First Grow "BlueBerry Kush Bag Seed"

Did you check under the leaves for bugs? You shouldn't be spraying anything until you have identified the specific pest as they each have a best method of eradication.

If you still have that bank of 6 bulbs hanging there without reflectors attach some tinfoil across the backs of the bulbs. Touching the bulbs with the foil is fine and you won't get hot spots as some may say. HIDs, yes, CFLs, no way. You are wasting the majority of the light without bouncing it back to the plants.

Have to go out so can't comment more atm.

Don't worry about those little brown tips on the bigger leaves. That alone is NOT evidence of nute burn. You'll start seeing the jagged edges of the leaves sticking up and curling in with brown/yellow spots on those jagged tips when it's really nute burn. Add too high heat and too high humidity and it can go bad fast.

I can't tell ir there is bugs tbh but I see shit that seems to be single strands of hair I wanna say its webbing but something is telling me its not..
I dont think its nute burn never seen nute burn to look like that glossy/shiny and when I look at those spots/blotches I see little black dots if u click the picture and look super close u can kinda see the dots the last few pics I put up I tried to take the pic looking thru the magnify glass which my eyes it was clear and easy to see them with cam u barely can tell drove me nuts was like an hour of tryna get one pic lol but something is going on and slowing her growth down if not completely stopped growth(going off the past few days since these signs showed up). Normally everyone knows everyday u can usually see some type of difference.. Its stressing me out and drivin me nuts cant stop thinking bout it or get over it.. She is little and not gonna yield huge but she was looking like she was yielding a fair amount for her size but I'm trippin she gonna die or yield is gonna be shit now :( also u mean something like this for a reflector and good looking out on that!! I feel its helping but not enough or as much as it should..
I have hair half way to my ass and often don't see the loose ones until I take pics and there they are. Right across that gorgeous bud I was taking the money shot of. :lol:

You should get a little 10X folding magnifying glass to hunt for those little demons. Spider mites spin webs and like baby spiders toss their strands into the air and float away on the breeze. Tiny yellow spots randomly all over the leves seen from the top. Thrips eat little "windows" in the leaves that you can see through and fungus gnats show no damage until your plants stop growing and showing serious deficiencies because they do their damage underground. The adults just emerge to mate then lay more eggs in the soil.

Look carefully at the undersides of any leaves that have any spotting and even with the naked eye you can see if any of those tiny specs move. Then gently squish and smear them. They'll leave a smear if it's a bug. Specks of dirt won't. They like to hide out at the apex of the leaf where the fingers meet. Mites lay their eggs under there and they look like little globes or big resin glands with no stalk glued to the surface. Yo can see those with the naked eye. I need my reading glasses tho. :)

I have a mag glass and I can't tell or some bs... There are windows as well as the things I have mentioned alrdy and i have seen a blk bug in the coco just for a split second like it poked out seen me and went back in so i pinched that part of the coco and threw it.. So idk wtf to think.. I'm losing my mind and getting pissed the fuck off.. Idk man i have took pics and said what i see.. So idk what to say, do, or think anymore i guess i have spider mites and fungus gnats??.. Fml :(
Hair or web? These are what i find ill take more pics if needed When I grab it and have it in between my fingers seems like hair
That's just a hair. Mite webbing is super fine. The bugs like to hide out under the leaves more than on top tho if there's more than a few they can be seen on top too.

Your light reflector needs to be closer to the bulbs to work better. I just drape foil on the bulbs to get the max light I can aimed to the plants.

The plant looks healthy enough. I moved my 4 girls down to the grow room 2 days ago and they've grown 2" since. Makes a hell of a difference under the 400W compared to the T-12s.

Okay but should I put a sheet a foil behind the y sockets so basically the single sockets would be poking thru the foil as they plug into the outlit.. So u dont think I have a pest issue?? I bet they are loving it under that 400w
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Also i haven't found any spider mites but I do believe I'm seeing some webbing now water and rubbing alcohol work in a pray?? Also using laundry liq bleach and water to clean everything inside and what not.. would these two methods be strong enough to save her till harvest??
Hey Sneex, If you have identified bugs you could use some Neem oil. Get concentrated Neem Oil from the local hardware store/garden center/superstore/Walmart etc. Mix 1 ounce per gallon of luke warm water and a couple drops of liquid dish soap. The luke warm water and dish soap help break down the oil to help it mix a bit. Spray the plants down liberally from top to bottom on topsides and undersides of all leaves,stems etc. Repeat in 3-4 days and check for bugs again. Whether you see bugs or not, apply again in another 4 days. I would hope that at this point, whatever bugs were living/breeding/hatching on your plant will have died off and moved on. Stick with a preventative maintenance schedule from there on out to help keep bugs & mildews out of the grow room.
That plant isn't going to yeild much and if I was u I'd just pull that plants and start over clean ur box real good fix up a reflector and start fresh with no bugs no fire hazards and fresh dirt wout bugs but that's just my 2cents just putting it out there
Who said cardboard?? And I figured that lol I wasn't sure if even just putting foil was smart but would save some light but not sure if it's worth it or safe period
Is in the pic. Foil attached to cardboard it looks like. If not carry on. I would clean that up and remove the electric tape and use foil duct tape rated to handle heat. The only reason I know this is because I used cfl when I started. Those cheap turkey pans make good reflectors. Renove that strap away fro heat to.
Also i haven't found any spider mites but I do believe I'm seeing some webbing now water and rubbing alcohol work in a pray?? Also using laundry liq bleach and water to clean everything inside and what not.. would these two methods be strong enough to save her till harvest??
Spinosad from captain jacks works wonders for mites and any other leaf eating pest.
Its what I use. A couple foliar treatments and add it to your water a couple times for systemic. It is organic and safe right up to a few days before harvest.
The cardboard was a joke took it off right after the pics I was baked and forgot even took the pictures of it lmfao but I'm not going to pull the plant it was given to me and was dying and very sick and brought her back to life and gonna harvest her out why not get some free some for while I do the next grow plus gives me a little time to get a job which I'm doing currently so I can get my hands on a Apollo Horticulture 400w HPS and MH Glass Cool Tube Reflector with Ballast. Also everyone keep in mind this is just a temp fuck around box until I get either a 3x3 tent or build a 3x3 stealth grow box (dimensions might end up being smaller then 3x3 but I'm pretty set on 3x3). Where can u get that Spinosad from CaptainJacks never heard of or seen that before. I was thinking of getting Neem Oil like HydroRed said. Seemed like something very simple to find and obvly easy to get ahold of. I just haven't seen it at the stores ive gone to recently (Walmart, Lowes). So obvly I was wrong about the simple and easy find nuh o_O. But once I get my job ill probably immediately get my tent or begin my stealth box build. Regardless once I get first or second check ill be ordering my Apollo Horticulture 400w hps and mh glass cool tube reflector and ballast kit. Aswell as Inline fan, duct, and carbon filter that Red has turned me onto and finally opened my eyes to these Blurples everyone keeps telling me I was somehow attracted to more then anything else since every led I thought was good was a Blurple lmfao.....