First ever grow, grow journal.

Alright guys n gals. Been sitting next to my op playing like a little kid with my microscope lol its amazing how many trichs there are and how close this scope gets, i just wish i could photograph what i can see with it. Ive spent ages trying to get decent pics but i just cant get them in focus or with a wide view so i apologize i tried my best for you.

As for the flies ive mentioned before, i found a couple stuck in my crystals.... I dont want added protein to my bud when i harvest so i need to get rid of this fuckers. I bought some of these flower window stickers which gets the flies stuck so ive been sitting there watching these flies land on them lol. I realize they live or hide in the gravel so have been moving that about to make them all fly up and land on the stickers lol Hopefully this will help the problem how ever it doesnt seem to be killing more than i do by hand anyway. I think these things double in population each time i kill one.. Anyway time will tell.

Also i finally got my yeast and sugar co2 bottle back in there. I know it wont do a shit load of difference but hopefully the little added co2 will help the girls. Its attached to tubing which is above the girls (co2 being heavier than o2).

Anyway heres my best attempts at trich shots, i apologize for them being out of focus!






good work
Maybe if you just used the camera and turn on the macro.
Then get as close as the thing will focus. I tried that and it worked OK I guess
I would like to have an image of a single trich but then again wouldn't we all lol
I am going to keep at it tho until I find a way to do that.
I can see the trichs and the extent of where they are growing TGP maybe not close enough to tell ripeness tho.
Yeah i use the macro setting usually in conjunction with my actual macro lens and i dont manage to get a decent shot of trichs though i may have an experiment now with it. Ive been playing in my op all day adjusting things etc. Im considering giving them their PK13/14 solution a day early.. I doubt im going to be able to ever take photos to judge ripeness, though i feel pretty confident about analyzing the trichs myself. I hope they dont ripen too fast when im away other wise i may have to make it all into hash lol :(
yeah lol
I am just using a digital Nikon L3 so thats that.
Now if I were to drag out the "other" cameras I own Hehe
I have a pair of Mamiya RB57 with various lenses and also a 4x5 Cambo view camera.
Not that I can do a lot better with close-ups with what lenses I have :blsmoke:
Hey all, hope everyones good!

Update! Day - 87. Flowering Day - 35 (Five weeks) (Five or six weeks to go according to packet.)

Watered with full strength nutes and PK 13/14. Three weeks until flush. Will be watering them every four/ 5 days with Canna Boost Accelerator and PK 13/14 right up until flush. Obviously if any signs of burns appear then i'll lessen the nutes etc. Hopefully with the PK 13/14 the flowers will really fill out.

Right girls are doing amazingly well. Theyre reaching for the sky at the moment and their heads are about two inches from the light with no sign of burning. How ever i am going to raise the light anyway. Its surprising how cool this fluro is, such a contrast with my HPS (Which is STILL just sitting around in my room lol).

Ive spent hours in with my girls the last few days just checking out trichomes and organizing branches etc. Theres crystals everywhere. I dont think im going to get a good yield, if i got an ounce in total i would be happy as hell but im probably looked at a quarter lol :(

Its getting harder to photograph the girls individually, Mary for instance is a jungle its crazy even when your sitting next to her you cant quite figure out what the hell is going on lol.

Heres some pictures of both the girls:



Heres a video, sorry if its blurry in places but i think you'l agree i have a lot better focus this time around in some places :P Enjoy!

hell yeah TGP, keep it coming! I really hope everything goes ok while you are out of town with these babies! Keep up the great work man, i hope it all works out great in the end!!!
Looking good I bet they fill in a lot still
remember you have a few weeks yet and they will even keep filling in while flushing
Hope you end up with more than a quarter, but next (home) will support more
maybe even that HPS :)
dude, for those flies, you should think about pouring some sandbox sand, about 3 inch layer, on top of each pot- it will make it so the ones in the soil drown... and so that the ones in the air have no habitat to go home to...

Just a thought, pics look great, even the slightly fuzzy tric shots, i get the idea...
Toolage: Cheers mate! Me too! Seeing your harvest has made me really excited haha I just hope my girls make it! Theres so many factors that could go wrong lol.

Alto: Yeah im hoping so lol Yeah im keeping my fingers crossed for a big closet lol I should be looking at apartments in August. Thats the crap thing about moving into the city lol have to downgrade as far as housing is concerned due to the sheer cost of living... One of the main features i will be looking at is closet space etc :P

OB Cron: Really? Ah i may do that then cheers! Didnt really think about it that way lol Hopefully i'll learn how to take some clear trich shots soon. Its going to be a weird update when i get back lol no doubt have pages to catch up on in this thread and everyone else's. I'll prob have to read through everyone else's mine then spend ages uploading Loads of photos for a massive update... Is it sad that im stressed about it already lmao
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So i had a practice run at making hash. I got loads of kief out of my grinder so decided to do a test run. I know this isnt how i'll be making hash with my plants but hey.. Basically got it all together in a small plastic envelope and made it as compact as i could. Then pressed it and turn it repeatedly with a hot knife. Then fold and repeat. It worked really really well. Didnt make much by any means about half a gram lol but my god its strong im buzzed out right now lol I should have taken photos i do apologize! If i do it again i will! Hope everyone on the boards are well! Seems quiet today!
YouTube - How to make hash from trimmings

Thats pretty much how I made mine, and very similar to yours... you substituted the oven for hot knives which is cool for portability and the fact that you can then use those same hot knives to smoke it...

But that link shows you how to do it on a massive scale, like you i have only so far been able to dumb my grinder and collect about a 1.5 g hash pile... before RIU so no pictures either...

p.s Sweet tip i have found... Put large coin in your grinder, heavier the better- with preferably smooth edges so as to not get really messy, and then shake the piss out of your grinder and hear it banging back in forth- that will pound kief through your screen in a much more rapid rate... also banging it on hard ground or with a wrench... my grinder looks like it has been through hell in back from the kief beatings it has indured.

Lovin the journal, sorry for the length there lol, but I love my grinder... and grinders for that mater :) It is my best tool- and provides me with so much extra high i wouldnt have gotten had i not purchased it... it has paid for it self time over...
Cheers for the link man really appreciate it i'll check it out now! That coin idea is ace! Definetly going to give it a shot! I know man tell me about it, who ever invented a grinder with a kief apartment is a genius lol. I was sorely tempted to buy this as an upgrade for life:
Easyleaf Electric Herb Grinder

Sounds ace, bit pricey for a grinder i suppose but like i said it'd keep me going for years to come not to mention pay for itself time over like you said!

edit: Oh and check this out haha again rather pricey but what an amazing stash box :P again it would pay for itself eventually lol
my lord that stash box is beautiful... i have seen cheaper versions, but wow... a glass viewing screen, lock and key, cherry, beautiful... my crystals have never had it soo good lol.
what is the plant smell like, and how is the odor control? i just started this strain. :peace:

I couldnt tell you about this strain in particular, but after a week or two of veg you can smell the notorious pot smell from pretty close, within a foot... Basically the plant will smell like fresh weed. But, i personally havent had an issue with it actually making my room stink. Hope this helps later.
You lose THC with electric grinders thegiggle but i love your journal, get more pics up of your buds.
Im starting out now. :joint::D
OB: Haha i know its beautiful aint it, might have to be a christmas present haha

IcanMJ: To be honest this strain doesnt stink a whole lot. It does when you open the grow op particularly when you in flowering. But even then it isnt a skunky/ weedy smell. Its more of a light fruity smell with weed undertone. Odor control isnt too bad with this variety i have been using ONA blocks which i would advise. Or get some Oust wall plug ins, but DONT put them In your op just outside and that'll be fine. Its week five of my flowering now and the smell has left the room and the corridor outside it. But again like i said it doesnt stink of MJ so im not too fussed lol Enjoy your grow man! Lay off on the nutes a bit and your plants should do really well. Check out this link for more info on the strain: Marijuana Strain Library - (Arjan's) Strawberry Haze Thats where i learnt that you dont need to be powerful with your nutes! Peace! and cheers for stopping by!

Stealthpanda: Thats what most plants are like but surprisingly this strain doesnt seem to be too bad. I honestly dont know what i would have done if it stank of weed i dont think my current odor control could keep up with it!

Jinmaster: Really? I didnt realize that cheers man! I only have a small electric grinder at the mo and i barely use it so thats alright. I doubt i'll buy that grinder, particularly as i've spotted that box lol. I'll try get some pics of buds up later! Lights only just came on and i have some work to do but i'll do my best! :) Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with your grow!
that library is my new favorite site! thanks, I narrowed down to 7 plants lol....

Northern Lights
Hash Plant
White Widdow
that library is my new favorite site! thanks, I narrowed down to 7 plants lol....

Northern Lights
Hash Plant
White Widdow

I know you didn't ask - but that never stopped me from putting in my two cents... :mrgreen:

if i had to pick one of these i think it would be the AK - but i try to avoid the body stone/couch lock so...