Taking a couple bumps or lines w/ friends while partying is quite excellent.hell yeah yeyo in moderation, i need to throw in on some soon
Taking a couple bumps or lines w/ friends while partying is quite excellent.hell yeah yeyo in moderation, i need to throw in on some soon
wow lol a 20 sack? the least you can get here is a half gram for 50$i got 5 in on a 20 sack
does it really cake to the inside that bad? i wonder how many people i know do thisI like cut plastic straws.
Careful they can be sharp.
But I have a secret reason.
You see, coke tends to stick to plastic and cake on the inside of the straw.
The morning after your party, squeeze and spindle each side of the straw over a mirror.
You will have yourself a nice little morning rail.
Don't tell anyone.
does it really cake to the inside that bad? i wonder how many people i know do this
Only if you use the same straw or dollar over and over for a lot of snortingdoes it really cake to the inside that bad? i wonder how many people i know do this
That's like a hit bro... With your five dollar Ass.. you know your gonna spend your whole check after that little five dollar rock..i got 5 in on a 20 sack
lolThat's like a hit bro... With your five dollar Ass.. you know your gonna spend your whole check after that little five dollar rock..
Racer takes one hit.. immediately grows a long beard In the blink of an eye.. his clothes become raggedy instantly.. you see him pushing an aldi's shopping cart in the alley going from dumpster to dumpster collecting cans and Shit... Going into vacant houses stealing copper.. lol that's what you call an addictive personality
Racer takes one hit.. immediately grows a long beard In the blink of an eye.. his clothes become raggedy instantly.. you see him pushing an aldi's shopping cart in the alley going from dumpster to dumpster collecting cans and Shit... Going into vacant houses stealing copper.. lol that's what you call an addictive personality
why didn't you flip dat shit? and you said it smelled like acetone? coke around here smells like dieselPicked up a zip of blow (soft) yesterday. It's been over 10yrs. I was blown away by the price $1400, and that's the prices I was quoted in the east bay and in Sac. I must say I was satisfied with the quality- pearly flakes that cleaved apart easily. The high was nice and euphoric, kinda mellow, which I like. Although it is easy to do too much and get geeked but luckily I've got plenty of Valium. After indulging last night I've already got rid of all but a 1/4z which I'll keep around for whenever the occasion comes up that might call for it. I was planning on sitting on all of it but it seems that I've lost my appeal for this substance, I guess that comes with age (with me anyway). All in all I still believe the blow from the late '70,s early '80's was better even though I haven't done any purity tests on this stuff I just got. I really believe that the producers are cooking such large batches nowadays that quality control has gone to shit- the quicker and more volume they pump out the better, cartel thinking I imagine. I also noticed the stuff nowadays has a very strong chemical order, acetone I think. And don't let pearly flake fool you, I've seen some of prettiest fish scale that was absolute shit- as with everything buyer be ware.
The smell wasn't overpowering, I'm just kinda picky. I'm used to that smooth Peruivan flake that I was getting in abundance in the past. Peruvian has always been my perferred. Although I've had some excellant Bolivian. All this crap coming out of Mexico and Columbian is definitely not up tp par and the high is obviously subpar and dirty feeling- to many poorly washed chems that distract from the true coke high. I feel like I've been spoiled- ugh! Just curious but does anybody have any experience doing coke with soma? Soma are short lived so I don't know if they would fit the bill? Never like opiates and coke, seemed like a waste of opiates. Any other combos with coke that anyone enjoys, except for Qwizo and his Zannies and coke. I just don't like Zannies. And the most common probably, alcohol and coke, kinda goes hand and hand. Really feels funny doing this stuff after being away from it for so long, mainly due to the declining quality and I guess my age- I've mellowed and tend to go the slow and relaxing way usually.why didn't you flip dat shit? and you said it smelled like acetone? coke around here smells like diesel
lol, that was the joke..Racer takes one hit.. immediately grows a long beard In the blink of an eye.. his clothes become raggedy instantly.. you see him pushing an aldi's shopping cart in the alley going from dumpster to dumpster collecting cans and Shit... Going into vacant houses stealing copper.. lol that's what you call an addictive personality
i haven't touched coke or rock or dope or anything the like in over a decade myself, closer to a decade and a half...I can't do blow, I'd have a heart attack. Too damn compulsive
haven't done any crazy rugs in well over a decade (I have other problems), crunk doesn't cross my mind as an option. Hallucinogens are on the to-do list though.
It's the Plastic. Half a gram is good for a nice little cake.Only if you use the same straw or dollar over and over for a lot of snorting
The smell wasn't overpowering, I'm just kinda picky. I'm used to that smooth Peruivan flake that I was getting in abundance in the past. Peruvian has always been my perferred. Although I've had some excellant Bolivian. All this crap coming out of Mexico and Columbian is definitely not up tp par and the high is obviously subpar and dirty feeling- to many poorly washed chems that distract from the true coke high. I feel like I've been spoiled- ugh! Just curious but does anybody have any experience doing coke with soma? Soma are short lived so I don't know if they would fit the bill? Never like opiates and coke, seemed like a waste of opiates. Any other combos with coke that anyone enjoys, except for Qwizo and his Zannies and coke. I just don't like Zannies. And the most common probably, alcohol and coke, kinda goes hand and hand. Really feels funny doing this stuff after being away from it for so long, mainly due to the declining quality and I guess my age- I've mellowed and tend to go the slow and relaxing way usually.
Also any thoughts about taking Clonodine while injesting coke?