First ever grow, grow journal.

Cheers mate :) I just wish my photographs could do the girls justice! Everyday i go into the op i myself see a difference easily, however each time i post photos i feel theyre all very similar with hardly any development! Im enjoying the trainwreck as i speak :) Surprised i can type this well to be honest haha
Cheers mate :) I just wish my photographs could do the girls justice! Everyday i go into the op i myself see a difference easily, however each time i post photos i feel theyre all very similar with hardly any development! Im enjoying the trainwreck as i speak :) Surprised i can type this well to be honest haha

yeah man i feel the same way about my pictures, I just can't seem to get them as good as altos lol and I have an $800 camera.

Yeah bro that trainwreck is definently some one hitter quitter, I'm smoking on Stretch right now :mrgreen:
Haha yeah not to mention Jasons photographs haha

Hows she toking at this mate?? I still say you should stick till shes fully done :P :P
Haha yeah not to mention Jasons photographs haha

Hows she toking at this mate?? I still say you should stick till shes fully done :P :P

yeah man no kidding, his photos are nasty!!

She's toking so so. She has 0 taste on this, but then again I didn't flush. The buzz is pretty good but doesn't last too long.

I would like to let her grow out fully man but damn I dont know if I can wait another 4 weeks plus another 2 weeks for drying and curing. I don't think her potency would be worth growing out for that long, though it would be nice to see her grow to full potential. My seeds still haven't showed, im afraid they have been yoinked by customs.
Shame about the taste but hopefully that'll develop more especially with flushing. Same with potency. Youve come this far man could well be worth the wait :P Dont they say its the last week or so where they plump out majorly?? :P

Hope your seeds havent been taken my customs mate, we dont have problems with that here so i wouldnt know what to expect. If they have taken them would they track you down?? Fingers crossed anyway man hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow!
Shame about the taste but hopefully that'll develop more especially with flushing. Same with potency. Youve come this far man could well be worth the wait :P Dont they say its the last week or so where they plump out majorly?? :P

Hope your seeds havent been taken my customs mate, we dont have problems with that here so i wouldnt know what to expect. If they have taken them would they track you down?? Fingers crossed anyway man hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow!

yeah they do fatten around the last couple of weeks, but 15 week flowering period is freaking ridiculous!! LOL! I'm sure when I harvest in a little over a week, i'll be much happier with the buds.

I'm honestly not to sure if they will track me or not. I didn't mail them to my address lol. Today marks 2 weeks since my girl mailed them. I got a postcard from her in 7 days, yet I haven't gotten these yet. she said it could take up the 3 weeks, but god damn! lol. we'll find out.
Oh right yeah sorry i forgot you said she was sending them back from dam! I cant imagine why they wouldnt get through customs. I sent back 12 baggies full to my address from Amsterdam in the post haha It arrived within 3 days and i intend to do it next time i go out :)
Oh right yeah sorry i forgot you said she was sending them back from dam! I cant imagine why they wouldnt get through customs. I sent back 12 baggies full to my address from Amsterdam in the post haha It arrived within 3 days and i intend to do it next time i go out :)

well then it sounds liike my shit was taken. She put them in a box of candy, wrapped up around newspaper and mailed them. Guess i'll just have to re-order that sucks!
Hmm depends what postage type she used though? Also bare in mind im living in Europe relatively close to Amsterdam so that could have alot to do with speed? Dunno exactly where you live (Dubai could be a cover lol) But it may take a lot longer to ship there? I'd wait it out man instead of spending another load of money. Also while you wait you can keep growing stretchette for longer :P
Hmm depends what postage type she used though? Also bare in mind im living in Europe relatively close to Amsterdam so that could have alot to do with speed? Dunno exactly where you live (Dubai could be a cover lol) But it may take a lot longer to ship there? I'd wait it out man instead of spending another load of money. Also while you wait you can keep growing stretchette for longer :P

oh really ur in Euro? for some reason i coulda sworn i read somewhere you lived in Canada. yeah dubai is a lie lol I wish I lived there! She mailed it standard mailing which is 7-14 mailing days.

I don't think I can let stretch go anylonger I've already started flushing. I'm not 100% positive but after you start flushing, you shouldn't go back to adding nutes. Correct me if I'm wrong though lol.
yerp Britain lol :( Been to Canada though lol. Yeah that maxes out at just under three weeks, i wouldnt lose all hope quite yet.

Im only messin mate lol The taste may not be there yet but it has probably improved a lot already since you took those cuttings. And its not like your going to have any shortage off of her :P What do you reckon her overall height would be untied? Well surely if you added nutes after flushing it voids the point of flushing in the first place! :P
yerp Britain lol :( Been to Canada though lol. Yeah that maxes out at just under three weeks, i wouldnt lose all hope quite yet.

Im only messin mate lol The taste may not be there yet but it has probably improved a lot already since you took those cuttings. And its not like your going to have any shortage off of her :P What do you reckon her overall height would be untied? Well surely if you added nutes after flushing it voids the point of flushing in the first place! :P

oh sweet, shoulda guessed that with the accent lol. Yeah i'm going to keep waiting it out for another week atleast before I start ordering more.

Stretch is definently a creeper, it takes a goood 30 minutes for the whole high to kick in but man it's a good one. If I didn't tie her I would guess probably around 8 feet. Right now even with her tied down she has gotten to near 5 feet. Her stem is 1 3/4" thick. If I had a 1000w bulb, god only knows how big or dense she really could've gotten though lol.
Wondered how you had heard my accent then haha

8 feet haha good job you did tie her down then :P Until i untied mine yesterday they were still under one foot. However i measured the length of their main stem and theyre around the 3ft mark now. I dont think the stems on mine are even half an inch yet lol
Update - Day 83 - Day 31 Flowering

I watered Mary today with full strength nutes (Well just under what it suggested to be on the safe side) as she seems to be going full steam ahead and until now had been giving her just over half. I will be watering them both with boost and PK13/14 in four days as it marks the 5th week. I also watered Jane with a weaker solution.

Both plants are doing great. Since i untied some of their branches last night they have really come into character. Theyre reaching for the sky and although its impossible it looks as if the buds have improved from it already lol.

I have photos today! And a video once again (sorry lol) I was in a bit of a rush due to the fact my batteries were low again.. Really need to sort this problem out. Anyway here you go:

Heres a budshot from yesterday, compare it to the ones at the end?

Had to sneak in a picture of whats left of my smoke i got yesterday and my new scales :)

Overall ish shot of the girls

Another overall without fisheye

Jane :) Sorry if shes a bit out of focus.

Mary, at an odd angle lol

One of Mary's tops

Closer up of the top shown above

Tried to get a shot of Janes bud formations but its out of focus sorry

Again its Jane out of focus sorry. This is her main stem to her top main bud.

Janes main top

Janes main top again lol

And now heres the video, i never feel like photos do the plants justice so although the videos arent crisp and doenst focus well at least i can show you them all at once. It was a bit rushed as the low battery sign was flashing as soon as i pressed record lol

Argh fuck it i'll add the video later. Photobucket is a bloody joke!

And thats it, hope you guys are good, catch you later!

agreed, very good update.

they are definently making a turn around. you can reallly see the trichs developing! how you keep this stealth from the woman is beyond me lol!!!
No worries guys thanks for stopping by!!

Toolage: haha its beyond me as well... Im surprised i got this far to be honest.. Only 5 and a half weeks left till the 10 week mark... They may take up to 12 i would have thought though. As soon as i get to drying/ curing it will be a load off of my mind. At the moment theres this big black tent in the corner of the room which is lit up and buzzes all day... At least when im drying it wont be lit up and noisy lmao Im contemplating buying some peppers from the store near the end of the grow and present them to her saying thats what i grew in there... God im stupid
At least when im drying it wont be lit up and noisy lmao Im contemplating buying some peppers from the store near the end of the grow and present them to her saying thats what i grew in there... God im stupid

LMFAO! hahahahaha omg dood that is hillarious! you should just buy some aregeno. So she knows it's there, but hasn't opened it? She knows you smoke atleast right?
I've been following your progress since day one (yes, i'm a quiet stalker :roll:) and I must say this is one of the best grows i've seen on rollitup so far. A detailed journal, very helpful, and what seem to slowly become beautiful buds (well, in a short while that is).

Very nice mate!
I'm truely impressed :)

Keep it up, and i'll keep stalking you quietly.. :blsmoke:

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Toolage: Lmao yeah aregeno may be more believable and could be why it stinks... Oh yeah she knows i smoke haha i said to her once " im thinking of growing my own, yknow to save a load of money" And she just out right said No. Ive mentioned it a couple of times since and she still didnt seem too impressed... She knows its there but hasnt opened it as i have a sign on the outside saying "Dont disturb peppers between and 9pm" The majority of which she is in work and the rest well im there defending it with my life haha

Driphuse: Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate it! I hope people manage to learn from my mistakes haha Just fingers crossed that i make it to the chop now!! Feel free to visit/ post when ever! Thanks! :)