first grow bagseed journal


Well-Known Member
damn sorry to hear about the male, when i was running the AG i just cut my males at the lowest point possible and covered the grow hole. if you can take the roots out do it but if not its ok to leave them in there.


Well-Known Member
They Are !

Update time guys, day 13 today :bigjoint:

I have completed my grow cab! I wanna say thanks to fditty for his grow box thread and for helping me find the cab. Heres a link to the thread

The first two sprouts now have 6 leaves growing and the last one is returning to a dense green color. The last one seems to be growing really slow but the roots are almost touching water so it might just be a slow grower. My cab has my aerogarden and 6 24w cfls for now i plan on adding 6 more when flowering begins I also now have a airstone in my aerogarden and the girls are reacting well to it. Here is some pics guys thanks again for reading and to those who subscribed thanks means a lot
Yeah Son!!!!! Damn y you aint tell me, u had a journal? Aero at that?? Sux u had a dude show his cock to ur girls:( Im here til the end. Still got some pages to read, but im here. Repped+


Well-Known Member
Thanks man ill post some pics of mary when her hairs pop out more :D uh oh i think the fem seeds gonna get germed this weekend :)


Active Member
Hey mugzie, how cool bro, wish my AG was white I have to put it in a diaper to keep the heat down....haha..Love that cab...
looks like we are in the same boat full of males. What are you going to do with yours? i just can't throw them away...
Your grow looks great...can't wait to see the ladies flower......


Well-Known Member
In that cabinet. U can poke holes in the plastic. Tie them down to that. Or get some picture hanger hooks, or eyelid hooks. Screw them inside the cab, tie down to that. I havnt had that prob, as im using mine for a mother chamber now. But i thought about that a few weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
gonna do that tonight im gonna do a huge revamp of the cab tonight maybe adding a diy carbon filter like 2 or 3 pc fans some 65w cfls :) gonna make this flower proper


Well-Known Member
The is a 6500k odor eliminating Cfl on the market. It actually had good reviews, people use them in their bathrooms and kitchens. Lemme find a link....


Well-Known Member
yea good idea a carbon filter isnt really needed yet i can smell but i have it in my closet now and i can hardly tell so ill be adding more lights and lots more air I wanna lower my temps at night i read that if u lower temps 25 in the night purple color starts popping out :)