First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

You can thank the ultra conservative Supreme Court and the disastrous decision of Citizens United that opens the door boatloads of money to buy future Presidents. heckmthe Koch brothers already said they are coughing up $897 million for 2016.

Democracy belongs to the ultra rich now, Constitution be damned.

preach on, I hate fake people and most all politicians are fake. They just say what we want to hear and when the get the office they do what the Koch brothers want. They run my state from the shadows for sure
Well I'm a citizen and I'll be damned if they can have that much power over me and my family's future.

I realize I'm in a minority in this country; not one of color, but rather of activism. I have a felony record for growing and it's cost me a lot of opportunities over the years. But I got it doing something I believed in then and still do. The only difference is that the world has caught up.

It's time to tell the corporate establishment that meddling in the People's business is, always was and will be a crime, and henceforth anyone doing it goes to prison.

How do you feel about it?

I really hate the fact that the super rich are going to be able to elect their candidate regular folks will not be represented by our congress nor our president...I hate it.

preach on, I hate fake people and most all politicians are fake. They just say what we want to hear and when the get the office they do what the Koch brothers want. They run my state from the shadows for sure

Money talks bullshit walks.Presidential races now cost upwards of 2 billion dollars you think bernie has a chance?

Hillary is the only one on the Democratic side that can come up with that kind of money, on the pukes side Trump, Jeb and Rubio only if the k,Koch brothers back him up.,

No, I wish he did, he seems to be genuine, at least more so than the others. But u r right it' will take a miracle for him to win with out any big money backers. And even if he does I'd still be surprised if any thing prolific happens.
Money talks bullshit walks.Presidential races now cost upwards of 2 billion dollars you think bernie has a chance?

Hillary is the only one on the Democratic side that can come up with that kind of money, on the pukes side Trump, Jeb and Rubio only if the k,Koch brothers back him up.,


Hey! That's a great political assessment. So would you like to be a part of the solution that can't be bought? Because just accepting it won't make it go away. If it's wrong, you fight. That's the responsibility of citizenship.
No, I wish he did, he seems to be genuine, at least more so than the others. But u r right it' will take a miracle for him to win with out any big money backers. And even if he does I'd still be surprised if any thing prolific happens.

He can only succeed if we support him, both before and after he's elected. That's how it works.
He can only succeed if we support him, both before and after he's elected. That's how it works.
I'm down with supporting anyone who has intentions to make our government work for the people, not the super rich. Bernie is my man, I just don't have a lot of hope in my fellow Americans seeing that way. But I have hope one day the middle and low class stand up and let it be known they are tired of our politicians catering to the super rich. Not the small business owner, but the super PACs, Oil industry, Wall Street/Bankers, Koch Brothers and etc. It's past time for the government to be for the people.
I'm down with supporting anyone who has intentions to make our government work for the people, not the super rich. Bernie is my man, I just don't have a lot of hope in my fellow Americans seeing that way. But I have hope one day the middle and low class stand up and let it be known they are tired of our politicians catering to the super rich. Not the small business owner, but the super PACs, Oil industry, Wall Street/Bankers, Koch Brothers and etc. It's past time for the government to be for the people.

It is up to us to spread the word, both about Mr Sanders and about what a properly functioning government should look like- show our representatives what we expect and show them REAMS of recall election signature sheets if they DON'T do what We the People demand when they get into office.

Electing Mr Sanders might seem like a long shot, but it's for the good of our nation.

The republicans represent the ultra wealthy without apology. The democratic party has completely failed itself and its constituencies in an attempt to cozy up to wealthy donors itself. Electing Mr Sanders would be a wake-up call that would shake both parties to their core.

But that's NOT victory! Victory is achieved with the passage of legislation into law and not before, so getting our candidate elected is just the beginning, not the end.

He's gonna need both a Senate and House of Representatives full of people ready and willing to work with him to advance our 'liberal' agenda... the one that treats workers like human beings instead of disposable pieces to be discarded when they break or complain.

Republicans should be ashamed of themselves to be against family leave for childbirth and illness for all this time: PROFITEERING FROM THE SUFFERING OF YOUR WORKERS WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED!
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The company I work for has maternity leave paid up to 12 weeks, more if you bank time over years, already. There is a federal family leave act that makes sure you can take off as much time as you need but you don't have to get paid. A short term disability rider will get you paid.

College and healthcare for life is already available to anyone willing to serve their country for a few years. Seems very fair to me and something I would think progs would encourage, serve your master. If you are physically unable to serve your country in any capacity, then you would qualify for disability which comes with college and free healthcare for life.

When I see Bernie Supporters talking about how everything needs to be free, I know those people are really saying "We want it to be free and we don't want to have to do anything to get it".

JFK is generally regarded as one of the greatest Orators in history. "Ask not......." is one of the most famous lines spoken. Compare that sentiment with Sanders platform. Shame on you people.
Citigroup Inc$824,402$816,402$8,000Goldman Sachs$760,740$750,740$10,000DLA Piper$700,530$673,530$27,000JPMorgan Chase & Co$696,456$693,456$3,000Morgan Stanley$636,564$631,564$5,000EMILY's List$609,684$605,764$3,920Time Warner$501,831$476,831$25,000Skadden, Arps et al$469,290$464,790$4,500University of California$417,327$417,327$0Sullivan & Cromwell$369,150$369,150$0Akin, Gump et al$364,478$360,978$3,500Lehman Brothers$362,853$359,853$3,00021st Century Fox$340,936$340,936$0Cablevision Systems$336,613$307,225$29,388Kirkland & Ellis$329,141$312,141$17,000National Amusements Inc$328,312$325,312$3,000Squire Patton Boggs$328,306$322,868$5,438Greenberg Traurig LLP$327,890$319,790$8,100Corning Inc$322,450$304,450$18,000Credit Suisse Group$318,120$308,120$10,000

Hillary's top donors.
Citigroup Inc$824,402$816,402$8,000Goldman Sachs$760,740$750,740$10,000DLA Piper$700,530$673,530$27,000JPMorgan Chase & Co$696,456$693,456$3,000Morgan Stanley$636,564$631,564$5,000EMILY's List$609,684$605,764$3,920Time Warner$501,831$476,831$25,000Skadden, Arps et al$469,290$464,790$4,500University of California$417,327$417,327$0Sullivan & Cromwell$369,150$369,150$0Akin, Gump et al$364,478$360,978$3,500Lehman Brothers$362,853$359,853$3,00021st Century Fox$340,936$340,936$0Cablevision Systems$336,613$307,225$29,388Kirkland & Ellis$329,141$312,141$17,000National Amusements Inc$328,312$325,312$3,000Squire Patton Boggs$328,306$322,868$5,438Greenberg Traurig LLP$327,890$319,790$8,100Corning Inc$322,450$304,450$18,000Credit Suisse Group$318,120$308,120$10,000

Hillary's top donors.

This looks like the crowd that likes things the way they are, and they'd much rather shower a few percentage points of their profit margins on bribing politicians than actually PAY TAXES to support the country they're exploiting!

THIS LIST is why I can't support Hillary Clinton for president. Lists like these disqualify everyone else too- except Bernie Sanders.

We the People need to prove once and for all that DEMOCRACY IS NOT COIN OPERATED!

Once we get our candidate into office, the real work of taking our country back from the banksters will begin.
The company I work for has maternity leave paid up to 12 weeks, more if you bank time over years, already. There is a federal family leave act that makes sure you can take off as much time as you need but you don't have to get paid. A short term disability rider will get you paid.

College and healthcare for life is already available to anyone willing to serve their country for a few years. Seems very fair to me and something I would think progs would encourage, serve your master. If you are physically unable to serve your country in any capacity, then you would qualify for disability which comes with college and free healthcare for life.

When I see Bernie Supporters talking about how everything needs to be free, I know those people are really saying "We want it to be free and we don't want to have to do anything to get it".

JFK is generally regarded as one of the greatest Orators in history. "Ask not......." is one of the most famous lines spoken. Compare that sentiment with Sanders platform. Shame on you people.
I've worked my whole life doing construction work never have had health insurance, what's wrong with me getting health insurance? I can't afford the high rates that they charge before the Obamacare shit went through. And it's my personal opinion did Republicans cockblocked the shit out of it and made it a lot worse than it was going to be. Keep voting for Republicans that's all we are anyway is a bunch of fucking cattle being herded around you're just part of the fucking heard
It will be especially funny if Hillary wins considering the only thing about her not Republican is the (D) next to her name.
So her rabid gun control stance is purely GOP...

got it.
That is your go-to huh? Everyone has exceptions... but ok....
Just curious about that (R) gun control stance. So if she was actually part of the GOP, you twits would still have obsessed over Benghazi and the emails?
I've worked my whole life doing construction work never have had health insurance, what's wrong with me getting health insurance? I can't afford the high rates that they charge before the Obamacare shit went through. And it's my personal opinion did Republicans cockblocked the shit out of it and made it a lot worse than it was going to be. Keep voting for Republicans that's all we are anyway is a bunch of fucking cattle being herded around you're just part of the fucking heard
I haven't voted for a republican in over a decade.

Now here's where even though I think pubs suck, I think dems are whiny, dishonest, idiots.

You passed a bill without one single republican vote, (or one, can't remember exactly). This means it was passed strictly across party lines. You could have put free unicorns and bikini waxes and it would not have gotten any more pub votes then it did.

How in the fuck, given those facts, can you say the bill would have been better, but republicans? You had to buy off your own party to get this p.o.s. to pass. Think about that, you had to make promises, back room deals, and bribes to your own party, insurance companies, pharma and hospital corps just to pass what you wanted. Now that's it passed and people realize it wasn't what was promised, it's because pubs. How does that even make sense? You could pass anything you wanted, you passed this. Own it at least.

One thing I'm seeing pubs do these days is admit how much their party sucks. If the dems had any honesty or intelligence they would do the same and maybe we could have real change. Instead, we get herp derp pubs fault derp!
What the dems did to health care in this country is unforgivable. It's only unforgivable because none of you are asking for forgiveness, you are just blaming the other guy for your shit. If you guys would have admitted to yourselves you were duped, it was your party's fault they lied, your fault for believing the lies, we might have actually been able to come up with something better. Something that didn't entrench everything that was wrong with healthcare even deeper.

Watching the healthcare debacle unfold made me hate the democratic party and the democrats who blindly waved their pom poms telling us how great it was. Now that it's shown how bad it is, the pom poms are put down and "It's their fault" is picked up. You guys suck as humans.
See here, Bernie wholeheartedly endorses Larry David...
Bernie Sanders: Larry David Does Me Better Than I Do
"I think we'll use Larry on our next rally," Sanders said. "He does better than I do."
Hey! That's a great political assessment. So would you like to be a part of the solution that can't be bought? Because just accepting it won't make it go away. If it's wrong, you fight. That's the responsibility of citizenship.
Hey! That's a great political assessment. So would you like to be a part of the solution that can't be bought? Because just accepting it won't make it go away. If it's wrong, you fight. That's the responsibility of citizenship.

True, but unfortunately without big money backers moderates are becoming extinct. That's why politicians like Bernie are so appealing to many folks but small donations won't get him to the ultimate prize. Obama realized that he had to accept money from super PACS, that's what put him over the top.

Heck 2 billion might be too low a number for 2016 if you have the Kock brothers chipping in $897 million themselves we're not even talking about the different PACS.

The worst thing that threatens democracy was the Supremes upholding Citizens United.

Remember power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely!

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Now for your consideration,
here is a dyed in the wool leftist who fears that his party is in deep doo doo.
Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.
Some of my favorite takeaways--

The presidency is extremely important, of course. But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot.And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.

Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot.

The GOP might be in chaos, but Democrats are in a torpor.


No US state is so left-wing as to have created an environment in which business interests are economically or politically irrelevant. Vermont is not North Korea, in other words.

But the much more significant question facing the party isn't about the White House — it's about all the other offices in the land. The problem is that control of the presidency seems to have blinded progressive activists to the possibility of even having an argument about what to do about all of them. That will change if and when the GOP seizes the White House, too, and Democrats bottom out. But the truly striking thing is how close to bottom the party is already and how blind it seems to be to that fact.

Whoa Nelly, Yglesias has stumbled upon the harsh truth!

I haven't voted for a republican in over a decade.

Now here's where even though I think pubs suck, I think dems are whiny, dishonest, idiots.

You passed a bill without one single republican vote, (or one, can't remember exactly). This means it was passed strictly across party lines. You could have put free unicorns and bikini waxes and it would not have gotten any more pub votes then it did.

How in the fuck, given those facts, can you say the bill would have been better, but republicans? You had to buy off your own party to get this p.o.s. to pass. Think about that, you had to make promises, back room deals, and bribes to your own party, insurance companies, pharma and hospital corps just to pass what you wanted. Now that's it passed and people realize it wasn't what was promised, it's because pubs. How does that even make sense? You could pass anything you wanted, you passed this. Own it at least.

One thing I'm seeing pubs do these days is admit how much their party sucks. If the dems had any honesty or intelligence they would do the same and maybe we could have real change. Instead, we get herp derp pubs fault derp!
What the dems did to health care in this country is unforgivable. It's only unforgivable because none of you are asking for forgiveness, you are just blaming the other guy for your shit. If you guys would have admitted to yourselves you were duped, it was your party's fault they lied, your fault for believing the lies, we might have actually been able to come up with something better. Something that didn't entrench everything that was wrong with healthcare even deeper.

Watching the healthcare debacle unfold made me hate the democratic party and the democrats who blindly waved their pom poms telling us how great it was. Now that it's shown how bad it is, the pom poms are put down and "It's their fault" is picked up. You guys suck as humans.

That's so much horseshit and you know it this country has been struggling for almost 100 years to get healthcare, the cost of healthcare is the #1 contributor to the rising deficit, Romney tried the single payer option in Massachusetts and it worked so Obama just made it work for the rest of the country and now more folks have healthcare cause they can afford it. The pukes are just mad that count blackula stole their idea and made it work for millions of folks.

Remember that batcrazy bitch (Bachmann) who claimed that there were going to be death panels, grandma was going to die, babies were going to die or that jobs were going to be lost. That's all the pukes are good for doomsday talk. The Democratic party isn't the best thing going but they do help the American public.

The pukes are quick to slap u on the back and tell you "job well done" if you get there but won't lift a finger to help you get there or just make hard to get there.
