First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

Here comes the judge, jury, and executioner...

ginwilly is a proponent of the theory that certain "geographic regions" failed to "evolve from the neck up". it's a theory shared by david duke, former KKK grand wizard, and jared taylor, founder of the white power group 'american renaissance'.

why are you sticking up for him, beenthere?
ginwilly is a proponent of the theory that certain "geographic regions" failed to "evolve from the neck up". it's a theory shared by david duke, former KKK grand wizard, and jared taylor, founder of the white power group 'american e?
I'm not. Joseph Stalin. I'm simply pointing out that you're a ranting, raging, ruthless maniac
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I'm not Joseph Stalin. I'm simply pointing out that you're a ranting, raging, ruthless maniac

and i'm simply pointing out that you are really friendly and defensive of white supremacist right wingers, but very hostile towards lefties like me who try to rid this forum of people in your party who share a hateful, racist ideology against anyone who isn't white.
and i'm simply pointing out that you are really friendly and defensive of white supremacist right wingers, but very hostile towards lefties like me who try to rid this forum of people in your party who share a hateful, racist ideology against anyone who isn't white.
Oh come on. I don't defend racists. That's ridiculous.
Who put you in charge of determining who is, or is not a "white supremacist"?
Oh come on. I don't defend racists. That's ridiculous.

then why are you defending ginwilly, who is a white supremacist?

i guess you do defend white supremacists.

Who put you in charge of determining who is, or is not a "white supremacist"?

the truth did.

i discovered that ginwilly's "neck down" evolution theory was popular with the former KKK grand wizard and other white power groups, so i spread the word.

why does that make you so angry at me?

shouldn';t you be thanking me for ridding this board of hateful, racist ideology? or are you a big fan of racist, hateful ideology, hence why you like donald trump?
then why are you defending ginwilly, who is a white supremacist?

i guess you do defend white supremacists.

the truth did.

i discovered that ginwilly's "neck down" evolution theory was popular with the former KKK grand wizard and other white power groups, so i spread the word.

why does that make you so angry at me?

shouldn';t you be thanking me for ridding this board of hateful, racist ideology? or are you a big fan of racist, hateful ideology, hence why you like donald trump?
I think you've gone squirrel nuts and have completely lost your mind
Not if the wealthy start paying proportion to income
I have a question for you darling.
If the government confiscated ALL of the wealth from the upper 2% in the country.
How long do you think the government could afford to stay open using that money alone?
Brilliant observation. Yes, Bernie threw in the towel, gave it to Hillary. Suggests he really doesn't want the nomination.

Having said that, perhaps Sanders, Hillary and their sycophant audience are sick of the "damned emails" (and they should be as it causes them self inflicted pain and a worldwide security breach) but the American public are not. Doesn't matter how much they want to cackle about it and do the kumbaya thingie, the investigation will go on, by the FBI no less.

The American people demand and are owed the truth.....for once.
I agree with that, we should know. But in a democratic debate they should focus on the fucked way the 99% ar dealt with by all of our high ranking politicians. If u want to hear about emails just watch the news every damn day. I'm tired of hearing about it. I don't like hillary she's as bad as the republicans nothing but puppets for their big money backers. They don't give a rat's ass about the average man such as myself and anyone one who thinks otherwise is duped, or stupid, whatever you want to call it.
I have a question for you darling.
If the government confiscated ALL of the wealth from the upper 2% in the country.
How long do you think the government could afford to stay open using that money alone?

The money that's here or the money that's offshore?
The money that's here or the money that's offshore?
pumpkin, the only way you're going to be able to bring that money back into the US is if you vote for Trump.

With Trump's plan we would see a significant revenue increase by implementing a one-time repatriation tax of 10 percent on any corporate revenue brought back into the country. That is trillions of dollars
pumpkin, the only way you're going to be able to bring that money back into the US is if you vote for Trump.

With Trump's plan we would see a significant revenue increase by implementing a one-time repatriation tax of 10 percent on any corporate revenue brought back into the country. That is trillions of dollars
That means nothing when you pay -45%

Hate to break it to you but you're really bad at math