first grow bagseed journal


Well-Known Member
Ha ! had to tie em down there getting to big for the new cab lol! mexican strains be growing huge! starting to have a really diesel citrus smell to it :) will post pics soon i wanna post a vid but dont know if its very safe to do that


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I just got your PM. If your buds aren't getting fatter or denser, it's hard to tell from the pics, but it could be a couple of things. Maybe your lights are either too weak or too far from the plant. You said you were having a problem with them stretching, too, right? If your plants aren't getting enough lumens, whether it be from weak lamps, crowded plants, or lamp distance, it will cause more internodal stretching and airy buds. Also, how far into flowering are they? There's a point in flowering where the buds really start packing on weight, and maybe yours just aren't there yet. The only other thing I could guess from the pics, is what kind of nutes are you feeding? Those plants look like they have nice, dark green leaves, which means they're getting plenty of nitrogen. That's good in vegging, but not so good in flowering, depending on how far into flower; too much nitrogen encourages more veg growth instead of flowering hormones, and also causes buds to foxtail and calyxes and pistils to stretch. I'd make sure to feed either a straight bloom fertilizer with plenty of P and low N, or maybe no ferts at all for a little while and see what the plants tell you. Hope this helps.:leaf:

:peace: Peace,

J Dubs


Well-Known Member
yeai see morebuds forming now so i guessing maybe im just not at that point asfar as nutes im using david base, grow,and bloom also root roids


Well-Known Member
Mugz the THUG!! Dope ass beat son:) More buds, always a good thing. Ps, its a Sativa, thats why shes stretchy and fluffy....


Well-Known Member
Nice to know yea shes really fluffy lol but ohwell as long as she gets a little bit fatter and i can get atleast 1oz and half


Well-Known Member
trich are really starting to show :D im hoping 4 more week or less I wanna smoke good lol i bought a 20 of some purp shit was .7 wtf!


Active Member
Before soil, have you looked into coco? It's like the hydroponic system of soil. Water passes like right through it and yet a large amount is absorbed into the fibers. Just water with a nutrient solution or nutrient tea. They really should make a section for it on here.


Well-Known Member
just checked them there really fluffing up so im confident they will get way bigger i think like 2-3 weeks left the leaves are starting to yellow which is a sign of the end of flowering soon :)
is it normal for the fan leaves to droop?
depends... when you took the pic has a lot to do with it. If they're always droopy, it could be a concern.
Your leaves actually look pretty green and almost seem to be curling down a bit, wondering about your nute strength...?


Well-Known Member
guys now all my leaves a drooping idk what to do i added a new fan if its heat but idk :( if it was nute strenth i lowered the nutes i put in it :( someone please help!


Active Member
OK Mugzie, I don't think you're fans should be blowing up the stems like that maybe across the leaves, are you using one to suck hot air out..What does the res smell like? How do the roots look? should be some shade of white and smell fresh, like long sense a res flush ? maybe a hydrogen peroxide flush ? Are they getting plenty of oxygen? my air stones get a little clogged after a while....

Hope this helps.........:peace:


Well-Known Member
the fans are fine i havent had a problem with them all grow. I think cause the temps skyrocketed these past days maybe it affected it its so hot right now i dont even sleep in my room I opened the box for some more ventilation gonna see what happens by tomorrow but do u guys think shell make it :( she only has like 3 weeks left