lights are back on in 30 min. then ill wait and hour or so and report back if im still up

edit: im also gonna go and try to find some 5" ducting as this is 3.75" and kinda restricts the flow.

im also thinking about putting another fan on the other end of the ducting to help flow some more air. but when i put my hand in near the ducting i can feel a good strong vacuum


Well-Known Member
How many fans are you able to put on the power supply?

That is what your running the comp fans off of right?
