First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
I dunno, the issue looks alot like those pics... I would think that the nutes I have already have enough mg in them, seeing as I havent fed them yet, but ive been told different.
Your nutes are fine, plenty of Mg and Ca in there....the deficency occurs when there is "nute lock" and this can be the result of too many salts in the soltion, but more commonly, wrong pH

The wrong Ph actually blocks the plant from intaking Mg and Ca, so the amount of those substances in the solution doesnt matter... its not able to take any in.

Epsom salts are concentrated enough to supply the plant with what it needs without overbearing it.

Just some information. im not saying its one thing or another.


Well-Known Member
yeah... ALthough I havent givin my plants any nutes while watering them yet, just nutes that came in the soil... Seems to be getting worse though :(. Also I turned on the humidifier and came back and the humidity was at 76%... although 2 plants closest to it are drenched in water, is this a problem since the lights still on for hours?


Well-Known Member
this issue is weirding me out... all plants are affected by this except for one... Figuring it will start soon. Today is the week line for watering but the soil still seems pretty damp... should I feed them the nutes anyways to see if it helps because it seems to be getting worse.


Well-Known Member
check out my new starts "its newbie time"tells about the soil i got and everything..i could use help u but i dont know shit bout nutes man srry..


Well-Known Member
going to post some more pics of the most damaged plants after work... so everyone can give their diagnosis. Also going to take a pic of the soil so you can tell me if you think I should just go ahead and water to try and get them their nutes or not. Really need help, they really do not look well. Ideas, Suggestions, and Solutions appreciated... Ill be back in like 4 hours from work with more pics, thanks!



Well-Known Member
yo man i was going back to the last pics you posted, and i have to ask....

are you using aluminum foil at all in your grow area? i saw a box on the floor in a pic....


Well-Known Member
Yes currently I am using aluminum foil on my walls. Although they are white, wasnt sure if it was worth the risk or not (knew they created burn spots). I found a water source with perfect 6.5 PH'd water (safeway) so Im going to just fill up gallons of water there. I got some more pics of the problem, tried to focus more on the leaves that are getting severely damaged. Also do you think its ok if I use tap water for my humidifier or will I want to use premium water on that as well? Also they seem to getting worse and the growth is severely stunted, I used to be able to see alot of growth everyday and now I see none. It's been one week today since I watered but the soil is still pretty moist, but I really wanna get them those nutes asap to see if it helps/fixes the problem. Let me know ideas and or thoughts!!! thanks homie!!! Also how much longer till I switch to 12/12?

I tried getting the best pics I could that signify the problem. Please help asap, Im losing my babies :(


Well-Known Member
One thing i knoticed with my soil grow that spring and distilled water is excellent to use with soil, i had a bagseed plant that was looking like that and i switch to spring water and now she is almost ready for picking no problems ever sense. Cause with ph problems comes nute lock out and then you are in a world of trouble. I would get this corrected b4 flowering....


Well-Known Member
ideas on correcting it? just flushed tonight... hopping that in a couple days theyll atleast need a little water so I can give them their first dose of nutes.


Well-Known Member
That flush should do the trick. Just next time you water if you can use spring or distilled. Make sure she is green and healthy b4 you put her into flower (you dont want to hermie her...) And ph up and down that stuff just sucks, i have heard of vinigar and other natural ph control, but the power is too storng. Use this water and it will be a thing of the past!!

Keep us post, good growing!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, I suppose ill just keep a look on the moisture of the soil, hopefully they dry up enough soon so I can add some nutes... I have a moisture meter... it ranges from 1-4... its at about 3.5 right now... suggestions on when I should add the nutes? and how much should I water, assuming not a whole lot...


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't water for atleast a few days after a flush...depending on how well ur soil drains...and u should water like u normaly do...200ml of water for plants in veg state...thats what i do...and when i start flowering i'll be feeding 300ml of water...thats what i seen on some grow dvd...try it out..good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
Just got home... they look about the same... but not any worse... But with soil it usually takes 3 days to see changes... wish it was like hydro where you can see issues and or improvements instantly :D


Well-Known Member
Here are some updates... 2 days since the flush... hoping I can feed them sometime this week. Thoughts or suggestions?

Nutes ill be using (asap hopefully)

Moisture meter (assuming im safe to water when its between 2/3) ideas?

Temps and RH (its usually around 50%)


Tall Ladies


Group Shot

Lights eye

Effed up leaves

Dying :(

Yellow and spotting

Baby named Spot

Messed up leaves


It doesnt end there (my gf broke my glass on glass double perk :(

Bleezie time

3.2g on the ricta scale!

Hit me up homies... r:peace:u