First Grow Bagseed w/CFLs (pics)


Well-Known Member
I'm now having temperature issues with my new light setup. My temps were around 78-80. Now, with the door closed, it is hard to keep it below 85-86. I made a hole for a passive intake in the lower left hand corner of the grow box. It didn't help. I just installed 2 80mm PC fans in the lower left hand side of the cab to blow air in. I also have the regular 6" clip on fan blowing at the plants and lights. Still, temps around 85. Anyone have any tips?

Picture of my setup. 4" inline exhaust fan at the top. The 2 PC fans are in the left side panel of the grow cab...lower left hand corner.....

Biggest plant......

Thanks for looking! Any ideas on the temp/ventilation problems would be appreciated!

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
doin way better then before looks like its just gonns take some time until your roots flood into your res......

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
85 is about the max any higher your fucked :( its more of an issue when you have soil or a medium but the water is keeping your plants cooler then you think...:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for looking. Hopefully in a couple days these babies will take off!

This could have been an awkward comment had you put "their clothes." at the end of it... and been staring into a daycare window.
LMFAO.. Dude, Im hilarious. Guess no one else thinks that's funny. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I am now 9 days into flowering. I have dumped Fox Farm in favor of GH MaxiBloom and the plants seem to be doing great. New growth looks awesome. The roots a healthy as can be. My pH is stable. Still no definite signs of sex. I think the smaller one might be male, the larger one female. Here are some pics......

Both plants...

Bigger Plant....inside the jungle.....

Honestly, I took about 20 pictures of both plants, trying to get up close to the nodes as I could. The last picture was by far my best one. I was using the MACRO mode on my camera, but most pictures came out blurry. Either I suck at taking pictures, or my camera sucks (Canon Powershot) or both, haha! Hopefully some definite signs of sex will show in the next couple of days, and my picture taking skills will improve.

Thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
My "faster/bigger" growing plant ended up being male. Id be interested to see how it turns out with yer situation


Well-Known Member
My faster/bigger plant just had less problems in its early life. I'm hoping that's why it is bigger. But who know, right? Still no signs of sex today. I'm hoping something shows up in the next week.....


Well-Known Member
OK, Ladies and Gentleman. Let me introduce to you what I believe is my baby girl!!!! The bigger of the 2 plants showed what I believe to be pistils this morning. Remember, I am a new grower and have never sexed a plant before. Take a look and tell me what you think!

The bigger of the two plants...Are those my female sex organs, haha?!!! Look right smack dab in the middle of the picture....

Another shot of the same pistils.....look in the middle over towards the left....I really wish I had some software to crop/zoom and circle things.....

Lastly, this is a picture of my smaller plant. I think I see what are the beginning of some pistils. This was the best shot I could get. The trained eye might be able to pick out two little white pistils....look at the center of the picture and look down an inch or so........

So what does everyone think? Thanks for looking! I think I might post these pictures up in the general growing area, cuz I know not many peeps follow this journal....hopefully that will change now that I might have 2 girls!



Well-Known Member
Two Girls!!!! I'm starting to believe!!! I hope i am somehow lucky enough to have 2 girls from 2 plants!! Its pretty crazy considering all they have been through and the stress I put them through.


Well-Known Member
OK, I am now a full 2 weeks into flowering. I am not sure if I should start my "official" flowering date from the day I went 12/12 or the say when sex was shown. I am 2 weeks into 12/12, but only 2 days since the larger plant on the right showed her sex. My smaller plant is also female, I just can't snap a decent shot of her pistils, but 2 showed today.

Pretty amazing that I got 2 females, considering all they went through early on in life. I think I am going to run into a new problem though. The bigger plant is growing like crazy, I have to raise my side lights daily. The smaller plant is just coming along a lot slower. I raise those lights maybe every 4 days or so. The bigger plant is starting to get so bushy, it is overtaking the smaller one. I'm not sure what to do about this. I want the smaller plant to get adequate light also. I was almost hoping the smaller one was male so the bigger plant had more room! Well, if anyone has any suggestion or anything fire away.

And if someone with the power to move this thread is reading, can you please move me to the CFL forum. I'm thinking I might get more hits over there! Thanks for looking, here is a picture!



Well-Known Member
Just had a thought. Would it be too late to put a screen in there and do a scrog? From the top of the big plant to the bottom of my exhaust is 14 inches of space. So I have 14 inches of still usable space left before things get cramped up top.