First attempt with HSO Blue Dream - Height Restricting Techniques


New Member
Hey Everyone,

This is my first attempt at a HSO Blue Dream grow(Placed in a 24 inch tall Veggie Box, link to my grow setup on my signature).I just have a few questions to start off considering i'm not that far along with this little girl.

1.) Best method for limiting height(Read a lot of reviews stating that they can get pretty tall, along with reading several other threads).

2.) If I use one of these height restricting techniques, should this be avoided if i planned to make her a mother plant at some point?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks guys.:razz:

-Planted/Age: Jan. 3rd/3 days old (from when it came out of the ground)
-Strain: Blue Dream
-Techniques Used: None, s
o far.
View attachment 2956300


Well-Known Member
Research LST, and put her into flower as soon as you can.

Almost all strains 'stretch' between 2-3 times their size in the first 21-24 days of flower, so take that into consideration.

You can also use high-stress training techniques if they overgrow your area, my favourite being super-cropping.



New Member
Thanks for the reply Spek. We had been using the Screw And String LST method on one of our other plants which seemed to do pretty well. I'm hoping for this little seedling to be the potential mother. I have been looking through this thread for some ideas: (

Our attempt with the Screw and String method:

View attachment 2956657View attachment 2956681

*Not exactly sure on the strain.

The only thing I wonder is(on the Blue Dream seedling), will I be able to keep her from growing too out of control, or will i need to start looking more toward the HST(High Stress Training) you suggested?

I'd like to do Super Cropping at some point, might be something I'll need to look into for my next seedling/clone.



Well-Known Member
Might want to wait and see what pheno you have. I grew out HSO BD and she didnt get stretch at all she stayed really short and finished at 10 weeks


Well-Known Member
I am currently running 3 HSO blue dreams now. I have 2 pheno 1 tall and 2 shorter bushes. I supercropped all 3 of them in veg twice and they are strong, they stood back up after the supercropp. I would suggest if you are working with height restrictions I would suggest main-lining just because it seems to control any plants height due to its technique. The plants that I have are all over 24" closer to 32" for the bushes and over 40" on the tall one. Now take in to consideration that I have vegged my plants for 3 months so if you plan on only vegging for less time then LST and supercropping may work for you. Thats my 2 cents and good luck hope you get a whopper.