First Auto Grow: Seedling started to flower (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Side by side of the 2 autos both the same age.

The other auto has been bent with one leaf clipped to let light hit the lower parts to help them branch out.

Also after looking into lights I am thinking a Timber 3VL will be a good buy. I am gunna keep looking but odds are I will be buying one soon


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable... these autogenes are out-of-whack, the plant isn't even stretching, quite to the contrary. Cant you just ask your friend which strains he did use (+ from where)?

As for new lights, perhaps wait a week then get the brandnew Grow Lights Australia 420 board - that would be top notch.


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable... these autogenes are out-of-whack, the plant isn't even stretching, quite to the contrary. Cant you just ask your friend which strains he did use (+ from where)?

As for new lights, perhaps wait a week then get the brandnew Grow Lights Australia 420 board - that would be top notch.
Ill ask next time I see him.

But yeah there doesn't seem to be much stretch. Her node space is tighter than pussy.


Well-Known Member
Ill ask next time I see him.

But yeah there doesn't seem to be much stretch. Her node space is tighter than pussy.
Thank you, very interesting altogether. Usually young/small plants stretch much more than older ones once flower hits, so this is most likely related. Or that plant puts it not into its length, but width.
The phyllotaxis seems be in order, I wonder if it is going to change?


Well-Known Member
Continued bud site development. Decent amount of trichs visible. Theres been a bit of stretching, but minimal.

On the flip side, the other Auto has surpassed it in size now, still has not showed sex.

They get 20 hours of light, 4 dark. Phd 6.2-6.5 distilled water. Neither have been fed and no nutes will be used unless signs of deficiency show. The soil is organic store bought Miracle Grow "Natures Care" with 0.15 - 0.13 - 0.15 NPK ratio.



Well-Known Member
27 days from seed. The unsexed plant has by far outgrew it's sister. It's responded well to bending. I am gunna let it stretch a bit more and do some more training. No signs of gender but has stretched quite a bit. The size difference has made it hard to keep lights equal distance so I have move them around alot to ry and rotate.


Well-Known Member
Surprised nobody touched on this .....

The reason that auto did what it did was from the grower ....
It was blasted with high / excessive nitrogen ( shiny dark leaf sets - on newer growth ) , N tox in autos can and do suffer from
undeveloped roots and stunt / slower growth. Autos always need less for proper growth. Most bagged mixes are charged enough to carry autos to harvest with minimal input. ( some top dress of same soil or simple dry fertilizer at intervals.

Autos will stress under heavy nute use and will resort to survival “ flower “ just to reach completion of life.
They need very little and hate any kind of unnecessary stress ( feed / overwater / heavy handed training , etc )
They just want to survive an average of 90 days.


Well-Known Member
Surprised nobody touched on this .....

The reason that auto did what it did was from the grower ....
It was blasted with high / excessive nitrogen ( shiny dark leaf sets - on newer growth ) , N tox in autos can and do suffer from
undeveloped roots and stunt / slower growth. Autos always need less for proper growth. Most bagged mixes are charged enough to carry autos to harvest with minimal input. ( some top dress of same soil or simple dry fertilizer at intervals.

Autos will stress under heavy nute use and will resort to survival “ flower “ just to reach completion of life.
They need very little and hate any kind of unnecessary stress ( feed / overwater / heavy handed training , etc )
They just want to survive an average of 90 days.
I won't rule that out, but the plant here flowered before ever being fed and the soil its in is a 1-1-1 organic soil with very little nutrition. It was germinated in the same pot it is in currently with ph'd distilled water.