abe supercro
Well-Known Member
Something to be said for a good life-beating!i haven't touched coke or rock or dope or anything the like in over a decade myself, closer to a decade and a half...
i had my time and have done more than enough.. can't say i really miss it, unless i got too drunk, which is why i try not to do so..
I really hit bottom with alcohol at about 32, got the shit kicked out of me, busted face etc... So I've been able to abstain ever since. I already had a run at sobriety from booze from age 21 to 28 until I moved back to michigan, like @Mr. Bongwater i drank heavily as a kid at every opportunity. Not drinkin majorly helps keep me in check now, but I smoke excessive herb and have a shoddy nutrition program. the work is never really done.