First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
yah dude i got a space heater in my rm at 70 degrees..and my closet stays at 75 night i turn the space heater up to 75 and it stays 75 at all day and night my closet is at 75-76 degrees...


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the update... Max temp: 82.5 Min temp: 62.2 Current Temp: 79.3

as for Humidity Max Humidity: 52% (happened during the night cycle when the temp went down) Min Humidity: 24% Current Humidity: 29%

Its getting worse... I really am confused on what I need to be doing, help me save my babies :(... Here are some pics. I tried to make the spots as visible as possible but I still cant figure out the camera fully.

Here are some more pics for everyone. Hopefully you can see the issue Im talking about. Someone that has expierenced spotting like this or might know the issue hit me up pleaseeeee... Ive noticed extreme stunted growth, I mean there still getting bigger but at a very decreased rate and I need this to be done by april 1st. Im going to my dads tonight and jacking a space heater... hopefully I can figure out how to set it up to where it stays around 75 degrees during the night cycle. But that still leaves the humidity issue, please hit me up, thanks all!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah I just edited that post and upped some pics, take a look. This is my first big problem I'm running in to.


Active Member
judgeing by you haveing those pots on your nice clean carpet you probably dont have drainage holes in the bottom and i know u have those gages to tell u how wet it is but i bet its a good possability you are over watering them, roots need air and they wont get any if u have water sitting in the bottom leaching up


Well-Known Member
If your going to post atleast respond with a reasonable idea... If you even looked you would see the drainage holes. and read any of the rest of this journal I have drainage holes in every pot and water once a week... sigh... wheres the experts?


Well-Known Member
aer all of those bag seed? if so its probably genetic every time i grow bag seed the leaves do what yours are doing i just tossed 4 plants this morning but if you just keep growing them they will do ok try flushing and then feeding in about 3 days


Well-Known Member
Finally, someone thats got some ideas. Ok technically I should be watering in about 3 days anyways. Honestly I'm not sure what you mean by flushing, explain? thanks so much for the reply!


Well-Known Member
Well im in two gallon pots... So water two gallons for each plant? I have ten plants... Thats crazy :( and how would that work... wouldnt it drain like crazy? and fill up my entire drain tray? and would that like kill the plants because of overwatering? Also the water at my apparment is crazy alkaline like PH of 8.5... so It takes like 30 drops of PH down to get it right. Maybe ill try the water from my g/f's moms house, wonder if it would be better... They have filtered water on their fridge so... and I dont feel like buying ten cases of bottled water. Ideas? Suggestions? thanks so much!!! :D


Well-Known Member
get some 5 gallon containers and fill em up at the grocery store the ph is usually low
and yea if u want to remove any toxins u need to flush do it in the bath tub


Well-Known Member
I didnt even know you could take in containers and fill them at the grocery store... hmmm...


Well-Known Member
dude just buy 10 gallons of water..its like 1$ a gallon...10$ is worth it to save ur plants.the ph of like spring water or somthing is usualy 7.0 so its pretty eazy to bring it down to 6.0....good luck!