First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3


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Well, and you use to be able to pay to change the top one. They changed that though and made is a moderator only option.


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im pretty sure the top name is current rank and bottom one is your next rank, at least that is what i read in a old post. not 100% sure


Active Member
idk mine nittis and gastankers all say the same thing twice. MOD!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? lol

should i do any pinching or cutting?

how much more should i let them veg? theres only like a foot left to go before the lights can't go any much will they stretch once i start flower?


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Did some digging:
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Well-Known Member
idk mine nittis and gastankers all say the same thing twice. MOD!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? lol

should i do any pinching or cutting?

how much more should i let them veg? theres only like a foot left to go before the lights can't go any much will they stretch once i start flower?
Plants usually double to triple in size from my experiences once thrown into 12/12. There's a really good product called Bushmaster from Humboldt Countys Own nutrients that basically stops major vertical growth and causes instant budding and much tighter node structure once thrown into 12/12. Sales have been banned in CA but its still available in other states. A new organic product just came out that is supposed to be just as good called The Beast. How far away are your plants from the light now? They seem a little small to be topping imo but it's hard to tell how tall your plants are and how many nodes your plants have. I usually top when my plants are about a foot tall. If you're having height limitations I would definitely consider using Bushmaster or The Beast. It will help a lot with stretching and has also given higher yields in my grows. Looking good and healthy so far. Looks like it's going to be a bushy indica. Those look like 5 gallon pots but with nothing for scale it's hard to tell. What size?


Well-Known Member
Why was it banned? Miss labeling or carcinogenic material like some of the of the other banned nutes? I've been tempted to fuck with hormone therapy on my plants but at the same time it seems just a bit unnatural.


Active Member
as far as nodes, if i am not mistaken, they are really close together. i will get a pic of one soon and post, but i believe they are about a half inch apart. there are about 4 or so distinct nodes so far. the lights are approximately 2 to 3 inches away from the bulbs. the plants themselves, as of those last pictures, were about 7 or 8 inches tall...

now I'm curious lol. going to get the tape measure.

i believe there is about a foot of cord left until the lights can go no higher. i am expecting them to stretch, just hope they don't go TOO crazy. don't know where i could get any nutes other than MG around here. could order i suppose. idk MG miracid seems to be working pretty well so far. its pretty extreme, but seems to be working. MG makes a bloom formula too, thats what i was planning on using for flower. then doing a flush at the end.

those pots are probably a gallon and a half, maybe 2. maybe 3. shit i dono. lol. i will go take pics with a point of reference. i wana know if i should prune or top, and lol how to. top? that means cut the top off right? lol. clueless.


Active Member
oh and thanks for finding that info gastanker. that definitely helps clearing things up. u rock!

and i love that post. definitely read thru it a few times. its almost exactly what I'm doing now. i do have a lil more wattage, cfl wise. planning on adding 260 watts of 2700k for flower to the 411 i have now. i guess i mean TECHNICALLY (cause I'm a geek like that) i will be subtracting 43 watts to add the 260. total of 628 watts.

hoping to have a decent yield! lol hoping for at least ONE female! my luck, will have all males.


Well-Known Member
as far as nodes, if i am not mistaken, they are really close together. i will get a pic of one soon and post, but i believe they are about a half inch apart. there are about 4 or so distinct nodes so far. the lights are approximately 2 to 3 inches away from the bulbs. the plants themselves, as of those last pictures, were about 7 or 8 inches tall...

now I'm curious lol. going to get the tape measure.

i believe there is about a foot of cord left until the lights can go no higher. i am expecting them to stretch, just hope they don't go TOO crazy. don't know where i could get any nutes other than MG around here. could order i suppose. idk MG miracid seems to be working pretty well so far. its pretty extreme, but seems to be working. MG makes a bloom formula too, thats what i was planning on using for flower. then doing a flush at the end.

those pots are probably a gallon and a half, maybe 2. maybe 3. shit i dono. lol. i will go take pics with a point of reference. i wana know if i should prune or top, and lol how to. top? that means cut the top off right? lol. clueless.
dude, grab a piece of twine or string and tie the tops down to the side of the bucket, this will make all the side nodes think they are tops.


Active Member
yeah thats lst'ing right? lol i suppose now it would be more mst or hst... was debating, but i dont know if any of them are female at this point tho. might just do a straight grow. planning on mothering one female at least to get a perpetual started.

not even close on the



Well-Known Member
They are looking amazing! Super super healthy and really tight node spacing. Well done! By far one of the better CFL grows I've seen recently.

Personally I would flower them now. That center one might benefit from a slightly longer veg but the rest area ready to go - especially considering your height restriction.


Active Member
everything coming out near the nodes is straight and long...essentially pistil looking. to me. noob. lol. this is normal then? pic doesn't show it well...

so. is this cab i have good for vegging? heres my thought process...i LOVE diy i have mentioned before, especially when the end result it quality bud, and what i am thinking is a 4x4x8 foot cab, next to the 3x3x3 cab, for flowering. thinking about a 1000 watt dimmable ballast system, as per gastankers suggestion.

now with this size cab, i more than likely wouldn't need to expand, would i? i mean, way more bud than i could ever personally need. which is MOSTLY the point. I'm sure everyone understands that meaning.

do i need a dimmable ballast if it will, foreseeable future, be installed permanently in this 4x4x8 cab?

can i achieve the same results in the cab i have now? i mean clearly not EXACTLY but i mean, essentially...???

would love to have a cab for mothering/cloning/sprouting/vegging and another for flowering, or some such amalgamation...i think ideally this is what i am aiming for. i would like to know if i am overlooking anything. like the harvesting and curing process. no WAY am i guna fuck this up and harvest too early/soon, wait to be properly cured/dryed...

what y'all think? am i on the right track? anything i need to change?

sorry if i seem SUPER excited about this, i.e. obnoxiously over-concious, but i just don't wana fuck around. i literally haven't smoked legit bud in like a week. my guy is out of town, and busy, and generally not REALLY concerned lol for which i do not blame him one bit, but would like to RECTIFY, by my own means. dig? REALLY sick of smoking rez


Well-Known Member
I think a DIY flower cab sounds like a great project. I would still recommend a dimmable ballast but that might just be me.

Having a permanent veg cab is a godsend in my opinion - you can have mothers, have a place to root clones while you flower, start a perpetual or just have plants ready right after you harvest to immediately go into 12/12...

If you have the room you might consider making the cab a tad larger - I would recommend 4x5 as a 1kW ideally covers a 4x4, can cover a 5x5, but generally you have a rectangular hood that naturally spreads over a 4x5ish area. More canopy potentially can yield better and a bit of extra working room is nice.


Active Member
definitely room is no issue. i mean to a point of course. but I'm thinking for building convenience, the plywood comes in 4x8 sheets so a 4x5xWhatever cab is...not out of the question but certainly not as feasible as a 4x4x8. i see many tents available in 4x4x6.5 foot configurations...will do this if recommended but i figure if its easier, go for the 4x4x8...

that being said, are my pot sizes ok? i mean i know for plants, especially if they were to reach anywhere NEAR 6 or 8 feet, would need to be bigger, but i can always lower the HID hood and also i will at some point, probably in the nearer future, be trying DWC and/or aero...well...leaning more towards DWC if it makes a diff.


Well-Known Member
Your pot sizes are fine if you are flowering small in your veg cab. My 1 oz plants were in pots half the size. If you don't mind watering more frequently I would recommend smart pots or some other equivalent fabric pot. It seems to me that for the size you can grow larger plants in them.

And totally get the 4x8 thing - go 4x8 all the way.