First cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Ive been to home depot, and lowes, very low wattage, 26 at lowes, and 23 watts at home depots. thats the highest they sell at my local. I was lucky to find the 3 27watt cfls at cvs. I think theres enough light, its reflected very well, and the lights are very close to the plants, withn 2inches.


Well-Known Member
I wont see bud for another few weeks, and that all depends on the sex of the plant which I should start seeing in the next week.


Well-Known Member
I just thought I would update with a little story. This shows off how much of an anger problem I have, and how much of a dumbass I am.

Alright today I went to the docs early to get the cast off my right hand after getting a boxers fracture a few days ago, my left pinky is still very messed up and I cant fully move it, and all the knuckles and joints on that hand are swollen.

So later on, I checked up on the plants and went to move my lights around and stuff. I eventually got it all done and I was getting ready to put my reflector cardboard and fan up. First it took me awhile to get a positon, and then the fan kept falling off the box, but problem was, I had absoulutely nothing else to raise teh fan up. So I ended up getting pissed because the fan wouldnt stay on teh box.

I started smashing the box with the fan, and eventaully it was unusable. then the shit in the box started spilling and I got more pissed. I eventaully threw everything in the box everywhere. then I hit the wall half-assed with my non-injured hand [has been previouisly injured hitting a wall though, but it was fine at the time]. It left a small dent from my middle knucle. then I smashed teh top of my grow box.

It took me about a minute to realize the lights fell on the plants. then I was so pissed because they took 20 minutes to setup, literally. It took me awhile to setup too, and they are only half-ass setup. so then I was so fed up and realized how hot the plants must be not having a fan blowing for so long. and i had absoulteuly nothing else anymore.

I got pissed and started smashing the fan on the ground, and ended up smashing the finger next to my pinky on the underside, very hard. Didnt notice it at the time, but I realized I popped a blood vessle, I may post a picture, its nearly 1/4" in radius, pure purple-black. hurts like a BITCH and I can barely type now, because its right near the tip where you hit the keys.

Later on I punched a hole in my closet wall with my "good hand". then my dad comes up and starts asking me what I was slamming. my grow was super close to being compromized, im so lucky he didnt have me open my room door to talk to him like he usually does.

I think I fucked up my "good hand" from hittingt the wall, it is hurting quite a lot to move it around.

I am an IDIOT.


Elite Rolling Society
Screw your hand, what about the plants? LOL, I'm just kiddin. just joking, man, you need to smoke one and calm down!
i wnet to Home depot yesterday and they had 42 watt CFLs and I went to Lowes and they had 42 watt cfls.
Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
yeah I really wish I could find higher watts, it would make much more use of the 6 light sockets I have in the box -_-. But hey, Im stuck with what I got now, for now anyways. I cant wait til I move out ill be ordering HPS lights, seeds from seed banks, and Ill have my car to drive and get everything else I need for a much bigger grow :).

but yeah the plants seem to be good. I think I see new growth, which I havent seen in awhile. I think the plants have been seriously lacking water, so 12 hrs after I watered I saw some growth.

Ill post a pic of the plant later.


Elite Rolling Society


Well-Known Member
yeah, problem is I cant order off the internet, even if I could, my parents would get the delivery before me and wonder why I bought light bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Im growing in the closet, all they gotta do is open the door and Im fucked, or better yet see the cords leading under the closet door, or the timer plugged in the outlet [since no outlets in the closet]... its right in the middle of the closet, light beams blaring out of a box with a fan lol.

Well they dont know. my dad doesnt even know I smoke bud, and Ive been doing it in my room for years... and a lot. my mom knows I smoke but she doesnt care.

my parents would both be pissed if they found out, I wouldnt be grounded or anything lol, but my dad would be hella disappointed, and my mom would be pissed Im using her lamp. It actually wouldnt be as big of a deal to them, if my dad wasnt already under investigation by the FBI, [not for something like robbing a bank, but he got in trouble because of something that happend at his job, and since hes the manager, he's in trouble (I work there and he did nothing wrong, the whole case is a lie, but thats besides the point; our house has been searched before, the first time when they came here looking for him)], and they checked my closet too, but that was before I grew].


Well-Known Member
lol well i always say it's just bud not crack or crystal. Wow and how do u keep ur room non smelly with tplant and u toking it in there


Well-Known Member
lol yeah, it is just bud, its not bad at all... some ignorant people just dont understand -_-.

but I have pretty much memorized my dads habits, and I can always predict on what days, and certain times he will come up to my room, like to ask me what I want from the store or something, so I try to always find a reason to go downstairs real fast so my dad asks me there, so I try to keep him out of my room as much as possible.

Other times I spray a bit of power stick body spray, and blame that for the smell, and he always says that stuff doesnt smell very good lol.

but suprisingly the plant doesnt smell too much, I have smelled it a bit sometimes around the grow box, but seldom, I only get a strong scent when I actually put my nose to the plants.


Elite Rolling Society
My Thread on Hydro bubbleponics and Advise here:

I am on my third grow, Bubbleponics, and I am doing everything different this time, going against all the rules just to experiment. I went from 24/7 to 12/12 in 2 hour a day increments, BIG WASTE OF TIME!!! I 'll always just jump from 24/7 to 12/12 from now on.
I started flowering at about 8 weeks, and had 3 plants in two tanks, one at two feet, one at 3 feet and one at 3 and half feet tall. I 'm going to get a nice BIG harvest too.
I leaned a lot about Oxygen, using Air Stones and changing water and nutes more often, as often as I can. Even if I am adding back the same water and nutes, it is a good idea to expose the roots to air (but not light) very often as possible. Gives you Growth Spurts. !!!


Well-Known Member
Welp I just went in to take the day 32 picuture, brought my camera as usuall. but me being a typical stoner, I ended up taking out the huge bucket, watering the plants, putting it all back and setting back up the lights and fan, and then I remembered ah shit forgot to take the picture. So this picture really sucks, I didnt bother taking the bucket out again, I just tried to aim between the lights.

the plants are looking great though.

I ripped off the leafs on one plant just as an experiment trying to top a sprout, and leafs are finally starting to grow back... the plant next to it, is taking off in growth... yes 2 plants in the same container, I dont care if they get stunted, its an experiment. the other plant growing under a single focused lamp and 23 watt cfl is doing very well as well.

the one I though for sure was dead, it might not be, I put it without light for 4 days, and it just drooped more, but today I decided to water it and put it in the box, so it will get some light, not a lot though, but it couldnt hurt to see what happens.

Ill post the picture tommorrow


Well-Known Member
I ripped off the leafs on one plant just as an experiment trying to top a sprout, and leafs are finally starting to grow back... the plant next to it, is taking off in growth... yes 2 plants in the same container, I dont care if they get stunted, its an experiment. the other plant growing under a single focused lamp and 23 watt cfl is doing very well as well.

the one I though for sure was dead, it might not be, I put it without light for 4 days, and it just drooped more, but today I decided to water it and put it in the box, so it will get some light, not a lot though, but it couldnt hurt to see what happens.

Ill post the picture tommorrow
:roll: :confused: :wall: :o :shock:
wow kid...just wow....

(Im really high but that right there stood out to me.)