First ever grow, grow journal.

Ahright haha my bad. i'll try get pictures tomorrow if i spot anymore. Thanks for the heads up. I cant believe tomorrow is my last day with the girls for three weeks lol :(
Firstly i would like to apologize about how little i have been posting this past week it has been chaos. And today is even worse, i thought id be relaxed today but i have forgotten so much im running around like a mad man. I have an update, its not the best but hopefully its ok! I hope everyone has a great three weeks and that all your plants do great! Cant wait to catch up on everyones grows when i get back!

Update: Day 98 - Flowering 46 (Six weeks four days)

Both plants are doing great, vertical growth seems to have stopped. Buds are expanding and crystals everywhere. Crystals are beginning to turn milky. I dont know whether i should keep the clone in there. Despite the fact they havent grown anymore vertically for a couple of weeks, i have tied them down another inch or so for safety. They are both under 1 ft again. It has started to show white hairs now, im just worried it'll grow some balls and pollinate my girls when im away.. Seems a shame to cut it down though. I watered them both yesterday with 1litre solution (Boost, PK13/14 + Blackstrap molasses) That should last them about 4/5 days from experience, hopefully more. I have two 2litre bottles of solution prepped for my friend to water with. One is with nutes and one is with Canna flush. He will use accordingly. So for the 11 days when theyre without watering they'l only be on plain water meaning no worries of nute burn etc.

Sorry about the lack of photos was in a rush

Right photos:

Side shot of one of Mary's stems:

Close up of Marys trichs:



Quick video of Mary:


Janes main stem is really filling out:

Some of her buds on the main stem etc:

So thats it for today, sorry about the rush its hectic here. Again i hope you all have a great three weeks! Cant wait for the updates! Wish the girls luck! See you later!! Oh and btw, they smell gorgeous!


TGP *Puff puff pass*

More of Janes buds:
Great pics GP, girls looking really great - thanks for the update btw know you're real busy. Have a great trip and see when when you get back. And don't worry ;) everything will be fine.
The girls are looking great TGP, I'm rather partial to Jane myself.
Well you have a good trip and we'll all jack your thread and make all kinds of wild statements while you're gone, lol.;-):roll:
Here's to hoping you come back to an excellent harvest.:mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:
An amazing trip man, greece you said, wish i could wander around there. Enjoy your daze. If you can pick up there, let us know how it is!

And the plants, ohh they look good. And they will be fine I'm sure, it sounds like that clone is fringing female- so if so, all is well!
alright guys, in the airport on me iPhone atm, couldn't resist. Been up since 4am... I'm already worrying about the girls lol I'm sure all will be well though. Hope you all hava great time. Oh yeah my mate will be watering them twice. Once with nutes on the 1st and then the 7th with canna flush. Then he's off to Ibiza. Fingers crossed the girls last without the watering!! Enjoy the next three weeks. Hopefully I can get online somehow in Greece to keep updated on your grows. Wish' I'd set up a webcam now that would have been class.

Peace TGP
.... wish the best man. if anything else your buds should taste wonderfully with all the bullshit taken out. cant wait to see. best of luck!
Hey guys im back :)

Holiday was awesome, hot as hell (well compared to where i live anyway lol) nice and relaxing. Didnt half miss this site and my girls though. I have been particularly worried the last few days. I'll fill you in. My helper visited them twice to water and tie down, i rang him up both times to see how they were doing. The first time was the Monday the 1st. Everything seemed fine, which is what i expected as it had only been 4/5 days.

The next time he visited though was the 7th so that would be the longest they had ever been without water, this worried me. However when i spoke to him he was really happy, he said the plants were looking perfect and the trichomes were exploding everywhere, he didnt note much on the size of the buds though. He applied the flush this time. However what did worry me was this, he said the house was stinking so he put my ONA block inside the tent infront of the fan. He meant well i know but this worried me as i have had bad experience with such chemicals in my tent, and it was too late for him to go back and take it out as he was off to Ibiza the next day. From then on it was a waiting game. From the 7th until today (18th) the girls have had no water or attention..

Update Day 119 - 57 Days flowering (four days short of ten weeks)

No photos as of yet sorry, i literally arrived home with 15 minutes until lights off and my camera memory is full as im sure you'll understand. I will have photos in the morning.

Upon entering the house i noted the change in smell. Alot deeper smell then before. When i opened the tent my heart sank.... The plants were all keeled over and yellow/ brown leaves appeared to be everywhere. Immediately i thought it was the ona block that had caused this. Having spent a couple of minutes looking around the damage is no where near as bad as i thought. In fact im rather happy. The plants were a bit droopy which worried me at first, this is obviously due to the fact they havent had much water... Also a lot of the leaves were curled and browned/ yellowed. This i imagine is from lack of particular nutes and vulnerability of the leaves due to lack of water. It really isnt that bad, and the buds themselves seem unaffected. The main buds have gotten really dense and fat(i hope this shows in my photographs). Crystals are everywhere and there are some amber trichs about. Im going to leave it five days and see how they've recovered with their watering.

The clone is dead, and good riddance i couldnt have flowered it fully anyway. Apart from that i dont have much to report on.

I hope everyone has had a great three weeks, and that all your grows have been going fantastically well. It will take me a while to catch up on everyones journals so i must apologize in advance. Cant wait to catch up with everyones grows!

Man just yesterday i went looking for this journal to see if you were back yet and failed to find it. Glad to hear your back and that the plants are still going good, cant wait for harvest time.
welcome back TGP....good hols then?
really pleased to hear all's well..have to admit...wheni gottothe "my heart sank" bit...mine kinda did too cos i just thought "oh no! that would be a real pisser!!" but sounds like u got them sorted?!
not long left til harvest then right?
Cant wait to see some pics man! Maybe the droopy yellowness is normal. I have seen plants grown until they looked like that on purpose, something with the plant taking less nitrogen to sustain leaf life, but still having the p and k for the buds. Anyways, be sure to check out my grow, its been exploding with growth since you left. Later man.
Welcome back TGP !!!
I'm glad/relieved to hear that they've done good during your absence.
I can understand your reasons and will patiently the pics.
Thanks for filling us in as to what happened and what you came home to.:joint::hump::peace:
Dixie: Hols were awesome yeah, only bad thing was that i couldnt get hold of any green!!!! It wasnt a touristy area which is what i wanted. I saw two plants growing though which seemed wild, though people could have planted them there. They were out in the open though.

Basically the plants have looked much better particularly Mary who was lush and green all over when i left. Im confident to say that the problem is from under watering. They have wilted a bit and like i said theres a lot of yellow/ brown leaves which i have now removed. Anyway lights on in 10 minutes, hopefully the drooping has subsided! Thanks for stopping by again|!!

Stealth: Yeah ive noticed similar patterns in growth towards the end! Lets hope it hasnt affected the potency much!!! Sure thing man i'll check your grow after i update mine with photos! :)

BigGuyTok'n: Happy to be back :) Thanks for stopping by once again! Lights on in 5/10 minutes so i'l try get some photos up! Just need to find my macro lens in my luggage haha Update shortly hopefully
Update: Day 120 day 68 Flowering (2 days short of 10 weeks)

Sorry about the delay guys!
Just got my scope out to inspect trichs and theres a lot of amber trichs there. Not 50/50 however. I could harvest now but i think i'll leave it a few days. I have a music festival on the first, if i get some dry by then i'll be happy :P. Anyway larger buds on top are doing great, seeing as theyve been done with cfls not HPS im happy with the outcome. I havent a clue on weight, i doubt i'll get anywhere near an ounce though even wet. Some of the lower down buds are tiny and havent developed much at all so i'll just have to chop them with the rest, no point leaving them on the plant is there?

I cant think of what else to say lol erm oh right yeah, im going to aim to chop this Monday or Wednesday. If i chop this monday it will have been 122 days (ten weeks exactly) or on Wednesday it will have been 124 days just two days over the eleven. Im tempted to leave it go for eleven weeks as it suggests this to add flavor.. Im not sure. .

Right photo time, i have a video as well but you know how annoying photobucket can be with videos so i'll edit it in or post with it later on for you guys.

First photo is overall shot:

Heres a side shot of one of Mary's Buds:

One of Janes Buds:

Clearer photo of same bud, really matured since i left:

Side shot of Janes main cola, photo doesnt do size justice:

Heres another side shot of Janes main cola but its blurred sorry:

No more pictures because of the video, i'll get it up asap!

Thanks for you patience, really appreciate it! Sorry if i havent caught up with your journal, my control panel isnt showing all my subscribed threads for some reason...


Long story short, i did something i told myself i wouldnt... lol

I took a sample... This branch had wilted to the point where the stem wasnt supporting the bud anymore. The bud was bent over to the side and not getting any more light and was blocking another bud site. Trichs were cloudy with some amber trichs on this bud so i chopped the end off. I needed practice with trimming etc as i havent a clue.

Wet it weighed 1.7g. Im out tonite due to the fact my mates are back from Ibiza and i havent seen them for a while, so im quick drying this bud. I know taste and potency will be nothing like the finished product but i couldnt resist lol. Its currently weighing at 0.6g so im guessing its nearly completely dry. Heres photos of the bud fresh.



Thats it. Sorry about the video from earlier, photobucket doesnt seem to want to upload it! :( I'l keep trying though
Right guys heres the video finally! You can see in part of the video the limp branch i mentioned before which is the one i have cut off and is currently drying. Weight is at 0.5/6g currently and stem is almost ready to *snap*.

Also you get to see how many flies there are in there lol
Great to see it went well, It crossed my mind once or twice and i was like hope some where out there TGPs strawberrys are bloomin away. Clearly they were.
Great Ganja, tell us all about the test piece- your mate deserves it for being a good fill in gardener.