first grow bagseed journal


Well-Known Member
Thanks again guy will post more pics in the coming days next grow gotta be in a bigger cab wahaah:fire:thinking of buy maybe a grow tent then just adding a shit load of cfls and what not


Well-Known Member
vap one vaporizer anyway I have them tied down but there still growing much :( I dont think theyll grow like another foot do u guys? there looking great btw lots of more hairs and more inner growth now since the lights hitting everywhere


Well-Known Member
yup today is day 46 think i might have a possibility of harvest at day 80? also if space is a issue what can i do thats low cost to maybe separate it from the rest of my closet im just worried bout spidermites or other bugs if i take it out of the cab not that my house is nasty or infested but ...this is my baby lol


Well-Known Member
Yup, but if u take it off. Drill some holes in the corners. Then tie or wire the corner together. It will stay intact. Right? Pretty sure it will hold. Fuck! Forgot about the doors tho....


Well-Known Member
yup them doors next time i gotta lst but hmm maybe if i put like a sheet to separate the plant from the rest of the closet? im trying to think but i aint got nothing :(


Well-Known Member
Panda plastic. But its pretty costly. If u have a good Dro store. They might sell u the size u need, cut off a roll...


Well-Known Member
If ur worried bout mites and gnats. Try Azamax. The small bottle is like $20. U use 1 teaspoon, per spray bottle. I still have a half full spray bottle, with a full bottle of Azamax. Wayyyy better than neem oil. 100% natural. Made from veggies and plant extracts. Kills them in seconds. And they wont come back. I spray the top of my soil also, cause Subs Supa soil attracts ants. Aint seen one yet!


Well-Known Member
gonna give that a look im sure they can last another week in the cab but who knows lol this baby is getting my hopes up everyday :D it smells way dif from the weed i got the seed from lol im making mexibrown to mexigood lol
yo mugzie, I've been following your grow. Looks good. I'm also growing in an AG (day 22) and I've brought a few 24W cfls but can't figure out how to mount them? I've looked everywhere for a fixture and spoken to peeps in the hardware n whatnot but to no avail.. What did you use to fix your bulbs? (I'm in Australia if that helps?)

Also I get the impression you're glad to topped that baby? Am I right?

Thanks mate


Well-Known Member
thanks for following killah yea I did a lil getto diy light fixture, get a power strip buy the converter to connect it directly to a outlet there like a 1 at menards walmart etc then put 3 bulbs to each powerstrip then i put a strip of Velcro on the back and attached it like that I also tied it down with string or a rubber band if u have one long enough. I seriously recommend dittys grow cab thats the same cab i have u can mod the shit out of it and if u buy 2 i hear u can stack em on top someway and have a shit load of room. try not to use a tall plant in there mexican indica really does stretch man but the buds are gonna be worth it :D if u have like 6 24w cfls youll be good to go for one plant :)also if u dont have space for a lot of plants top if i didnt my plant wouldnt look as bushy it also gave me 4 main cola sites which is always great. If u can try lst ive been slowly reading on it and for small space there nothing better! my next grow is def gonna be lst