First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

lol you new here? search his name and racist. He has more posts calling someone a racist than most people here have posts. His percentage of posts calling people racist might even be higher than the village idiot's. That's his go to argument.

maybe if you didn't espouse theories beloved by former KKK grand wizard david duke, it owuld be a different story.
My comment was in regards to debt, you know the $19 trillion? I don't give a shit who gets credit for reducing it but I'd like to hear it discussed by both parties.

Global warming? There can be no debate. My buds are loving it. 97% agree they are bigger.

No idea man, just find it curious to hear talk of free college for all and no discussion of our debt level or taxing capacity.
remember how you used to cry about the debt while obama was reducing the deficit, but have suddenly gone silent on this issue now that trump has more than doubled the deficit, giving us trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see?
remember how you used to cry about the debt while obama was reducing the deficit, but have suddenly gone silent on this issue now that trump has more than doubled the deficit, giving us trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see?
No, I have called the Trump budget a travesty. Quit being such a little man.
why were you so angry that the black president was fixing it but nowhere near as angry at the white president who is making it worse?
sorry buck, you resurrected an old thread to make a point against me and failed both demonstrably and miserably. I'm dismissing you.
sorry buck, you resurrected an old thread to make a point against me and failed both demonstrably and miserably. I'm dismissing you.
why were you so angry when the black president was fixing it but nowhere near as angry now that the white president is making it worse?