First bho run chemdog x white rhino! How'd i do?


Well-Known Member
I used about a half oz of popcorn bud and a can and a half of butane. I'm not sure I that's how much I should have used but it was my first run so it's ok. I have done 3 water baths while I whipped it to try and purges by butane left. When you bring a flame to it it just melts and smokes, so that's good I think. Here's some pics so lemme know how I did. I wish y'all could smell it! It smell awesome . I'll post pics with flash and without



Well-Known Member
Just took it out if the freezer and it's a lot easier to pick up and hold and does really stick to my fingers. So maybe ill do it one more time and see if it will harden like shatter


Well-Known Member
Looks good! you dont need to whip it. Id just let it chill in a jar or the open air for a day to really let any excess butane evaporate.

I put mine on a mini cookie sheet on top of my toaster oven on low. It gets about 100 max and i let it sit for a few hours and it helps it evaporate some of the excess water and butane.


Well-Known Member
Don't put it n the freezer that's just faking it ha, try and purge it like the dude above me said get the heat around 100 and whip it and yes by dry I mean either or, shatter usually comes first then budder/crumble/honeycomb. Any of those would be nicer than that oil.


Well-Known Member
It's not oily like it looks I can pick it up and hold it in my hand without it turning into a sticky mess.
you only need 1 can per oz your running. If your really wanting to get into making it, I would recommend buying a vacuum for purging. one other tip, spread it out don't ball it up if your wanting to purge it.