First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3


Well-Known Member
They look great. Super super healthy and seem to be growing like crazy. I would flip now or at least really soon.


Active Member
thanks man!

is it best to feed/water right before flipping or waiting a few days? i think tonight will be a water night...or its like REALLY close to time. don't know how that plays into switching...


Well-Known Member
thanks man!

is it best to feed/water right before flipping or waiting a few days? i think tonight will be a water night...or its like REALLY close to time. don't know how that plays into switching...
i dont think it matters, just remember with less hours of light evaporation is minimized


Active Member
ok cool. yeah they have been taking a long time to dry out. will water again either tonight or tomorrow only now is drying out to 20 percent humidity.

just need to get the fixtures and bulbs for the veg cab...other than that its all done. excited to get it running.

can't wait to see what happens once i switch to 12/12. will do that as soon as i can get the new fixtures...


Active Member
here's a good question...

I've ordered some clonex from amazon. if i put my big cab into flower, can i take clones from the females once they have gone into flower? or do i have to take a clone from everybody before flipping and then just toss the males and the clones from males?


Well-Known Member
Yes you can take clones while they are in flower. They will take slightly longer to revert to veg but at the same time they should have more growth points.


Active Member
ok cool! thanks man

my rooting gel is not yet shipped, but ordered. i have all but finished my veg cab. i need to run out to the depot to get 2 more fixtures, 8 bulbs, and a length of PVC. wondering how hot it will get in there...guess that adds another digi thermometer/hygrometer. aaannnndd need some more milk crates to hold this puppy up! then i should be pretty much ready to grow!

my lil ones have officially graduated to plants. they are huge! i only went away for 2 days! will post pics of everything later. will be flipping to 12/12 today if i get everything done. VERY excited. when can i expect to start seeing signs of sex after flipping? i feel like some already are, and i see no lil balls...


Active Member
it definitely does, i just dont think that it does at 80 degrees. there is very little in any case, for the intakes only which are cooled by the air they let in...

i hope...


Well-Known Member
i just know that some grow tents were made with PvC and ended up becoming toxic, just wanted to throw that out there just so you could have it in the back of your mind.


Active Member
awesome dude, totally appreciate the heads up. definitely want to avoid releasing hydrochloride and other toxics...

havent gotten to go to home depot yet. have to go to work. hoping to go sometime tonight. excited to come back from work to see the lights on, and to measure growth!


Well-Known Member
Wow. They all look so perfect. Not a single deformed leaf, no burning, beautiful large serrated leaves, great color... What day is this?


Well-Known Member
dam man they made a great comeback, them nutrients are really doing you good right now. i would keep them on the same nutes till they start showing you they want more (light green leaves and maybe slowing down on the growth)

you going to transplant before you flip? i would recomend it but maybe not totally necessary


Active Member
so today is day 40 of this grow. thanks guys, that means a lot coming from u two lol...

i did increase the nutes by like a guess a quarter strength last watering a couple days ago. just to keep up with the growth, seems everytime i water/feed they grow like crazy! you can only kinda tell, but the tallest is close to 10 inches now.

i mean the pots they are in are 3 gallons. technically a little smaller by volume, but i wasnt planning on transplanting. u think i should? i do need to pick up some grow bags as per gas's recommendation, and i need more for my clones and whatnot...

oh and i know the pics kinda suck, but how long do you guys think before i can tell sex? i definitely see pistil looking protrusions from like every node. can see what i assume or look like lil balls starting to form on a couple of them. could just be new pistils tho. idk...i need to flip them soon so i can really tell, right?

i finished setting up my veg cab. well, almost. the intakes are drilled, the light hangers are in place. literally only need the fixtures/bulbs...


Well-Known Member
the rule of thumb is 1 gal for every 1 month of the plants life (george cervantes) so if you flower today and have a 8 week flower perioud your looking at 96 days. im not sure but your plants look indica dom, not sure if they have the shorter or longer flowering periods, the call is yours but if you want to vegg a bit longer i would recomend transplanting.


Well-Known Member
If you transplant veg for at least a week post transplant. Personally I think you should be flowering now in which case the 3gals should be fine. If you upgrade your pots make sure not to get standard "grow bags" - the thin plastic ones. They are really cheap and take up no room but they are a complete pain the the ass IMO and produce shitty roots and shitty plants. The cloth bags on the other hand I love and would greatly recommend. And of course the standard plastic pot works great as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wouldnt say you HAVE to get them. but if you can it wont hurt. check your roots, see what they look like, if you can see the plant is rootbound transplant if not leave em be :)


here is a rootbound plant, see how the roots are growing up the side


Active Member
i gotcha. i think they are fine for the moment. i know they will stretch once put into flower but they dont have a ton of vertical room so i have to flower asap. which is the plan, at least at the moment. cash is tight, so i cant go get those new fixture QUITE yet...soon tho.

i will stick with the pots for now, will probably get a bunch of 5 inch or 6 inch pots/cloth bags<--(thanks gas) for vegging and keep working with pots. for now.

is there any place to order cloth bags? i dont think the local agway has any...

so i am starting to see what i think are lil a few of them. half of the big ones. so 3 total. i think. how soon do i need to get the males outta there to avoid hermie-ing?