First Grow - bagseed (pics)


Well-Known Member
Nice grow so far.

Nice updates with your plant. Keep them coming!

How long would it take after the first day of sprouting to turn on 12/12 to harvest time?

What would yeild be? I know it would be small BTW. : )

Also how tall would it get??

Just looking for guestimates.

Can anyone answer? : )

Thx you. And P.S. Keep up the great work.




Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in guys!

I don't think my abrupt change of mind on the flowering issue caused much (if any) damage. It's looking great right now. Updates soon.

I'm not sure about your questions DaCDaC, but I'm curious as well.

Peace guys :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed.

I want my ?'s answered because if i can just go for a single small harvest.

then i will start growing tomorrow.

I saw these container things at wally world and they were only like 5-6 bucks.
They were plastic storage things.
I was thinking that if i get one of those(there about 3 ft long and maybe a 1.5 ft deep)
Then i could sit the box on its side. cut the holes in the top to hang CLF and then all
I would have to figure out is about smell?? maybe like get a couple packs of the glade
candles at wallyworld. there like 5 dollars. and keep them lit during 12/12. Thats when it starts to smell : /
but if it wont get any bigger than 3ft tall then i should be good to go.
p.s. what about you useing the box idea SH55??



Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I did a little shopping for some supplies. I got some soil, 2 more 23 watt CFL's, a bathroom vanity 4 bulb light bar, and a new 5.5" pot for my little girl. The transplant went smoothly. The plant's roots were very healthy looking and after about 12 hours in her new pot, my plant is perked back up and already showing some new growth. She likes it. I'm including some pics of her roots during transplants and also of a few seedlings I started. Two of the seedlings are for a friend who is just starting out. The other is just another one for me.

Let me know how I'm doing. Any and all comments greatly appreciated.

Peace :joint:

P.S. I'm trying to find something suitable to turn into a new grow room/box. It has to be big enough for me to mount my light bar though. That's the only problem... Ahh well. I'll figure it out.



Well-Known Member
Yes indeed.

I want my ?'s answered because if i can just go for a single small harvest.

then i will start growing tomorrow.

I saw these container things at wally world and they were only like 5-6 bucks.
They were plastic storage things.
I was thinking that if i get one of those(there about 3 ft long and maybe a 1.5 ft deep)
Then i could sit the box on its side. cut the holes in the top to hang CLF and then all
I would have to figure out is about smell?? maybe like get a couple packs of the glade
candles at wallyworld. there like 5 dollars. and keep them lit during 12/12. Thats when it starts to smell : /
but if it wont get any bigger than 3ft tall then i should be good to go.
p.s. what about you useing the box idea SH55??


I think I know what you're talking about. If so, then, ya, I think those would work well for only one plant. They are a good height, and you could definitely keep the smell under control if you ask me. Get one of those little candle holder plates that heat the candle up.

Then just put a strong scented candle on it and turn it on. Those put out some potent smell. I say go back to wally world, get the container. Cut a hole in the top of it for some power supply and put about 4 CFLs in there. Then get a couple computer fans and cut intake/outtake holes in the container -- intake near bottom, outtake near top. Then, get a plant going! You could get a decent yield out of one plant in that container using LST or scrog.

Well, that's what I think. Let me know what you decide.

Peace :blsmoke:

P.S. --

How long would it take after the first day of sprouting to turn on 12/12 to harvest time?

What would yeild be? I know it would be small BTW. : )

Also how tall would it get??
As far as the answers to those questions, I'm not exactly sure, but I do know that you could get a decent yield and the container you speak of could definitely house the plant if it's put on 12/12 from sprout. And, with 3 feet of grow room, you could even veg it for a week or 2 and still pull it off I bet.


Well-Known Member
So I'm awake at 6:17 A.M. and I'm high so I decided to work with my set up a little. I put one of the CFLs horizontal over my main plant and constructed a Sunkist pop can hood to maximize light efficiency. On the other, vertical CFL, I put the paper plate hood back on and put the little sprouts under that. I know this light is shitty, but I have 2 more CFLs and a 4 bulb bar that I will definitely get 4 Y-splitters for and add 4 more CFLs. All I need is a damned box of some sort to grow in... >.<

Anyway I took a bunch of pics and posted them because who doesn't like to look at pics?


Peace :joint:



Well-Known Member
I was getting tired of having these other CFLs sitting around and not being used, so i thought of a temporary set up to utilize all the lights I have and give my main plant a little extra love. Over top the plant is a horizontally fixed 26 watt 1750 Lumen CFL. On either side of her are identical 23 watt 1600 lumen CFLs. Total Lumens on main plant = 4950 Lumens. Is that sufficient for this stage of growth? Here's some pics.



Active Member
Wow. I didnt know you had more babies! Nice! The set up is really amazing. You've done a lot with it since Ive seen her. Damn.
As an idea for a box,
use one of those storage boxes, that are like 4'-6' long and like 1'-3' wide,
the durable plastic ones.
Put it vertical, in one of those moveable closets up there,
and cut the top off for lighting or whatever else you do.

Looks great! Keep up the good work :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow. I didnt know you had more babies! Nice! The set up is really amazing. You've done a lot with it since Ive seen her. Damn.
As an idea for a box,
use one of those storage boxes, that are like 4'-6' long and like 1'-3' wide,
the durable plastic ones.
Put it vertical, in one of those moveable closets up there,
and cut the top off for lighting or whatever else you do.

Looks great! Keep up the good work :mrgreen:
Ya.. Like the new babies? Two of them are for Jason. He's gonna start his own garden. LOL

The box idea is actually one I've been playing around with, but the new light bar I got is like 2.5 feet long and I need a box that is around 3 feet wide and atleast 2 feet deep. And ofcourse it needs to have some decent height -- about 4 feet would be perfect. Also this contraption needs to be in the same room my current setup is in (you know what room that is). I don't want to put it in my room because I decided to keep them through harvest and I don't want to put my roommate at risk. Plus there's too much traffic in and out of there. You know how that is. When the setup was down there, people were asking questions within the first week of growing. Can't have that, can I? LOL

As soon as this semester's over, and I get into my appartment, I'll go to Goodwill or something and get a good sized cabinet. Then I can start to get serious. Right now I'm just dabbling.

Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
Just cleaning up and still trying to find the most efficient way to use my given space. This still is far from final, but once again, it will do for now. If any one has any light arrangement ideas that would better utilize the already shitty lighting I have, please, let me know. :blsmoke:

Two of my seedlings are growing very well right now I believe. I gave them each a very light dose of some weak root stimulating nutes and after 12 hours, there's no sign of any damage. However, the third seedling seems to be suffering. I can't figure out what's wrong with it. It was already showing signs of damage at watering time yesterday and I went ahead and watered it because it was very dry. I'm positive the damage is not due to over watering, but I have no idea what else it could be. It has never had nutes.

Here's some pics.

Let me know what you think.. How am I doing? What can I be doing better?
All input is very appreciated!

Peace :joint:

Edit: Here's me smoking a half ounce super blunt... Good times.. Haha

The camera must have f*cked up - there's something black all over my face ;)



Well-Known Member
Well... Fucking CFL fell on my big plant... This grow is over...

Plant got fried over night.
Thanks for the help everyone.

Peace :joint: