First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

The death panel claim was from the original bill that had required end of life council. Death panel was a very flippant way to describe the piece to ignite the most hate. Terrible description, but not untrue. End of life council, death panel... it's not a giant leap.

Massachusetts wanted that version for their state. If you happened to notice what happened in the rest of the country, it was wanted every where. But in true demfuck fashion, you guys know what's best for the rest of the country and we must bend to your will. The shittiest of all the shitty is that you not only didn't know best, you either still can't admit what a cluster it was or you admit it, but put the blame on "those guys".

Do you understand the very basic difference that Mass wanted it, so they got it, the rest of the country didn't want it, but got it anyway. It's not the exact thing either. Romneycare doesn't bend over and suck the balls of big pharma as well. Romneycare isn't a payoff to hospital corp and insurance quite on the level Obamacare is.

I disagree with pukes being the ones making it hard to get there. There is a very bi-partisan effort to protect cronyism in DC. If you think your team isn't bought and paid for then you are exactly what I described in the last post.

I never ascribed to the notion that "my team" is without fault; they are the party that help American families.

I conceded numerous times that the ACA isn't perfect far from it, but instead of finding fault why not try and make it better for the good of the country, like they did with Social Security. It took a Democratic president to pass that also the only difference was that Republicans eventually joined in to make it better, the pukes hated it at first but eventually they helped make it a success for the good of the country.

Indeed the pukes won't help you to make it, they voted against student loan reform. They give tax breaks to those who already made it but they refuse to help those that need help getting there.

The bat crazy bitch was talking about the future of the ACA when she claimed "death panels". Look the pukes always use doom and gloom to advance their agendas spiced with a lot of fear.
I never ascribed to the notion that "my team" is without fault; they are the party that help American families.

I conceded numerous times that the ACA isn't perfect far from it, but instead of finding fault why not try and make it better for the good of the country, like they did with Social Security. It took a Democratic president to pass that also the only difference was that Republicans eventually joined in to make it better, the pukes hated it at first but eventually they helped make it a success for the good of the country.

Indeed the pukes won't help you to make it, they voted against student loan reform. They give tax breaks to those who already made it but they refuse to help those that need help getting there.

The bat crazy bitch was talking about the future of the ACA when she claimed "death panels". Look the pukes always use doom and gloom to advance their agendas spiced with a lot of fear.
Yes, the pukes used doom and gloom to advance their agenda and suck for it.

The Dems had the holy trinity of government at the time they passed the ACA. No public option, private buy offs to big pharma, deals cut with the Stupak group on abortion to buy votes, the kickbacks to Louisiana for votes, an un-workable bill over 20K pages with references to over 100K that is now on it's 21st re-write.

Why can't you just admit Dems screwed the pooch, will you have to turn in your pom poms? If it helps, scream pukes suck 100 times but please, the only way we better things is hold these fucks feet to the fire. It doesn't work if you only blame the pukes, and righty only blames libtards. If people within the party would admit to their own shortcomings they might actually fix something. Instead we get pom poms.

It seems most of the pukes know their party sucks but the libtards are in complete denial. So the only conclusion is the pukes are smarter than the tards.
Now for your consideration,
here is a dyed in the wool leftist who fears that his party is in deep doo doo.
Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.
Some of my favorite takeaways--

The presidency is extremely important, of course. But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot.And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.

Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot.

The GOP might be in chaos, but Democrats are in a torpor.


No US state is so left-wing as to have created an environment in which business interests are economically or politically irrelevant. Vermont is not North Korea, in other words.

But the much more significant question facing the party isn't about the White House — it's about all the other offices in the land. The problem is that control of the presidency seems to have blinded progressive activists to the possibility of even having an argument about what to do about all of them. That will change if and when the GOP seizes the White House, too, and Democrats bottom out. But the truly striking thing is how close to bottom the party is already and how blind it seems to be to that fact.

Whoa Nelly, Yglesias has stumbled upon the harsh truth!

I think it's funny how if any liberal put something up from Vox it would be "liberal media bias," yet when Vox criticizes the Democrats it's "completely reasonable." Not that I'm saying you ever did this, it's just something I've tended to notice. Anyhow, onto the article itself. A lot of times in many jurisdiction, and thanks to gerrymandering, there won't even be a Democrat candidate on the ballot, or Democrats are split up between largely Republican voting blocs that having a Democrat on the ticket wouldn't do a thing. For example, here we see Travis County in Texas:


Travis County is a rather infamous example because in 2002 it had a good Democratic showing. However in 2003 the Texas State legislature redrew the congressional district boundaries to incorporate more Republican voters thus diluting the Democratic votes to the point that Republicans were voted into office. However, in Texas, this was not the only place where this happened. In Texas alone, TX-1, TX-2, TX-4, TX-9, TX-10, TX-11, TX-17- TX-24, TX-25, and TX-29 were all redistricted. Max Sandlin (D) in TX-1 was defeated by Louie Gohmert (R) because of this, Jim Turner (D) did not seek reelection and Ted Poe (R) won, Ralph Hall switched from D to R and was reelected, Nick Lampson (D) of TX-9 lost his seat to Ted Poe (R) because of redistricting, went to the Sugar Land area and won in 2006 only to be defeated in 2008 by Pete Olson (R). Lloyd Dogget (D TX-10) was redistricted to TX-25 (the fajita strip in the picture above) and managed to actually keep his seat. Chet Edwards (D TX-11) was redistricted to TX-17 and was able to win in 2004, 2006, 2008 but due to the considerable amount and growing Republican influence in TX-17 he lost his seat to Bill Flores (R). Charlie Stenholm (D TX-17) was shifted into the heavily Republican TX-19 and lost to the incumbent from TX-19 Randy Neugebauer (R). Martin frost (D TX-24) saw his district redistricted into several other ones and had to change his residency to TX-32 where he lost to Pete Sessions (R) the incumbent, and his old seat which was redrawn was won by Kenny Marchant (R). The redistricting also protected Henry Bonilla of TX-23 who was facing a very strong challenge from Henry Cuellar (D) and also neutralized Ciro Rodriguez (D) by putting two Democrats in the same district and forcing them to run against each other.

Then there's the fact of the recorded conversation in Ohio between Republicans where they were caught discussing redistricting to favor Republican candidates as well as race being a factor in redistricting. In Ohio, African-Americans had backed Democrats, so the Republicans removed around 13,000 Africa-American voters from the district of Jim Raussen (R) in what was once a competitive district.

Then when you look at this, you notice that the Washington Post even says "Gerrymandering is at least partly to blame for the lopsided Republican representation in the House. According to analysis I did last year, the Democrats are under-represented by about 18 seats in the House, relative to their vote share in the 2012 election. The way Republicans pulled that off was to draw some really, really funky-looking Congressional districts."

Then when we take this map:


And place it over the one from the Vox article,


You begin to notice a trend at how some of these gerrymandered districts swung Democrat to Republican. (I'd like to note though that in some areas the districts are actually gerrymandered the opposite way, just for the sake of fairness. However, sometimes this is affirmative gerrymandering to give minorities increased representation.)

There are also other factors involved, which Bernie Sanders also called out by calling Republicans in Alabama a bunch of cowards. The new Voter ID Laws are part of the Republican plan to retake the White House: Suppress votes of low income people, working class, and minorities who predominately vote Democrat.

How do we solve this? Well, obviously we need to get Democrats to vote more in mid-term elections and to pay more attention to them. Why the White House has seen these recent Democrats and the Senate is that Democrats have a stronger showing during Presidential elections than mid-terms.
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Thanks for clearing that up! The only time a republican is interested in service personnel is at recruitment time. After that, they're just grist for the mill, live bodies to man the sexy toys that 'earn' their makers billions... all paid for by the hapless taxpayer, all but completely shut out of any part of the decision making process.
Don't people join the military voluntarily?

So why the worship?
I noticed that too. As soon as the debate ended, I went to and there were at least a half a dozen pro Hillary stories about how she totally owned the debate. The fact that the stories were up so fast afterwards made me wonder if the stories were written before the debate even happened.

Of course they were. If you aren't paranoid about American politics, you aren't paying attention.

The Republican Party is trampling on civil rights and the Constitution to get their members elected.

That's TREASON, but right wing judges are gleefully supporting it anyway.

I wonder how long it will take the typical American voter to notice?
I noticed that too. As soon as the debate ended, I went to and there were at least a half a dozen pro Hillary stories about how she totally owned the debate. The fact that the stories were up so fast afterwards made me wonder if the stories were written before the debate even happened.
Probably. They all do it
Your family members have mouths full of Black dick. Probably why you are so bitter and racist all the time

I see you haven't choked on the sugar juice. Go ahead and grab another mouth full of CANDY . You could be a good representative for the DEMS as long as you keep some candy in your mouth.
Seems very fair to me and something I would think progs would encourage, serve your master.

no, it is white supremacist "libertarians" like you who espouse the master/slave mindset, especially between the white and black races.

If you are physically unable to serve your country in any capacity, then you would qualify for disability which comes with college and free healthcare for life.

@desert dude 's kid failed basic training, but i don't think that white supremacist's son is gonna qualify for a free lifetime ride because of it.

nothing you say ever has any truth to it, klanman.
I haven't voted for a republican in over a decade.


I think dems are whiny, dishonest, idiots.

you also think there are certain "geographic regions" where people failed to "evolve from the neck up". and now you refuse to talk about it, ever since i exposed it as a favorite theory of KKK grand wizard david duke.


What the dems did to health care in this country is unforgivable.

the ACA is health insurance reform, it has nothing to do with health care.


Something that didn't entrench everything that was wrong with healthcare even deeper.

pre-existing conditions? lifetime caps? excessive administrative costs?

goddamn you are stupid!

w that it's shown how bad it is


health care costs have stayed so steady over the last 5 years that they have set all time records.

are you fucking stupid?

You guys suck as humans.

you are a white supremacist. so point that finger up your ass, skinhead.
I just went after dems because the ACA is their baby and some fool was blaming pubs for it sucking.

it was originally proposed by the conservative heritage foundation, first implemented by a republican governor, and then loaded up with republican amendments to be fair.


that's why our debt continues to explode, because it's always the other guys fault.

no, that's the fault of the republicans.

every democrat president since carter has lowered the deficit. every republican has done the opposite.

I meant against taking care of people who volunteered services to this country. Even the hardcore righties are cool with taking care of soldiers.

then why are they blocking bills that help soldiers?

why did they spend months and months blocking a bill for 9/11 first responders?

jesus christ, your brain is stuck on stupid.