First clone attempt, feedback


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong I use small cutting too. I just thought it be easier for a new cloner to take a bigger one. I know it was for me at first.


Don't worry you'll get the hang of it, I tried cloning my first time not to long ago and lost one the key is to just find what works for you.


Active Member
Ya.. everyone finds a way that works best for them.

I always take my cuttings from the smallest side shoots, drop them in water. Take foil and put it over a small cup and poke a tiny hole in the middle and put the cutting in there. Foil supports it and let's no light in to the soon to be roots.

I change the water every day. Nice fresh water. No need to introduce oxygen bubbles, there is more than enough oxygenated water if you change water daily.

For light I just use ambient light in the room, sometimes a window seal (NO DIRECT sunling ever) and a single 6500k cfl a bit off to the side so they get nothing direct for a week but there is always ambient light 24/7.

After a week I drop them into soil and they kind of stunt out for about a week... just sit there.. zero progress.. and then the next week BANG.. it's on.

This isn't the quickest way I know, and if I wanted 100 percent I would just air clone....

but this is stupidly easy, costing zero money..... well, water, tin foil and a cup)...


I don't cut any of the leaves, I don't fret other than change water daily. just leave em alone.. they will almost always take root unless it is either too hot-too dry or you give them even
semi-generous light the first few weeks.


just one guy's way.. there might be a snippet in there for someone.. I've done it this way off and on for 40 some odd years (minus the CFl.. we didn't have them until pretty recently)... I never knew 'cloning' was an issue until I started coming to these forums.