First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL


Well-Known Member
So I finally got a camera so I can record my baby's progress, I've been wanting to start a journal since the beginning but it would have been pointless without pictures.

I'll start with my set up and materials

Space is about 1.5 feet wide, 2 feet long, 2.5-3 feet tall. Space is in the corner of my room.

Materials available:
1 23 Watt CFL 1,600 lumens, 2,700k color with reflector
24 hour timer
various fertilizers
Scott's lawnsoil with Scott's Starter fertilizer built in
no humidity or ph tester

The Grow: I got bagseed from high quality buds, only reason it had few seeds is because one of the plants was a he/she. I wasn't really serious about this at the start, I was just fuckin around out of curiosity, now I love my baby. After I got the seed I germinated with wet paper towel over night and planted next day.
After like 2 days it broke soil, with seed off and tiny true leaves formed. This was either Jan. 10 or 11

Fast forward 2 weeks- now present day
Growth was pretty normal compared to other grow journals, so I wont cover the past 2 weeks very much. Had light on 24 hours per day and watered when top was dry. Light is about 2 inches away from top. Yesterday I transplanted to larger pot and added couple drops of molasses to liter of water and added to pot. Plant is 2 weeks and couple days old, has faint skunk smell and very fuzzy stem.

I have taken pics of plant and set up, I just need to upload to computer. My next post will have all the pics, should be up within couple hours

*edit* just wanted to add the strain. according to my friend that grew it, it should be personal phenotype of OG Kush which he decided to name OG 101.
I sampled the nug it came out of and it taste like kush and felt like kush and looked like kush so im pretty sure its some type of kush, even though it wasnt sinsemilla it was still covered in trichomes and got me nice and stoney, i can't wait to see how my sinsemilla version will be.

any and all advice or questions are appreciated


Well-Known Member
Got the pics up.

Just tried to get various angles, one pic is my grow area, and one pic is the fertilizer I have

*edit* the date is wrong, this camera is really old and shitty, I didn't bother setting the date.

also I changed the light time to include 3 hours of darkness starting the night I transplanted, I wanted to give it a little time to rest at night because of the transplant and also I am going to flower in about a week so it wont go straight to 12/12 from 24/0, I am gonna change to 18/6 in Feb. 1st and then 12/12 Feb. 4th or so



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that during the brightest part of the day I keep my plant outside to let it get the much stronger sunlight, I would say 3-4 hours per day, the rest is CFL.


Well-Known Member
Get Dutch Master reverse spray, amazon it for like 25 bucks shipped. If you're growing bag seed there is a chance of being hermaphite, Reverse spray will make it female, it'll not make a male female lol. Good luck man, looks good so far.


Well-Known Member
Get Dutch Master reverse spray, amazon it for like 25 bucks shipped. If you're growing bag seed there is a chance of being hermaphite, Reverse spray will make it female, it'll not make a male female lol. Good luck man, looks good so far.
I have zero funds, all my supplies were already in my garage. If I had 25 bucks I would buy a 48 or 60 watt CFL and a socket splitter


Well-Known Member
dang that plant is looking nice man. i secretly love ghetto grows :)
thanks, I think I'm doin alright so far, pretty much just winging it as I go.

Update: the leaf branches are turning reddish purple, hope this is normal, everything else looks healthy. I'll try to get the redness in a pic next time I upload


Well-Known Member
ewhy does it say 1997 ? ha ha is this your grow journal , im sorry im a little stoned lol


Well-Known Member
ewhy does it say 1997 ? ha ha is this your grow journal , im sorry im a little stoned lol
hahaha its the camera, its like 10 years old and fucked up, resets the date every time it turns on so I just dont mess with it. I said that somewhere in one of my posts


Well-Known Member
havent thought too far into the future, just goin day by day, if anyone has suggestions I would appreciate it.

also I watered this morning, soil was pretty dry a finger down.

She is looking amazing. Pretty sure it is no longer shocked from the transplant because growth is back up and color is a wonderful shade of green. Fourth set of leaves is growing and 3rd set is bigger, you can easily see the 5 fingers. I'll take pics tomorrow, it's momma's birthday today.


Well-Known Member
he already posted some senor student. lol but man id have somewhat of a plan if i were you for odor control. like just in case


Well-Known Member
Update: I upgraded my grow area slightly by adding white walls all around the plant to reflect light. Timer was 20/4 last night, tonight will be 19/5, tomorrow 18/6 and so on. Stem is getting very sturdy. Also I need to name my baby.

My next post should have new pics and the baby's name.


Well-Known Member
wait whats the theory behind switching the light cycles everday? sorry i ask so many questions
It's just somethin I thought might help, because I was planning on flowering soon and I didn't want to shock the plant by going from 24 hours of light per day straight to 12 hours the next night. So I am gradually lowering the amount if light it gets until I get to 12/12. And no problem with the questions, ask away, have you ever met a new parent that did NOT want to talk about their new baby?

ALSO: I just finished snapping some pics, should be up later today or possibly tomorrow, depending on how busy I am.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt switching more abruptly to 12/12 make it react quicker, i was 24/0 and switched straight to 12/12, with no issues,


Well-Known Member
thats legit, who knows if it makes a positive difference, maybe ill try the same thing next time, im actually gunna o check on my babies tonight